Tuesday, January 17, 2023

“Hadi should substantiate allegations against DAP or get ready to be called irresponsible, immoral”

“Hadi should substantiate allegations against DAP or get ready to be called irresponsible, immoral”

By Lim Kit Siang

AMANAH president Mohamad Sabu once called PAS president Tan Sri Abdul Hadi Awang the “biggest liar in the world”.

Speaking at a ceramah in Kuala Kedah last Thursday night, Mohammad said PAS won a large number of seats in the 15th General Election (GE15) by creating a false perception against the Pakatan Harapan coalition.

“In GE15, PAS won big because PAS is the biggest liar in the world. The biggest liar is also its president Hadi Awang,” he said.

“He is an ulama but in his ripe old age, he has become a liar and the Malays believed his lies.”

Three days have passed and there is no rejoinder from Hadi to Sabu.

It has also been close to two months since Hadi made the serious charge that DAP was promoting Islamophobia but he has yet to cite an instance to substantiate his charge.

Hadi was the Special Envoy to two ‘backdoor’ prime ministers from 2020 to 2022 and drawing RM60,000 a month but he seemed unaware that the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) has an Islamophobia Observatory that monitors Islamophobia on a global and daily basis.

The OIC Islamophobia Observatory has come out with annual reports on Islamophobia since 2007 but it is not aware of Islamophobia in Malaysia.

Did Hadi discharge his duties as Special Envoy and made a special report to the OIC Islamophobia Observatory about Islamophobia in Malaysia?

When did DAP start promoting Islamophobia – when DAP had one Malay MP in 1990 or when the party had three Malay MPs in 2022?

Or was it before the 2013 general election when DAP had refused to propose Hadi as Pakatan Harapan’s prime minister-designate in the 13th General Election?

This is a serious charge as DAP is part of the present federal government and is part of five state governments.

DAP has four ministers, 40 MPs, a state chief minister, a state deputy chief minister, 14 state executive councillors and 91 state assembly persons.

Is Hadi making the irresponsible and preposterous allegation that Islamophobia is part of the programme in Malaysia’s federal and state governments?

Hadi should substantiate his allegations that the DAP is anti-Malay, anti-Islam, communist and promoting Islamophobia or retract his allegations, or be proved to be an irresponsible and immoral political leader who is prepared to make all sorts of preposterous allegations to serve his own political interest. – Jan 16, 2023


  1. Hadi is Holy.
    Everything that he says is the truth and sacrosanct...🤣🤣🤣

  2. I still believe PH has not done enough to influence the narrative the way PAS is doing with its lies and unislamic ways.

    Coming out to "challenge" what PAS has done is not enough; this is being defensive.

    DAP or PH do not need to resort to lies the way PAS and Hadi do. But either of them should come out with a programme to "educate" the gullible who believed Hadi's lies.

    Also asking Hadi to substantiate his accusations of DAP being anti-Malay, anti-Islam etc.. is useless. He simply ignores such calls..thus the lies remain unchallenged

    The OIC Islamophobia report can be a good start. Go on the offensive!

    Bottom line - we all know Hadi is an accomplished liar simply because he knows he can get away with his lies.
