Sunday, March 23, 2025

PAS open to non-Muslims, but Hadi slams DAP for attacking Muslim rights

PAS open to non-Muslims, but Hadi slams DAP for attacking Muslim rights

PAS is willing to cooperate with non-Muslims who are not extreme đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚ and accept Islamic leadership in Malaysia, as the land was historically owned by Muslims before colonial rule.

kt recalls:
(i) Muslim rule before colonial rule
(ii) Hindu-Buddhist rule before Islam arrived
(iii) Aborigine ownership before Hindu-Buddhist rule

This is what PAS leader Tan Sri Abdul Hadi Awang said in an op-ed in Harakahdaily. In the article, Hadi insisted that today’s liberal groups dominating national politics are undermining the system that upholds Islamic rights.

They boldly oppose Islam under the guise of freedom and democracy, overstepping the boundaries of Islamic sovereignty and the position of Malay rulers while following a colonial agenda, he added.

“We are facing a test as the DAP openly opposes Islam, asserting in its constitution the marginalisation of Islam from national sovereignty and continuing the policies of former colonisers.

“Additionally, its leaders publicly reject the implementation of Islam in the states, even when it only concerns Muslims,” he wrote.

He said past cooperation between DAP and PAS was based on shared opposition to corruption, but DAP’s rejection of true Islamic principles, as per the Federal Constitution, ended that alliance.

Some PAS followers who joined DAP either silenced Islamic struggles or weakly opposed wrongdoing, risking divine condemnation.

“As for the PAS followers who were dragged out with DAP, they consist of those who want to silence the open struggle for Islam or take the weakest stance against wrongdoing or those willing to be mute devils toward evil or hide the truth of Islam they know, thus incurring divine curse.”

He also attacked the proposed 10-year term limit for the Prime Minister (PM) Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, which he said is receiving widespread support despite ignoring the greater responsibility of upholding Islam as mandated by Allah to lead the nation.

He added that the proposed term limit for the PM is a proposal from DAP. — March 22, 2025


Flabbergasting - Pak Hadi asserted that Allah swt opposes "proposed 10-year term limit for the Prime Minister".

Also as espoused by Tawfik Ismail (son of late Tun Dr Ismail), Pak Hadi has been invited to show the Quranic quotation which said Allah opposes the proposed "10-year limit" for the PM office.

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