Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Siti Kasim gets to the bottom of why Malay Muslims are getting irrational, feeling entitled to be law enforcer

Siti Kasim gets to the bottom of why Malay Muslims are getting irrational, feeling entitled to be law enforcer

SHORT of calling the perpetrators “walking time bombs”, human rights activist and lawyer Siti Kasim is least surprised at the rate of certain Malay Muslims are rekindling the Ketuanan Melayu (Malay supremacy) mentality while feeling entitled to take laws into their own hands.

Very much akin to the proverbial “the fish rots from the head down”, she blamed the double standards or two-tier policing of the Madani government as giving leeway or emboldening Muslim fanatics to enforce laws according to their whims and fancies.

While most Malays belong to the “chilled” type, Siti Kasim attributed the deteriorating situation that Malaysia is witnessing today to the relevant authorities turning a blind eye to “extremist ustaz and Muslim preachers who undermine other religions, the latest being Zamri Vinoth”.

“The situation is getting from bad to worse with each passing year with certain Malay Muslims harbouring the thoughts that they control Malaysia or Malaysia belongs solely to them, hence other races must kowtow to them,” she observed in her latest YouTube rant.

Such mentality eventually makes certain quarters of the Malay Muslim community bolder, according to Siti Kasim, alluding to the recent slapping incident of the Sarawakian Chinese undergraduate at the Family Mart convenience store in Johor Bahru which has sparked outrage across the entire nation.

“This explains why there is no feeling of guilt nor remorse with regard to the action of the senior citizen who slapped the boy … Or in the case of a kopiah and robe-clad Pak Arab-like figure who have no qualms throwing punches till fracturing the nose of an underaged driver at will.,” she justified.

“These people may be taking the cue from our government letting off the perpetrates who undermine the religion of others with its no further action (NFA) policy but once you harped on Islam which diverts from the mainstream, swift action will come your way.”

Likewise, Siti Kasim said the notion of moral policing is cultivated in the mind of Malay Muslims with the perception that every non-fasting Muslims should be punished when there is no mention “whatsoever in the Quran nor Hadith that people who don’t fast during Ramadan should be subject to physical punishment”.

“I can’t fathom why is the government so keen to waste taxpayers’ money to nab those who are not fasting,” lamented the Orang Asli advocate.

“I fully disagree with such measure as those detained were not even eating in public but at discreet places … secondly, if they have sinned, this is a private matter between them and God.

“Instead of doing good, the action of religious authorities who portray themselves as God is only painting an ugly impression of Islam in the eyes of non-Muslims.”

At the end of the day, Siti Kasim wondered what sort of Islam is being taught in Malaysia till certain Malay Muslims feel obliged to take laws into their own hands.

We need to delve deeper as to why those who believe in upholding the ‘Ketuanan Melayu’ concept are increasing in numbers.

We’ve to ask if the government of the day condones such mentality to fester … if not what it is doing to curb such detrimental mentality so that Malay Muslims can start thinking rationally or becoming more Islamic as expounded by the Quran instead of just listening to the ‘Pak Lebai’.

Is the government going to help our nation to be more rational in our thinking especially among Malay Muslims?

I want to see what the government will do or will it only sit back by leaving things as they’re now while continue to brainwash both the young and old Malays through ceramah in surau, mainstream media, social media, etc.

If you’re sincere in wanting to change the mindset of the society, you’ve to start by informing them the truth … But if status quo prevails, then I’m afraid that our nation is doomed.”
– March 19, 2025


  1. Fear of been challenged & overtaken while incubating with the deep understanding of their all-round 'capabilities' resulting in the creation of ketuanan mentality
    The knowns meme the concept. The blurreds enforce it!

  2. "human rights activist" my foot. Not once has she spoken of the plight of the Palestinians whenever she brings up the Gaza crisis. Not once. Her tone is actually very much that of a Zionist. When the government wanted to fly in a small number of injured Palestinians for treatment, she denied there was a genocide going, sneering instead that if Israel wanted to wipe Gaza off the map (along with its inhabitants) they could have done it in 3 days. By the sheerest of 'coincidences', a recent interview between Mehdi Hassan and former 2020 Republican Party presidential candidate Joe Walsh, he uttered the same remarks, which prompted Mehdi to say that that was the most disgusting thing he ever heard. Siti also described the Palestinian prisoners as terrorists – a label happily applied to all Palestinians by the Zionist-controlled media. Even the detractors of Zionism in the West, which includes secular and orthodox Jews, can point out the insidious ways in which this media uses subltle deceptions to discriminate and dehumanize – a Palestinian captured by the Israelis is a PRISONER, while an Israeli captured by Palestinians is a HOSTAGE. When a Palestinian falls in battle, he DIED. When an Israeli falls under the same circumstances, he is KILLED. And if you cannot tell the difference between the two, then you have, willy-nilly being indoctrinated with Zionism. You have blissfully sleepwalked into the Zionist web of deception and did not even realise it.
