Monday, September 04, 2023

Why is the US sending bombs banned in 111 countries to Ukraine?

al Jazeera:

Why is the US sending bombs banned in 111 countries to Ukraine?

The controversial bombs often lead to civilian deaths. Is the US crossing an ethical line by sending them to Ukraine?

An unexploded tail section of a 300mm rocket that appears to contain cluster bombs is embedded in the ground after shelling in Lysychansk in eastern Ukraine's Luhansk region on April 11, 2022 [File: Anatolii Stepanov/AFP]

Published On 4 Aug 20234 Aug 2023

Despite the objections of lawmakers and some allies, the United States government is providing Ukraine with cluster bombs that the US itself hasn’t used since 2003. The US says it’s a necessary measure to help Ukraine protect itself — but the bombs, which are known to often cause civilian deaths, are banned by more than 100 countries. 

The Ukrainian government has promised that the weapons will not be used in populated areas, but there are already reports to the contrary. So has the US crossed an ethical line by sending these weapons to Ukraine?


kt comments:

Wankees have also provided Ukraine with depleted uranium munitions, which consequential effects have been radioactivity illness for the local inhabitants.

The Wankees have no moral conscience whatsoever, having notoriously earned her stripes from experiences gleaned during (from Wikipedia) the Colorado territorial militia’s slaughter of Cheyennes at Sand Creek (1864) and the army’s slaughter of Shoshones at Bear River (1863), Blackfeet on the Marias River (1870), and Lakotas at Wounded Knee (1890). Some scholars have begun referring to these events as “genocidal massacres,” defined as the annihilation of a portion of a larger group, sometimes to provide a lesson to the larger group."

Additionally the Wankees have become the World's arch villain in the feral atrocities & mass murders-slaughters committed at My Lai, projects such as Phoenix Program of unaccountable kidnappings and murders (assassinations) and other equally murderous programs like Agent Orange.

We mustn't forget the Wankee wickedness and immorality conducted in the Bagram Air Base torture notoriety where even innocent locals were tortured to death; this evilness occurred too at Abu Ghraib & Guantanamo Bay.

Then there have been kidnapping, torture and unaccounted murders of foreigners in the US 'extraordinary rendition' project, which incidentally the United Nations Convention Against Torture prohibits, and which the United States Senate ratified at the urging of then-President Reagan, and shamefully, which a 1998 US federal statute explicitly prohibit that 'extraordinary rendition'.

Nazi Germany was like a kindergarten kid compared to the Wankees' centuries of wicked callousness in wanton murders, tortures and misappropriations.


  1. Ruzia has already been using the bombs banned in 111 countries against Ukraine since February 22, 2022.
    And fucking Leftie Wankers hypocrites kept silent about all the while when their Loved Russia used it against Ukraine.

    1. Wow… since February 22, 2022!

      Any concrete photos showing location & date to confirm, mfer?

      Not those usual verbal diarrhoea from yr beloved western farts!

  2. If you want to look for arch villain in the feral atrocities & mass murders-slaughters committed , there were tons of worse mass murders committed by Soviet Russia in Afghanistan 1979 -1989, but Left-Wing hypocrites, who live Russia, conveniently ignore item.

    Don't try to pretend Russia doesn't exist ..It's still the same army trying to destroy Ukraine in 2023.

  3. The Communist Party of China caused the death of some 40 Million people in China during the Cultural Revolution...and here we are, Lefties think even their fart smells good.

    1. the Chinese communists indirectly killed their fellow citizens through ignorance, mismanagement, starvation and during periods of natural disasters which they couldn't cope with. The wankees killed "others" DIRECTLY through wars, brutalities, massacres, torture, genocides, etc - compare or rather CONTRAST

    2. If you bother to read honest accounts of survivors of the Chinese Communist Party Cultural Revolution, there were tons of brutalities, massacres, and torture.
      What you wrote is just your tendency for mental whitewash of the Communist Party of China plus decades of brainwash to demonise anything to do with Americans.

    3. Don't forget that part of cause of those death r attributed to the blanket sanctions imposed on the Communist China by yr beloved uncle Sam!

    4. Know-nothing mfer, for yr reading pleasure to drown out yr boring daily existence.

      cf: › docs

      Ooop… yr trusted reference source of CIA ain't honest accounts!
