Monday, May 09, 2022

Ukraine troops retreat from Popasna, Luhansk governor confirms


Ukraine troops retreat from Popasna, Luhansk governor confirms

May 8 (Reuters) - Ukrainian troops retreated from the eastern Ukrainian city of Popasna, the governor of Luhansk region said on Sunday, confirming previous reports that it had been taken.

The head of Russia's republic of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, had said on Sunday his troops had taken control of most of Popasna.

Luhansk Governor Serhiy Gaidai told Ukraine television that Ukrainian troops had retreated to take up more fortified positions, adding: "Everything was destroyed there."

Russian forces launched a new offensive push in April along most of Ukraine's eastern flank, with some of most intense attacks and shelling taking place recently around Popasna in the Luhansk region. read more


  1. Another day, another series of
    never ending Russian victories after gloriuZ victory over Ukraine.

    Day 74 - May Russia continue to have another 200 days of GloriusZ victories over Ukraine, nay should be another 400 days.

    1. Wakakakaka…

      Such a gamely fart from a dickhead!

      Reminds me of a c&p mfer, who used to roam this blog, counting the # of days that China should spend to help the Afghan after the shameful retreat of the Yankee Doodle.

      Keep counting.! Don't forget to emphasize the fact that almost all the NATO allies r been arm-twisted to throw in the even the kitchen sinks, used &/or damaged, to help that comedian president to fight till his last Ukrainian!

  2. The US has passed the 2022 version of the Lend-Lease Act into law, a retake of the 1941 Lend Lease that helped keep Britain and USSR ( what irony!) in the fight at a time when the majority of the US Population were against getting involved in Europe.

    It authorises the US President to "Lend" or "Lease" whatever equipment or supplies to Ukraine or NATO allies deemed necessary for US national security interest, bypassing the red tape involved in normal military aid programmes.
    The items are theoretically "Lent" or "Rented' to Ukraine with a wink...everybody knows in reality a lot of it will be destroyed, damaged or worn out, in the end the US Military will either not get it back or even don't want it back.

    1. WWII Land Lease was not so much to aid Russia than to make Russia tie down 40 German divisions at the Eastern Front for the ultimate benefit of US troops storming Normandy

    2. Lend Lease was passed in March 1941, when USA was not in the war, and in fact the majority of the US population and US Congress were determined NOT to fight in any war.

      Japan attacked Pearl Harbour in December 7 1941, and Nazi Germany declared war on USA a few days after that.
      So it is Dog Poo to say Lend Lease was simply to benefit US troops storming Normandy. Of course, aiding allies meant more dead German troops
      Just like Lend Lease to Ukraine means more and more dead Russian invaders and destroyed Russian equipment, which no one in the US Government will shed a tear.

    3. Wakakakaka…

      "a lot of it will be destroyed, damaged or worn out, in the end the US Military will either not get it back or even don't want it back"

      Mfer, u have forgotten, stalled warehouse stocks clearing! Don't forget to mention a rich source of 2ndary market for terrorists worldwide.

      Most of all, whoever takes over the dilapidated Ukraine would have to pay back - no free lunches - even if they fit for compost!

      Mmm… if u have ever read deeply into the two WW u would have understand how "Lend&Lease law" profited the Yankee's economy.

      Oooop… along the way, forcing the sun to set in that pommie empire!

    4. Land lease might have been signed in March but it was only towards the end of 1941 before any significant material-aid reached Russia. Wiki said:

      If Germany defeated the Soviet Union, the most significant front in Europe would be closed. Roosevelt believed that if the Soviets were defeated the Allies would be far more likely to lose. Roosevelt concluded that the United States needed to help the Soviets fight against the Germans. Soviet Ambassador Maxim Litvinov significantly contributed to the Lend-Lease agreement of 1941.

  3. Hi KT,

    Just wonder what happen to TH?

    Did you banish HY?

    It's getting a bit too quiet here. Wakakaka . . . . . . . . .

  4. Sorry KT, it should be TS not TH . . .. . . . hahaha

    1. dunno. TS just disappeared one day whereas HY wanders around where we may not hear from him yet for years to come.

    2. My source - one kenal covid & luckily cured courtesy of the TCM. Thus feeling shy to say anything more about thingies China/Chinese!

      The other is culpable disabled - cause unknown! Perhaps karma.

    3. So these 2 ex-members of the Three Blind Mice Club are still kicking around, albeit not that vigorously....errr limping around ?
      CK, once again, my salute to your 'sourcing' prowess ! hehe
