Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Britain's New Yuppie Muslim Terrorists?

Scotland Yard believes that the London bombers are British-born Muslims, citizens of the country totally aware of British life and values. It also believes approximately 3000 Muslims living in Britain have received terrorist training in Afghanistan.

Muslims in Britain condemned that statement, which they feel may lead to extremist violence against them. Seven mosques have already been attacked. They said they would be the last people to have wanted any Islamic bombings in Britain as the consequences would have been predictable.

However, I am not entirely surprised by Scotland Yard’s assertion, as in Sydney, Australia, some time back a small group of Australian-born Muslims, mainly of Lebanese extract, decided to launch a hate campaign against “whites” by pack raping young Aussie “white” women. Those lustful beasts thought that they would be mujahedins by f**king their part for their Afghan and Iraqi brethrens, while enjoying their Aussie lives. Most are now behind bars for a long long time.

But what the Muslims in Britain fear about the backlash is also not without foundation. All you need is a minority, like that small pack of lascivious arseholes in Australia, to create mucho criminal problems. The British National Front is an extreme rightwing group who will be more than happy to assault Muslim women.

Ahmad Rashid, an expert on Islamist militants stated that the bombers are a new breed of terrorists, whose attacks might have surprised even Osama bin Laden.

These “new” terrorists would never have met any al Qaeda leadership or members, have never trained in Iraq or Afghanistan, don’t go to mosque, are probably a small group of very close friends, and completely secretive about their activities even to their own families. They are a small group of modern Muslim men who are outraged by what they see as western atrocities against Muslims, such as Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib. They want to even the scores for Muslim humiliations.

1 comment:

  1. If there are indeed a group of people, these so called 'new' group of terrorist exist, they are not Muslim of the correct faith.

    Read my piece here for clarification on this misconception about 'Muslim terrorism'. Islam do not condone cruelity to animals, let alone to fellow human beings!

    Terrorist are plain terrorist! But then again, 'One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter', Raul (Emilio Echevarrรญa) - Die Another Day.
