Friday, October 14, 2022

Palestinian leader does not trust America but happy with Russia

Palestinian leader does not trust America but happy with Russia

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas met Russian President Vladmir Putin today, restating his mistrust of Washington in resolving the conflict with Israel and expressing appreciation for Russia's role.

Abbas (left) reiterated his support for the so-called Quartet of international mediators - Russia, the US, the United Nations and the European Union - but said the US could not be left a free hand to act alone.

"We don't trust America and you know our position. We don't trust it, we don't rely on it, and under no circumstances can we accept that America is the sole party in resolving a problem," Abbas told Putin at the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) in Kazakhstan.

"It can be within the Quartet since it is a great country but we will never accept it as the only one," he said, in televised remarks.

The comments echo the 87-year-old Palestinian leader's longstanding suspicion of the US, Israel's main ally, but come as President Joe Biden has stepped up efforts to isolate Russia over its attack on Ukraine.

Abbas said he was "completely satisfied" with Russia's position towards the Palestinian people.

Russian President Vladmir Putin

"Russia stands by justice and international law and that is enough for us," he said.

"When you say you stand by international legitimacy, this is enough for me and that is what I want. Therefore, we are happy and satisfied with the Russian position”.

- Reuters


  1. For decades, the Soviet Union played a key role in training and supporting Palestinian terrorists.

    Russia simply took over the same role.

    1. Wakakakaka…

      Yr version of that f*cked MiddleEast geopolitics!

      Go check who initiated the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, al-Qaeda, ISIL etc. All these wacko political groupings have yr uncle Sam's dirty hands in bootstrapping their growths. & They all happened long before the involvements of SovietUnion & Russia!
