Saturday, April 13, 2024

DAP will stick to facts after Akmal's 'stupid' salvo - party rep

DAP will stick to facts after Akmal's 'stupid' salvo - party rep

Published: Apr 13, 2024 3:26 PM

A DAP lawmaker said her party will maintain its professionalism after Umno Youth chief Dr Muhamad Akmal Saleh called DAP vice-chairperson Nga Kor Ming “stupid” and responsible for the poor economy.

Canning state assemblyperson Jenny Choy said Akmal had resorted to launching baseless attacks as he could not rebut with facts.

“Differences of opinion in politics are very common. All differences in views can be debated with facts.

“We (DAP) will debate by showing our performance and we will refute with facts.

“Yang baik jadikan teladan, yang jahat jadikan sempadan (make the good an example, stay away from the bad). Akmal is one where we need to draw the line,” Choy (above) said in a statement today.

This comes after Akmal denied that the boycott campaigns he championed are worsening the economy.

Nga Kor Ming

Instead, he insisted it was because of “stupid” ministers such as Nga - who helms the housing and local government portfolio - that the economy is performing poorly.

Citing Akmal’s comments that Nga is a failed minister and a cause of the deteriorating economy, Choy listed his achievements thus far.

“The Housing and Local Government Ministry has achieved the platinum category in the Malaysian Government Performance Index (MyGPI) for 2022-2023. That is a fact.

“The minister (Nga) was ranked fourth in the most popular minister list within the first 100 days (of the coalition government). This survey was not conducted by DAP, it was a survey carried out by Sinar Harian, Astro Awani, Sinchew Daily, The Star, and Malaysia Nanban.

“The Housing and Local Government Ministry should be made into a good example,” said the deputy speaker of the Perak legislative assembly.

Akmal’s comments about Nga being “stupid” came after the latter posted on X saying local workers have suffered due to the boycotts called for by “irresponsible parties”.

Dr Muhamad Akmal Saleh

“Never fall into the trap of instigators, our country needs the efforts of all parties to develop the national economy,” Nga said.

Attached to his post was a screenshot of a Chinese media report highlighting the hardship of local workers allegedly affected by business boycotts.

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