Saturday, March 8, 2025
ORANG MELAYU MESTI BACA - "To be an enemy of the US is dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal" - Henry Kissinger
The direct effect of the US cutting off all intelligence sharing (satellite surveillance, electronic eavesdropping, radar detection) from the Ukrainian Armed Forces is beginning to be felt directly by Ukrainian troops on the ground.
Ukrainian troops now have no intel on Russian troop movements as a result of which numbers of Russian troops launched a massive attack in a place called Chasiv Yar and destroyed numbers of Ukrainian troops and equipment. (In the video above).
Once again the famous quip by Henry Kissinger is now coming true : "To be an enemy of the US is dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal".
The problem with America as a "friend" is that their governments (presidents) keep changing. And when a new president takes over their entire foreign policy and other policies can change overnite. And the fate of countries who were riding on the American wagon.
Or the same president can change his mind. Here is a short list of 'about turns' by the Americans.
1. Bay of Pigs Fiasco
In 1961 President Kennedy authorised the CIA's invasion of Cuba at the Bay of Pigs (Bahia Cochino). Over 1,400 Cubans financed and armed by the CIA landed at the Bay of Pigs to overthrow Fidel Castro. At the last minute Kennedy got cold feet. After the Cubans had landed on the beach the US cancelled the most important air support. Without air cover the Cuban exiles were killed and captured easily by Castro's troops. Vengeance for the Bay of Pigs fiasco most likely led to Kennedy's assassination in 1963 (by the CIA, the Mafia who had huge gambling investments in Havana).
2. Sudden withdrawal from the Kyoto Protocols 2001 / Global Warming
The US unilaterally withdrew from the Kyoto Protocols in 2001 (global warming). It had significant effects on both the global environment and international climate policy. The Kyoto Protocol was adopted in 1997 to reduce greenhouse gas emissions globally to combat climate change. For eight years (under Bill Clinton and Al Gore) the US was the insane champion of globbal warming. Al Gore launched and made hundreds of millions of US Dollars from the carbon credits scam (today known as zero carbon),
Many really stupid and idiotic Third World countries like Malaysia also jumped on the global warming, the sky is falling garbage. It cost everyone hundreds and billions of dollars in extra costs, lost development opportunities, shutting down entire industries, cannot recycle, cannot cut trees, cannot develop plantation agriculture and all kinds of crap.
Now President Trump has finally shut the lid on this global warming coffin. Officially there is no more global warming in the USA anymore. President Trump has signed an Executive Order A B A N D O N I N G all compliance with the Zero Carbon targets (by 2050??)
Sadly many really stupid and idiotic Third World countries (who think they are super developed, First World countries) are still holding on to the Zero Carbon target bullshit.
This includes that RM4.5 BILLION carbon capture project by our very own dunggus which is going to be a totally useless and failed project. 10% of RM4.5 BILLION is RM450 million.
3. Unilateral Cancellation of Anti Missile Treaty
In 2002 the United States' unilaterally withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty with Russia which was signed in 1972. WHY? So the Russians had no choice but to go ahead and develop super duper ballistic missiles like the Sarmat (aka Satan), the Mach 17 - Mach 20 Khinzal and Avangaard missiles against which America has absolutely no defense.
4. 1990 Invasion of Iraq.
The US invaded Iraq for the first time in 1990. While they were in Iraq they armed the Kurds and other minorities against Saddam Hussein. Then just as suddenly the US left Iraq - abandoning the Kurds and the other minorities to terrible retribution from Saddam Hussein. Just like how the Cubans were abandoned in the Bay of Pigs in 1961.
5. Second Invasion of Iraq 2003
The US invaded Iraq for a second time in 2003. They stayed until 2011 and then packed up again and left. They did not achieve much. As a result the ISIS popped up in Iraq (2013?) and began chopping peoples' heads. So in 2014 the US had to go back on the ground and mop up the ISIS. Finally President Trump wiped out the ISIS circa 2020.
6. The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement or TPPA (2008).
Do you all recall Obama's TPPA? I was involved in at least two 'town hall' meetings about the TPPA (because I was once a consultant to the National Economic Action Council and also because i was a blogger). I was totally opposed to the TPPA. It made no sense because it was 'top secret'. They refused to divulge how exactly the TPPA would benefit us. One 'Dato Donkey' - who was DG of Information at that time - called me a pengkhianat for opposing Malaysia's participation in the TPPA. Those were the 'dont know anything' idiots who still inhabit the corridors of the dangdut clubs.
Then suddenly the about turn. When Donald Trump was elected President in 2016 he just cancelled the TPPA. That was the end of the TPPA. No more TPPA until today.
6. Occupation of Afghanistan 2001 - 2021
The US occupied Afghanistan for 20 years from 2001 until 2021. Then in 2021 they left suddenly in the middle of the night. The Taliban took over Afghanistan. Afghanistan is back to square one. What did the Americans achieve over 20 years? Nothing.
7. Donald Trump has effectively quit everything.
Now Donald Trump has effectively quit from everything.
1. The US has quit from the World Health Organisation.2. The US is close to quitting from the United Nations.
3. The US has effectively quit from NATO.
4. The US is now an ally of Russia (they were enemies until January 20th 2025).
5. The US has quit from arming Ukraine, thus abandoning Ukraine to military disaster.
6. The US has quit from all global warming, Zero Carbon bullshit.
7. The US has quit all the 'woke' crap.
Henry Kissinger said : "To be an enemy of the US is dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal".
But lets learn something useful from this. To all you Third World monkeys who get so easily impressed by the US, by the West, by Europe you are just that - Third World monkeys.
First the Mat Sallehs steal the bananas from your backyard and then you start fighting over the banana peels which they throw back at you. How stupid can you get? Third World monkeys.

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