Monday, May 09, 2022

Tuan Ibrahim tries “courting” UMNO again, Ahmad Shabery says “move on”

Tuan Ibrahim tries “courting” UMNO again, Ahmad Shabery says “move on”

WITH PAS now going on a “charm offensive” to win back UMNO’s “heart”, the latter was no longer buying the former’s Muslim solidarity narrative.

Yesterday, PAS deputy president Datuk Seri Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man said that Muslim solidarity was far more important that a political pact when it comes to facing the 15th general election (GE15).

With that, the Environment and Water Minister urged both UMNO and PAS to adhere to the Muafakat Nasional charter signed in 2019.

“It’s best for us to read and understand what was agreed upon. Remember, both UMNO and PAS signed the charter as we felt there was a threat to the Malay-Muslim community.

“While PAS is a member of Perikatan Nasional, we will still pursue the Muslim solidarity agenda. As of now, we feel Perikatan can face off Barisan Nasional (BN) based on the Melaka and Johor state election results,” Berita Harian reported Tuan Ibrahim as saying.

However, UMNO supreme council member Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek was unimpressed with the PAS leader’s argument and countered back.

“You have made the decision to work with Perikatan. So let BN be. We had our electoral battles in Melaka and Johor, with many nasty things said of each other.

“But no matter, no hard feelings and nothing personal. We still managed to go back to our offices and work together in the same administration.

“Let’s see after GE15. If the opportunity arises, perhaps we can still work together,” he said, in a Facebook post.

Yesterday, UMNO president Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi made it clear that BN would set aside its pact with PAS and go solo for GE15.

The BN chairperson said this was due to the party giving enough space to PAS to agree on the matters contained in the Muafakat charter, but it never materialised.

“So, we should just forget the desire (to cooperate) expressed by them (PAS),” Zahid was reported as saying.

Careful with Bersatu

On that note, Ahmad Shabery urged PAS to be alert as Perikatan’s head honcho, Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) was mulling a “big tent” approach, which may threaten the Islamist party’s position in the coalition.

“Bersatu’s leader is finding ways to become the 10th prime minister. Hopefully, PAS doesn’t get sidelined in the process,” the former minister remarked. – May 9, 2022

1 comment:

  1. "Yesterday, PAS deputy president Datuk Seri Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man said that Muslim solidarity was far more important that a political pact when it comes to facing the 15th general election (GE15)".

    PAS has nothing to offer to the citizens of Malaysia apart from hammering the old tired argument that the Malay/Muslim solidarity is under threat.

    We are all aware this so-called threat does not exist and cannot exist with malays/muslims in the upper echelons of ALL relevant agencies and organisations in Malaysia. Yet UMNO does not debunk this argument but also subscribe to wanting to defend malay/muslim rights and solidarity because it is convenient for the party too.

    I reiterate that the nons should get out of Malaysia if they are able to do so. Things will NEVER improve because ultimately the aim is to have Malaysia to be at least 90% Malay within 2 or 3 generations.
