Monday, September 11, 2023



Saturday, September 9, 2023




The G20 is having their summit in India where India, Russia and China are members along with the G7.

There is a YouTube link here (from Sean Foo) but somehow the video is not uploading on the blog today:

But this time around Russia and China are not attending. Russia sees no benefit from sitting in a room with the US, Britain and the European countries who are now sending bombs, guns, weapons to kill Russian soldiers in Ukraine. What is the purpose of sitting with people who want to kill you? Plus they have imposed so many sanctions against Russia.

China is not attending because the US, Britain and the West have imposed so many economic sanctions against Chinese products. President Xi Xinpin sees no benefit from attending the G20 either.

Without China and Russia the G20 becomes a typical white man's club with India and Indonesia playing the role of the token brown skinned participants along with the camel jockeys from Saudi Arabia.

India has no real influence on the world stage. After landing the moon probe on the lunar surface there is now growing debate to officially change the name of 'India' to Bharat. So Indians all over the world will now be known as Bharatis? Bharatians?

But of a certainty Western exclusivity and overbearance in outfits like the G20 is coming to an end. Not their own overbearance but the usefulness of the G20 itself. The G20 will become increasingly hollow. The rising star in the sky are the BRICS.

China has just imposed their own sanctions against the US. Some Ministries in China are barred from using Apple's I-phones. The Chinese Ministry of Transport  alone employs over FOUR MILLION very hardworking staff.  (But the I-phones are all still Made-in-China).

The next 5 - 10 years will see dramatic changes to the world's skyline. In 20 more years today's world will not be recognisable. 

Never bet on the horses but if you are still going to the races, pick a winning horse.


  1. The key question that need to be answered is the What the Fuck are Russki barbarian soldiers doing trespassing in Ukraine ?
    Violent Trespassers will be killed , which is perfectly the expectation.

    1. Indeed, what the Fuck are Russki barbarian soldiers doing trespassing in Ukraine ?

      Yr f*cked logic of Russian imperialism?

      Or the provocative NATO act of the Ukraine stirred the safety fear of the Russko bear?

      But yr f*cking choice is obvioysly a daylight robbery act of the most fouling kind!
