Thursday, October 13, 2022

Swan song for Charles Santiago?

Swan song for Charles Santiago?

Party wishes seem to trump three-term Klang MP’s stellar record

Charles Santiago has received the support of several Chinese associations, including the Wu Descendants Association of Pantai Klang, and is believed to be the only non-Chinese adviser of the National Lion Dance Association. – The Vibes pic, October 13, 2022

PETALING JAYA – Selangor DAP will be deciding over the weekend if Charles Santiago gets a shot to defend his seat as Klang MP.

One of the more successful DAP MPs, Santiago has been widely regarded as a hands-on MP who has solved many of the constituency’s issues since he was elected in 2008.

He has since defended the seat of over 210,000 registered voters by increasing majorities.

In fact, 2008 saw Santiago break Barisan Nasional’s (BN) three-term hold on the constituency when he defeated MCA’s Ch’ng Toh Eng with a resounding 17,701 majority out of a turnout of 59,279.

In 2013, he defended his seat against Teh Kim Poo, with an increased majority of 24,685, while the last election in 2018 saw the incumbent take a whopping 78,773 majority over challengers Ching Eu Boon (BN), Khairul Shah Abdullah (PAS), and independent G. Puvananderan.

This is why some are wondering why DAP is even harbouring any thoughts of replacing him.

Questions were asked when constituents noticed Seri Kembangan assemblyman and former state executive councillor Ean Yong Hian Wah canvassing the constituency with the intention of presenting himself as a replacement for Santiago.

In an immediate response to over the speculation The Vibes’ sister Bahasa Malaysia portal Getaran, Yong said that at the moment, no decision regarding his possible candidacy in Klang has been made by the top brass, adding that any decision will be made by the party leadership.

“No comment, no comment, this was not my decision. No comment.”

This will inadvertently put Yong’s own service record in Seri Kembangan under scrutiny and the party leadership on the backfoot on questions as to why he is better than Santiago as a candidate to serve Klang.

Previous reports had even alluded to talk among certain quarters in DAP that Klang needs a Chinese MP – despite Santiago being in the forefront of addressing community issues, from feeding needy constituents during the Covid-19 lockdowns and municipal issues to flooding problems, the last of which has become a growing concern and possible election issue in this general election campaign.

When contacted, Santiago said he has not had any discussions with the party leadership on his future.

“I have not been told anything by the party leadership. But if the decision is indeed to replace me, then the people of Klang who have been supporting us all this while deserve to know why.”

Santiago has meanwhile received the support of several Chinese associations, including the Wu Descendants Association of Pantai Klang at a dinner over the weekend.

He is also being hosted at a luncheon tomorrow by several other Chinese organisations.

He is also believed to be the only non-Chinese adviser of the National Lion Dance Association.

DAP’s candidates list, meanwhile, is expected to be finalised over the weekend and submitted to the newly formed five-member selection panel on October 17.

The panel comprises party chairman Lim Guan Eng, deputy Gobind Singh Deo, secretary-general Anthony Loke, vice-president M. Kulasegaran, and national vice-chairman Nga Kor Ming. – The Vibes, October 13, 2022


  1. Three terms should be enough, unless he is one of the Core Leaders.

  2. At a time of great uncertainty, it is stupid to move an incumbent who has been returned with increasing majorities.

    If Santiago is reaching 80 years old, then it makes sense to groom a replacement. But, this is not the case here.

    That there has not been a discussion with Santiago on the party's direction reflects very poorly on DAP's hierarchy.
