Thursday, November 18, 2021

Idea of US ‘diplomatic boycott’ of Beijing Winter Olympics resurfaces

Idea of US ‘diplomatic boycott’ of Beijing Winter Olympics resurfaces

Protest against China’s human rights violations is gaining traction among American lawmakers, according to report by The Washington Post

According to a report by The Washington Post, which cites sources close to the situation, the White House will soon announce that neither US President Joe Biden (pictured above) nor any other American government official will attend the Beijing Winter Games. – AFP pic, November 17, 2021

WASHINGTON − The idea of a “diplomatic boycott” by the United States of the winter Olympic Games in Beijing in February − to protest human rights violations by China − is gaining traction among lawmakers in Washington.

According to a report by The Washington Post today − citing sources close to the situation − the White House will soon announce that neither US President Joe Biden nor any other American government official will attend the Beijing Winter Games.

Such a diplomatic boycott would let the US make a statement about repression of the Muslim Uyghur minority in Xinjiang − which Washington has called genocide − while still allowing American athletes to compete.

The newspaper said that Joe is likely to approve such a move − which has been the official recommendation of his advisors − later this month.

Asked today about a potential boycott, a spokesperson for the White House only said that the subject did not come up during Joe’s conversation with China’s President Xi Jinping at their virtual summit on Monday.

He did not specify whether a boycott is in the works.

Despite the lack of an official plan, lawmakers have already publicly praised the idea.

“I’ve long advocated for a diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Games and I’m hopeful that the administration will send a strong message to the CCP without punishing US athletes,” Republican Senator Mitt Romney said on Twitter − referring to the Chinese Communist Party − after the publication of the Post article.

Jim Risch, the top Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said in a statement that a diplomatic boycott would be the “correct call” for the US in Beijing.

Democratic Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi has since May called for a diplomatic boycott of the Olympic Games, a move which at the time drew furious reactions from Chinese officials.

But some from the Republican party would like Joe to go even further with a total boycott of the event, in which not only diplomats and government officials refuse to attend but American athletes also stay home. – AFP, November 17, 2021


  1. Athletes should be allowed to go compete , it is unfair to repudiate their years of training, preparation and sacrifice.

    However there should be an official boycott by all like-minded nations- no Olympic Council representatives, no individual sports association officers except the bare minimum to support the competitors, no Goverment representatives should go to Beijing for the Winter Olympics.

    There must be no repeat of the Munich 1936 Bully regime propaganda advertorial.

    1. By comparing Munich 1936 Bully regime propaganda advertorial to the coming 2022 winter Olympic, u have indeed proved yr worth if fart!

      Munich 1936 Olympic had a racialist theme designed to promote the Nazis ideology of the superiority of the Aryan Race.

      The 2022 winter Olympic is showcasing the succrssful coming of the China socialism. And socialism is part & parcel of the human evolution which has long been dominated by a twisted capitalism.

      BTW, do u mfers ever realise that upon his return to the US after the 36 Olympic, Owens did not come home to the reception expected for such a winning Olympian. He was not invited to the White House and was personally insulted that he was not offered any honors by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

      The racialist theme of the White ran deep in all these WASP countries. At least the Nazis Germany dared to openly declared his stand, w/o shedding any crocodile tears!

  2. Unfortunately none of the ASEAN countries are participating in the Winter Olympics otherwise we must boycott as well, because of constant Bullying and Rampassing in the Southern Seas.

    Philippines accuses Chinese vessels of firing water cannon at its boats
    18 Nov 2021

    THE Philippines accused Chinese Coast Guard vessels of firing water cannon at boats delivering supplies to Filipino military personnel in the disputed South China Sea today, and ordered Beijing to “back off”.

    Foreign Secretary Teodoro Locsin said he had expressed “outrage, condemnation and protest” to Beijing over the incident, which he said happened on Tuesday as the Philippine boats were travelling to Second Thomas Shoal in the contested Spratly Islands.

    1. Wakakakaka…

      A blurred mfer still deep into its f*cked wet dream of "constant Bullying and Rampassing in the Southern Seas"!

      Don't wake-up. Stay on course with yr fart. Otherwise, u would have no other c&p theme to cheer up yr boring daily live.

    2. Obviously western propaganda smearing China with human genocide, human rights violations etc are deep rooted and having great influence to, especially those ignoramus "political correct" banana.

      If they can faked the above news, they can faked news on Xinjiang, Tibet etc. In facts, they don't even pretend, in viral video it is confirmed by an US official, it is evil strategies of US to create, trained and plant religious extremists in Xinjiang to cause internal havoc to breakup China.

    3. And all those anmokausai asslickers bought those lies lock, stock & barrel w/o a simple question!

    4. Right on CK ! Let the TongSampah sleep on. You can't wake up a person who pretends to sleep. He is so deep in his own garbage dump that he can't even smell his own godawful stench, hehehe

    5. Peter...see how that cockroach slinked away when you revealed his lies about the "water cannon" in SCS. You won't get him to reply to your posting because he is pretending to be asleep. That's his MO. It is no coincidence his initial is TS...TongSampah, a very befitting nick, hehehe
