Friday, April 05, 2024

Stay out of Islamic affairs, PAS tells interfaith council

Stay out of Islamic affairs, PAS tells interfaith council

Published: Apr 5, 2024 10:02 AM

PAS has warned the Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST) to not meddle in Islamic affairs.

This comes after the latter opposed the proposed amendments to the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965 (Act 355).

The Islamist party's secretary-general Takiyuddin Hassan questioned whether the interfaith council was being a "busybody" in commenting on a matter that does not affect non-Muslims.

"PAS finds the MCCBCHST's comment that the proposed amendments to Act 355 are unconstitutional, problematic from many aspects.

"Firstly, as an organisation that aims to create understanding, respect, and cooperation among the many races in the country, MCCBCHST must not, or must not be seen meddling in Islamic affairs," Takiyuddin said in a statement today.

"It is worth noting that rights and freedom of religion, as guaranteed by the Federal Constitution, also applies to Islam, and must be respected by all quarters," the Kota Bharu MP added.

Takiyuddin was responding to the interfaith council's remark that the proposed amendments, including increasing penalties for syariah criminal offences, will be unconstitutional as such offences are already part of existing criminal laws enumerated under the Federal Constitution.

In a statement earlier this week, MCCBCHST said enhanced sentencing powers granted to syariah courts would allow for Hudud-related offences - like theft, robbery, adultery, sodomy and intoxication - to be tried under Islamic criminal law.

The offences are already part of the Constitution's Ninth Schedule’s List I (Federal List) and these additional powers will therefore be unconstitutional, the group had claimed.

'Extremely provocative act'

Elaborating, Takiyuddin said the council has failed to show how the proposed amendments to Act 355 would impact non-Muslims.

"Does MCCBCHST want to be a 'busybody' or 'ghost intermeddlers' as stated in previous Federal Court judgments in similar issues, as it would create deep suspicions on the council's intents and motives?

"Like it or not, the motive and real agenda of the interfaith council has come into question - further creating disharmony in interracial relationships in the country," he added.

He further rued the poor timing of MCCBCHST's statement - during the last 10 days of Ramadan which is a significant period for Muslims to increase their charity and worship.

"Unfortunately, this period has been deliberately chosen to voice opposition and create polemic among the Muslims.

"To PAS, this is an extremely provocative act deliberately created to trigger animosity and should be rejected in a country that prioritises harmony and unity among its people.

"PAS stresses that the proposed amendments to Act 355 do not go against any provisions in the Federal Constitution, and they are valid and constitutional,” Takiyuddin said.

"Last but not least, PAS urges Putrajaya to give an immediate response to MCCBCHST's statement, and take appropriate action (against the group)," he added.

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