Friday, March 14, 2025

Race and religious tension: time to accept that we are all feeling hurt, and we are all blaming each other for it

Race and religious tension: time to accept that we are all feeling hurt, and we are all blaming each other for it

14 Mar 2025 • 11:00 AM MYT

Writer. Seeker. Teacher

Image credit: The Vibes

Did the trio of Era FM DJ’s had any intention to insult the Hindu religion with their antics?

Most likely not.

I think we can all clearly see in the video that their intentions were just to entertain themselves amongst their friends and colleagues, while at the same time, come up with some content to post on social media, on account of it being their job to come up with content to post on social media.

The fact that the one guy was dancing while the word vel vel was being uttered and the people around were laughing, was likely something coincidental, or something that came out in a flow or in the spur of the moment, without anyone having any desire to cause offense or grievance to anyone else.

The problem though, is that everybody from Harith Iskandar to the person who was responsible for purchasing the controversial KK Mart socks to the person or persons who decided to label the Ham sandwich sold in KK Mart as halal probably did not have any ill intentions either.

Harith probably just wanted people to take things easy and not be so tightly wound up.

The purchaser who purchased the controversial socks for KK Mart was probably just thinking about doing his or her job and get a socks that will provide value for money.

The Ham sandwich supplier probably did not have an iota of desire to make the Muslims to break their religious obligation by eating non-halal foodstuff – he or she or they probably genuinely thought that what they were serving is halal foodstuff.

Heck, for all you know, even Zakir Naik might actually be sincere in doing what he is doing, to save my heathen soul from being tormented by the fires of hell for perpetuity.

But that being said, the grievance that they caused was also genuine.

As it is often said, the road to perdition is paved with good intentions indeed.

The Malaysian Hindus actually were genuinely hurt by the view that the trio of DJ's were mocking a cherished Hindu ritual, although the trio of DJ’s had no intention to mock the Hindus, and they probably had grounds to take offense – why else would three Malay Muslims in a Malay radio station need to come out with a video where someone was chanting vel vel, while someone else was dancing in an silly fashion, and everybody else was laughing?

Just because the KK Mart purchaser was just focused on doing his or her job of getting a good deal on some socks, without really paying too much attention to what was imprinted on the socks, it doesn’t mean that the Muslims were not upset by the view that a sacred symbol associated with their beliefs and identity, was imprinted on a material that was going to end up being on someone’s foot.

Even if the ham sandwich supplier genuinely thought that the ham sandwich they were labelling as halal was not going to infringe on a Muslim’s dietary law, it didn’t mean that the Muslims were not genuinely upset that the non-Muslims suppliers and distributors of the sandwich used a term which they likely only had a superficial understanding of, in such a bold and confident manner.

Also, there is also the case of our government being too eager to play to the gallery, without really concerning themselves with the implication of their actions.

When the authorities were quick to react against the KK Mart socks or Ham sandwich issue, likely for the purpose of placating the hurt sentiments of a segment of the population, although they were likely aware that KK Mart genuinely had no ill intentions in doing what it did, what else can it expect the Malaysian Hindus to do, other than expect it to also act in swift manner to placate their sentiment in the issue involving ERA FM, even if they were aware that what the DJ’s did was probably done without ill intentions?

At the crux of the issue also lies the matter of lack of good intentions between the various communities in the country.

Whatever be the reason, I think it is about time that we start realising and accepting that the relationship between the different racial and religious groups in the country is not good, and thus do what is appropriate to address it accordingly.

As long as we keep on pretending that all is well, by thinking something delusional like “actually, all of us on the ground don’t have a racial and religious problem with each other – we actually love and cherish each other very much – it is just our politicians that are sowing the seeds of division and hatred in us,” this sort of issue with KK Mart, Harith Iskandar or Era FM is likely going to happen again and again and again, and each time it happens, it is going to cause us to inch closer to a point where we are going to do something that we are going to regret forever.

“Know the truth and let the truth set you free.”

The only way to prevent us from slowly inching to a disaster, is just accept the truth that all of us are feeling hurt, taken advantage of and betrayed, and the people that we are blaming for causing us to feel this way are each other.

Accepting that, it is perhaps time that we start admitting to ourselves and each other that we are holding an increasing amount of anger and resentment in us, which is reducing our good will and trust, as well as increasing our ill will and suspicion, of each other.

Once we admit that, then perhaps we should start building more walls and bridges amongst ourselves, in a wise and discerning manner.

Building walls is only a bad thing to do amongst people that trust and respect each other. Where trust and respect is lacking, building walls is actually a good idea. It is only good for people who trust and respect each other to mingle and interact with each other without restriction. People who don’t trust and respect each other fully, are wise to restrain themselves from being too free with each other.

Other than that, like Pusat Komas said, maybe it will be good to create such a thing as a National Harmony Commission, to build a bridge amongst us.

Sometimes the problem with us Malaysians, is that we tend to believe too conveniently that we are a good and strong people.

Thinking so, we assume rather foolishly, that we can take a lot of stress from other people and that we bring nothing but joy to others, in our interaction with them.

Maybe it is time to be more realistic and realise that actually, we might not be as good and strong as we assume we are.

Neither are we always a source of joy to others nor are we capable of handling as much stress as we think we are capable of handling.

Rather, it might be the case that associating with us might cause others to feel more stress than joy, while associating with them is chipping away our strength and leaving us vulnerable to such negative emotions as ill will and suspicion.

Once we accept ourselves as we are, then we might be in a better position to take the necessary precautions to make things better and stop things from getting worse.

As a wise man said “ it is better to be a rising ape than a fallen angel.”

If we accept that we are hurt and a source of hurt to others, it might make us see ourselves as apes, but it will also set the conditions for us to rise and reconcile ourselves with our humanity in the future.

If we keep delusionally believing that we are angels, we are only going to fall, and you know they call a fallen angel amongst the Semitic religions – a demon.

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