Thursday, March 13, 2025

Members of DAP should vote wisely in the coming AGM

Members of DAP should vote wisely in the coming AGM

13 Mar 2025 • 11:30 AM MYT

Used to do a bit of work in corporate restructuring, corporate `undertaker.

Image Credit: Focus Malaysia

The way things are turning out in the run up to its coming AGM appears to give the impression to the general public that DAP, like all other political parties, are not spared from the curse of success.

From governing states – moreso 2 of the most prosperous and industrial states in the country - it went on to become a part of the coalition governing the country, a feat deemed impossible prior to 2008.

DAP has earned my respect for the years that they were in the opposition.

Their leaders were called all sorts of names and even jailed.

Despite all these ie the constant pressure and vilification from the then ruling political coalition, the then party leaders remained steadfast in leading the party and soldiering on for a better Malaysia.

They continued to seek justice and inclusion for all races.

Over the years, the party and those leaders expanded the scope of what ordinary Malaysians can and should expect from democracy in this country.

Their efforts produced the gains which the party is experiencing today and it came in no small part if not for the sacrifices of those who leads the party then and efforts of all the ordinary members of the party.

Based on the performance of those leaders from the party who are in the unity government, they created a perception amongst the general public and appeared to give the impression that they are just drifting along with the herd and supporting whatever the man in charge tells them to support.

Some turned into mindless and pointless representatives of the people.

An unthinking human.

Most don’t appear to stand for anything.

They turned into power worshipping sheep who cheered on every authoritarian abuse that rolled out.

Most turned into the same as what they have been accusing their political foes previously while the party was in the opposition.

They have wasted their time as a representative of the people because they did not use that time to mature into an effective representative of the people with integrity,

It is obvious that the public’s confidence in the party has shifted with many expressing doubts that the party still serves the interests of every Malaysian.

With the momentum from the time they became part of the unity government worn off now, the general public began to witness many of them acting in the same fashion and manner which they used to complain and harp on against their political foes when they were in the opposition.

That is cause for real alarm.

There should be no illusions about the fate of the party if those who are vying for leadership in the coming AGM believed in their own story about themselves.

The promises made by those who led the party when the party was still in the wilderness remains real and powerful in the minds of all those members and those who voted for the party time after time.

Do not followed blindly thinking it is a way to show loyalty and love for the party.

In such an environment, intelligence and independent thoughts are seen as threats rather than strengths and this can silence wise voices making it harder for the party to maintain its support base.

The party should return to its roots.

Fight and promote transparency and accountability for corruption and abuse of office.

Holding leaders accountable and do not stop creating the conditions for a better life for all Malaysians.

Continued to be the traditional champions for all ordinary Malaysians.

Members should continue in defending and broadening the party’s reach, which should be one of the main objectives for all that aspired to lead the party.

Don’t let the party slumber into irrelevance.

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