Wednesday, April 03, 2024

Ramsamy wonders if a public inquiry is necessary on the shooting of five robbery suspects in Putra Heights?

Ramsamy wonders if a public inquiry is necessary on the shooting of five robbery suspects in Putra Heights?

By Prof Ramasamy Palanisamy

FIVE individuals were shot dead by the police on the night of March 29 in Putra Heights, Selangor. The five were within the age group of 25 to 30 years.

According to Selangor police Datuk Hussein Omar Khan, the five persons were believed involved in over 50 robberies in the Klang Valley.

They belonged to the “Ninja Van Gang” infamous for robberies of business premises, factory, homes and others since 2022. They were assisted by other gang members.

The police claimed that the men in a car behaved suspiciously before they were asked to stop. But unfortunately, the men shot at the police and in the return fire by the police, all were shot dead.

What the police are saying might be true – that those shot dead might have had extensive police criminal records, association with other gang members in robberies and intimidation and others.

However, the public needs to know who these individuals were, their background, where did they come from and most importantly what were their crimes.

If their crimes were extensive, then the public has the right to know about these crimes. I am not questioning the police but the police need to be transparent on matters of life and death.

Prof Ramasamy Palanisamy

Independent inquiry

There have been too many cases of police shootings in the past that merely relied on the police version of what happened.

Surely, apart from the police account, shouldn’t there be inquiry by the relevant departments as what actually transpired on the fateful night of March 29?

The police force is not the police force of yesteryears. The personnel are better educated and have a professional outlook when it comes to the discharging of their duties and responsibilities.

There can be no compromise on crimes. I am sure the police are taught and trained to minimise the use of firearms unless of the circumstances are beyond their control.

Therefore, was there a necessity for the police to go for the kill in the shooting of the five individuals? Couldn’t they have been disarmed and apprehended?

Of course, since the police have given their version as the deaths of the five robbers, they will stick with it. This is why there is need for an independent inquiry by the relevant government departments.

The United Rights of the Malaysian Party (Urimai) will be taking keen interest to ascertain as to what really happened.

If possible, the family members will be contacted to get the background of the individuals concerned. If public inquiry is not forthcoming, then it might necessitate a court ordered inquiry on the matter. – April 3, 2024

Former DAP stalwart and Penang chief minister II Prof Ramasamy Palanisamy is chairman of the Urimai (United Rights of Malaysian Party) Interim Council.

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