Sunday, September 10, 2023

Bangsa Johor triumphs over PN's Bangsa Melayu rhetoric and civil society outbursts

The Star:

Bangsa Johor triumphs over PN's Bangsa Melayu rhetoric and civil society outbursts

IT WAS a great relief to see the coalition that keeps harping on Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's "Melayu Malaysia" or (Tan Sri) Muhyiddin Yassin's "Pakatan Harapan is haram" narratives lose in both the Pulai parliamentary and Simpang Jeram state seats.

However, we missed one particular party leader's "enemies of Islam" stories. Maybe he was ill.

It seems that Perikatan Nasional's "black magic" does not work with those who feel that Johor is home to all and not just one race and faith.

I am sure if the voter turnout were higher, Pakatan's winning majority would have been even more impressive.

There are a few things that I need to get off my chest running up to these two by-elections.

The first is, of course, is Dr M's insistence that the Malays reject the unity government because I believe he sees Malaysia is Malay first, second and last.

For a two-time former prime minister whose speeches are recorded saying vastly different things from before is a sad affair indeed.

As a citizen and a former supporter of Dr M, now I truly feel that the man has left no legacy except the legacy of destroying the very foundation of Malaysia – the respect for a multi-cultural and multi-religious society.

It seems that Tunku Abdul Rahman was right to sack this man as time has proven Tunku true – that Dr M does not deserve to carry even a Datukship, much less a Tun-ship or even an Umno-ship.

He should be stripped of all titles and I sincerely hope that he sits next to Najib when the sedition charge goes through.

Before this, I would have disagreed that the man be charged as he is the most prominent statesman and the politician who has made the most contributions to Malaysia.

Unfortunately, his venom against (Datuk Seri) Anwar (Ibrahim), against non-Malays and against all upstanding Malaysians deserves a recommendation that he should no longer carry any title and that he should spend the rest of his life in a room next to Najib.

There is no more "maaf" (forgiveness) in me for such a man who stood with his own biggest enemy of religious extremism and plotted to overthrow not just Anwar but our liberties and freedom.

Such is this man, who is worse than an extremist like Hadi, or a usurper of freedom like Muhyiddin.

Secondly, I wish to take to task prominent civil society personalities who accused Anwar of interfering with the Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi court case when the latter was granted a DNAA by the court.

I had two simple thoughts: firstly, Ahmad Zahid is still not off the hook so why the fuss? Secondly, as far as I understand it, if lawyers are crafty enough to put up some kind of representation and the AG needs to act on it, why should Anwar be implicated?

If these civil society personalities suspect something rotten then firstly, where is the proof that Anwar interfered? Secondly, are they privy to the full information and considerations of the AG as well as the judge's decision?

I am most sad when I see the same personalities who fought on the streets and in the media to uphold a Malaysia for all, their hearts seem to have no place for Anwar who went to prison twice while the same personalities sat comfortably in their homes passing judgement on others.

I feel that these personalities owe Anwar Ibrahim an apology. Why do I say so? Firstly, these people do not have a shred of evidence to justify their accusations. Their argument centres directly on court procedure and the process of the prosecution.

I do not want to comment as I am not a law student but I am satisfied with the explanation from the AG's Chambers and also of the new AG Datuk Ahmad Terrirudin Mohd Salleh, who said this issue of granting DNAA is a normal affair as long as judgement has not been passed.

I cannot say if the two AGs are wrong or right, but they said it so take it up with them-lah! Why drag Anwar and the unity government into this?

This country is filled with good-intentioned citizenry but cares not about solid proof before lambasting a leader who for all we know, would be the only one who can take us out of this mess that Barisan Nasional created and Perikatan Nasional has worsened.

Democracy does not mean that you can tick off the leader and then say: "Well, it's freedom of speech-lah!"

You may be free to talk or say anything but there are many who may judge your tone, your adab (custom), and your motives.

Just because you braved the sun and water cannons do not give you carte blanche to hurl accusations in a manner befitting a pasar malam food crier.

You can criticise and be concerned about anything – that is your right – but take into consideration all the facts and context, and most importantly, have some respect for the one you criticise.

Democracy does not know adab, does not have our faith or culture and does not know our Rukun Negara of "kesopanan dan kesusilaan" (good behavior and morality).

But we all know good manners, have values from our faith or culture, and we all study the Rukun Negara.

So, there is no excuse! The question I have is if these personalities are fighting for their own selfish self or the "self" of this nation?

Prof Dr Mohd Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi is Professor of Architecture at a local university and his writing is entirely his personal opinion.

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