Monday, January 06, 2025

None of the conflicts in the Middle East serve US national interest, nor promote the "America First" agenda


Blinken Admits: Pressure on Israel Caused Hamas to Pull Back from Deals

Secretary of State Antony Blinken admitted that pressure on Israel caused Hamas to pull back from potential ceasefire and hostage deals, in an interview with the New York Times that was released in a podcast Saturday.

From the transcript (via State Department):

SECRETARY BLINKEN: “I think the question we had was: How can we most effectively both shape the conflict but also bring – bring an end to the conflict? And the focus on getting a ceasefire/hostage agreement was what was in our estimation the quickest and most durable way to get an end. And as I said, Hamas – one – when they saw Israel under pressure publicly, they pulled back. The other thing that got Hamas to pull back was their belief, their hope that there’d be a wider conflict – that Hizballah [sic] would attack Israel, that Iran would attack Israel, that other actors would attack Israel, and that Israel would have its hands full and Hamas could continue what it was doing. So we’ve worked very hard to make sure that that didn’t happen.”

Hezbollah and Iran did, in fact, attack Israel, though Israel’s missile defense systems, and ultimately its counterattacks — often against the wishes of the Biden-Harris administration — were effective. — Breitbart

Our Take: Two weeks before the October 7th attack, during my weekly appearance on Badlands Daily — which was new, for me, at the time — I shared the story about the normalization deal between Saudi Arabia and Israel being on the cusp of ratification. This would have meant lasting peace in the Middle East, because part of the negotiation was the requirement from the Saudi government that Israel officially recognize the nation of Palestine — something that Palestine did, for Israel, back in 1993 when it signed the Oslo Accords at the Clinton White House.

This was a significant demand from Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, because once Israel formally recognizes Palestine (Gaza and the West Bank) as a neighboring country, it must end its 56-year military occupation of the West Bank, cease all efforts to construct new "settlements" in Palestine, and can never again conduct military operations on Palestinian soil against "terrorists" (all trained and funded by the CIA/Mossad/GCHQ) without the cooperation and permission of the Palestinian government.

These are terms that Benjamin Netanyahu, and the oligarchy he represents, would never accept. Which is why the October 7th operation was facilitated — most likely under the leadership of Israeli interests. It is also why I never believed that these cease-fire or hostage negotiations were ever entered, in earnest, by the Netanyahu regime. Because Netanyahu wants war.

I realize that opinion is controversial, and will be written off by some. So I will defer to Colonel Douglas Macgregor, who said something similar back on November 20.

For those short on time, I've clipped out the most interesting part of that longer clip, where the Colonel explains that none of the atrocities — beheaded/cooked babies, etc. — actually happened. That was all theater promoted by western propagandists in the corporate media and US/Israeli governments.

The people who fabricated and promoted these claims are war criminals, as tens of thousands of people — mainly women and children — have purportedly been killed in three separate nations as a result, and millions have lost their homes. One of those nations, Syria, is sliding into Shariah Law — something that Zionists claim to detest — to the delight of gleeful war pigs like Lindsey Graham and Victoria Nuland. Now the war drums rumble in the deep, calling next for Iran.

Will God forgive us for what we have done to Palestine? To Syria? Lebanon? Do we deserve His forgiveness? Have we demonstrated even a shred of remorse for being complicit in this genocide? It seems that too many Christians have been tricked into betraying the teachings, adopting the belief that bloodlust in the name of God is something to proudly project as a signal of divine virtue; that all this killing will somehow bring us closer to Christ — like modern day Crusaders. (The devil is cackling, of course, off-screen.)

None of these conflicts in the Middle East serve our national interest. None of them promote the "America First" agenda. They only erode the reputation of the American People around the world, and inspire hatred of the American flag that seems rather justified. How could we blame someone for despising a nation that behaves with such reckless hubris?

It seems that MAGA is being led by the nose back into the George Bush Neo-Conservative camp by the same people who orchestrated the 9/11 false flag that killed thousands of Americans. Why do we continue to grovel at their feet? Hoping they will aid President Trump in Congress?

One must wonder whether there actually are any hostages — something that President Trump has asserted, on many occasions.

But even suggesting such critical thinking is apostasy to the cult of Zionism, which firmly controls the Republican Party. This is why I advised everybody on October 7th to defect from the religious aspects of this narrative (and why the Founding Fathers had the brilliant foresight to separate religion from politics).

Surely, the GOP would never pass legislation at the state level that would outlaw criticism of the Zionist agenda, right? They would never conspire with Democrats and foreign oligarchs to outlaw American criticism of a foreign government, right? That would be tantamount to treason. Right?

Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they will be called the Sons of God. The golden calf of Zionism be damned.– GhostofBasedPatrickHenry


  1. cf col Lawrence Wilkerson's speech on utilising vyghers to create internal political upheaval for China. Syria is the key beachhead to initiate that plan.


    War Pigs like the one in this picture have spent the past several decades using US tax dollars to fund meaningless wars around the war for their own personal gain. They have destroyed the reputation of the American People, which will take many years to restore.

    @Kash_Patel please launch a RICO criminal investigation against the State Department for crimes against humanity as soon as possible. This needs to end.

  3. Each of the Badland contributor have their own podcast segment, featuring their own particular expertise against others...

    Ktemoc bila ada podcast? ;-) imagin KT n MB face-off hehehe...a light and shadow show...


    🔥 Brand new on Badlands 🔥

    The Book of Trump

    Each week, Ghost of Based Patrick Henry will be joined by a rotation of guest co-hosts to document and discuss the history that we are witnessing unfold before our eyes, to the best of their discernment. A show for anons by anons.

    Show starts at 7:30 ET

    1. A summary from the Ghost a lot of time than going through that many minutes of bla-bla-bla-ing...but did catched one fascinating art versus real life nugget from the podcast... Batman movie Bruce Wayne entrance with two ladies by the side was a mirror of the Don's walkin entrance with two ladies by his sides at his first WWE appearance


      Last night I was joined by Absolute1776 for the premiere (Chapter One) of my new show, The Book of Trump, on Badlands Media.

      In Chapter One, we discussed Donald Trump's long and intimate history with the world of professional wrestling, going back to the 1980's and the casino that he built with the FBI to entrap the mob, where Trump first met Hulk Hogan. We explored how the origin of "Kayfabe" coincided with Trump's partnership with the WWE, and how Trump most likely learned important lessons in the art of branding, marketing, script-writing, and yes, Kayfabe, from his experience working with the McMahons and observing the world of professional wrestling.

      Oh, and while we live, the WWE premiered their first episode of Monday Night RAW on Netflix, and this happened. (The return of Hulk Hogan— TrumpaMania lives, brother.)

      Thanks again to Paul for joining me on the premiere. You can catch the replay of our show at the link below, and all future chapters live at 7:30 PM EST on Badlands Media.

  4. To be confirmed...

    BREAKING: Israel is extremely concerned about an unexplained Egyptian military buildup in the Sinai not far from the Israeli border which Israel says is a gross violation of the Peace Treaty between Egypt and Israel. The buildup includes deployment of large numbers of troops, the construction of anti-tank obstacles, the deployment of armored divisions. Israel has requested immediate consultations with the Egyptians about these developments. Channel 14 News.
