Sunday, January 19, 2025
ONLY IN MALAYSIA "Kempen Tiada.Guru" ( Kalau tak masuk kelas guru pergi mana?
My comments at the bottom.
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On 19 July 2023, the Kota Kinabalu High Court recorded a historic victory for three former students of SMK Taun Gusi, Sabah. They sued the former English teacher for being absent for 7 months!
Now, almost 11 months later, plaintiffs Rusiah Sabdarin, Nur Natasha Allisya Hamali, and Calvina Angayung share their painful experiences. Trauma, pressure from school, classmates, netizens, and family - this is just the beginning!
Look forward to the unveiling of the No Teacher Campaign next week! More important information will be revealed that has never been reported by the media!
Visit our website / to find out more about our campaign.
Di Mahkamah Tinggi Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
Kempen Tiada.Guru
Pada 2015, Siti Nafirah berada di Tingkatan 4 di SMK Taun Gusi di Kota Belud, Sabah: salah satu daripada sepuluh daerah termiskin di Malaysia.
Pada 2018, beliau telah menyaman tujuh pihak, daripada bekas gurunya sehingga Kerajaan Persekutuan. Tuntutan Mahkamahnya mendedahkan seorang guru Bahasa Inggeris yang tidak hadir berbulan-bulan, ugutan, senarai saksi, rekod palsu, dan 'cover-up' sistematik.
Pada 2020, tiga lagi pelajar SMK Taun Gusi—Calvina, Rusiah dan Nur Natasha—menyertai Siti Nafirah dan memfailkan saman Mahkamah Tinggi yang serupa.
Pemberi maklumat Kementerian Pendidikan mengasaskan Kempen ini: sudah tiba masanya untuk pendidikan bersih.
My Comments :
Traditionally throughout the world there is the problem of students cutting class, playing truant or ponteng sekolah. But in Malaysia the problem (for more than 30 years now) is caused by teachers being absent from class.
The problem is so serious that some school students in Sabah successfully sued their school, the teacher and the Education Department over teacher absenteeism. Sadly the Court took years to decide on the case.
I hope more students and parents will sue teachers, headmasters, principals, schools and the Ministry of Education over this pandemic.
When my sons were in primary and secondary school (1995 - 2006) we encountered this problem quite frequently. When the boys enrolled in secondary school (they both went to VI) and the problem persisted some of us parents went to meet the school principal to find out why teachers were frequently absent from class.
I recall the principal gave a not relevant reply about the school band being world famous, the students being hyperactive etc. They never answered our questions why were teachers so frequently absent from school. This was in the early 2000s.
So many times our boys would come home from school and say 'Today the (subject) teacher did not come to class'.
For an astonishing number of reasons.
i. cikgu pregnant was quite common (maternity leave). What was less common was cikgu delivering a baby at the beginning of the year then got pregnant again before the end of the year.
ii. cikgu gone for umrah or gone for hajiiii. cikgu got transferred and no replacement teacher
iv. cikgu gone for kursus
v. cikgu sakit / anak sakit / suami sakit
vi. kematian in the cikgu's family
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