Monday, March 24, 2025

After "Kavadi Slur" And "Puasa Slap", Prof Asks: "Why Are Muftis And 'Muslim Leaders' So Silent...?!!"

After "Kavadi Slur" And "Puasa Slap", Prof Asks: "Why Are Muftis And 'Muslim Leaders' So Silent...?!!"

24 Mar 2025 • 8:00 AM MYT

JK Joseph
Repentant ex-banker who believes in truth, compassion and some humour

Photos strictly for illustration only. Prof Mohd Tajuddin, PM Anwar and highly popular Perlis Mufti Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin. Credit Image: Sinar Harian / Harakah Daily (Foto: Matakanta Photography) /

The prognosis for the country seems grim unless clerics and influential Malay-Muslim leader s/politicians, intervene to rewrite the narrative..!!

In a hard-hitting post in his YouTube channel, popular academic Prof Dr Mohd Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi has opined that following a spate of disturbing incidents like the recent slapping of a young Chinese student (1.24) by an elderly Muslim man in Johor during Ramadan (fasting month), the situation here in this country will only get worse (4.27).

Amazingly, it has only been three weeks since another highly controversial incident involving the DJs at Era FM, allegedly mocking the Hindu Thaipusam “Kavadi” ritual in a video, hit the headlines!

Thus, according to the well-known academic, he is not surprised at all that such provocative incidents seemed to have become normalised in this diverse, multi-religious country, thanks to the antics of some irresponsible actors, especially politicians from certain major Malay-Muslim-centric parties in this country who often project themselves as warriors for their race and religion but are actually cowards (7.28).

Always threatening and looking for a fight (5.10)… while hiding behind their social media page?

Prof Tajuddin also pointed out that the key to reining in the Malay-Muslim mindset in these matters is actually in the hands of the muftis and influential Malay-Muslim politicians and scholars; he added that it will be futile to hope PM Anwar to do much as he can't exert control over politicians from other political parties.

In that context, he expressed his disappointment at the muftis and religious leaders because instead of reprimanding Muslims when they stepped out of line they often choose to be totally silent (11.30).

He went on to cite the incidents of fire bombs thrown at KK Mart (2.58) at the height of the “Allah socks" controversy which caused a great deal of tension and disharmony in society.

Not mincing words, Prof Tajuddin also took former premier Dr Mahathir to task for often pushing the narrative that the non-Malays are not loyal to the country (10.05) which gave the impression that the Chinese, Indians and others in this country are not fit to be in the same “rank” as the Malays! However, he reminded that many non-Malays have served the country in the armed forces, navy etc.

Did the politicians who questioned the loyalty of non-Malays ever held guns (10.57) (and sacrificed their lives for this country)?

Former premier and ex-statesman Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Credit Image: Arab News (Reuters report)

Coming back to the recent controversy over the elderly Malay man in religious attire slapping an innocent young Chinese student (13.04) having a bite at a Family Mart outlet in Johor Bahru, the irate professor went on to ask: who asked the Muslim man to go into a restaurant and scold another person for eating there? Shouldn't he refrain from going to such places (during fasting month) and wait till it's time to break fast (13.18)?

Prof Tajuddin further highlighted that it was pointless for people like the Unity Minister (15.22) to issue statements on such issues as it will only cause some Malay-Muslims to resent; in fact, according to him, it might even embolden them (16.30) to make matters worse.

Finally, he warned that unless clerics and religious leaders/scholars come out to advise and guide the Malay-Muslims (16.10) in the country there is not much hope, and worse incidents may happen - including the loss of lives (17.00) - before people come to their senses!

Meanwhile, prominent activist and lawyer Siti Kasim also appeared to echo the professor's sentiments on the latest controversy and wondered: what sort of Islam is being taught and allowed in this country (13.33) to the extent that a non-Muslim can be slapped (for not fasting)?

The inimitable Siti Kasim. Screenshot: YouTube (Siti Kasim)

How do we curb “religious ketuanan” in this country?

In her typical no-holds-barred fashion, Siti challenged the current leaders (14.56) by asking: does the (Madani) government actually support the actions of some (self-righteous) Muslim hardliners in this country who seemed to be increasing in numbers?

She then added that instead of all the empty talk, when will it actually start doing something to alter their mindset (15.05), to make them more rational and more Islamic, as what the Quran teaches?

Shockingly, last Friday (March 21) yet another slapping incident made the headlines; this time it involved two men, seemingly in some religious garb, and a security guard, with the latter becoming the latest recipient!

Credit Image: The Vibes

So, who'll be the next one?

In conclusion, the message seems clear that the only way to mitigate this malady is for influential religious Muslim leaders, including muftis, to intervene and curb the growth of religious “ketuanan” in this country; but will PM Anwar heed the warning and rope those leaders in to help turn the tide, before similar slapping incidents escalate into something more critical that could spark civil strife…?

Main information source: YouTube (Prof Tajuddin), YouTube (Siti Kasim) and The Vibes.

1 comment:

  1. Kaffirs ain't ummah thus r not human. & their deviant practices can't be tolerated in a zombieic society!
