Sunday, March 14, 2021

Uighurs 'genocide'? Uighurs are the MOST and ONLY loved Muslims in the West


Canada's parliament declares China's treatment of Uighurs 'genocide'

Published 23 February


Security guards stand at the gates of what is officially known as a vocational skills education centre in Huocheng County in Xinjiang

Canada's House of Commons has voted overwhelmingly to declare China's treatment of its Uighur minority population a genocide.

The motion - which passed 266 to 0 - was supported by all opposition parties and a handful of lawmakers from the governing Liberal Party.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and most members of his cabinet abstained.

The motion makes Canada just the second country after the United States to recognise China's actions as genocide.

Lawmakers also voted to pass an amendment asking Canada to call on the International Olympic Committee to move the 2022 Winter Olympics from Beijing "if the Chinese government continues this genocide".

China responded late on Tuesday, saying it condemned and rejected Canada's motion, according to a Reuters report. It quoted foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin as saying that China had lodged "stern representations" with Canada.

Mr Trudeau has so far been hesitant to label China's actions against the Uighur minority in Xinjiang a genocide, calling the term "extremely loaded" and saying further examination was needed before a decision could be made.

Just one member of his cabinet, Foreign Affairs Minister Marc Garneau, appeared in parliament for the vote. Speaking in the House of Commons, Mr Garneau said he had abstained "on behalf of the government of Canada".


kt notes: A matey in Western Australia sent me the following:


What do you think of Canada voting to recognize China's treatment of the Uyghurs in Xinjiang as a genocide, and what will be the effects of the relationship between the two nations?

OK, let me ask you a question here.

Right now about 4 or 5 million people in the Gaza Strip, West Bank, and East Jerusalem are living under a 50-year-old Israeli occupation with blatantly inferior rights and in circumstances unsuitable for human life, which are quite explicitly designed to drive them out and replace them with foreign settlers.

Israeli troops in Palestine

Response from the Western world: Coddling up to Netanyahu's far-right government and ignoring and even cracking down on all domestic protest (BDS, anti-Israel activities at Western universities, destroying pro-Palestine politicians like Jeremy Corbyn with lies, etc).

Palestinian babies killed in Israeli bombing

In 2003 Iraq, which was a functional state even after 10 years of US sanctions, was brutally invaded and its army, police, government, and ruling party dismantled in a matter of months, based on accusations of nuclear weapons and terrorist links which proved to be false. Iraq then experienced the bloodiest civil war of its history, not to mention the rise of ISIS. The death toll runs at least into the hundreds of thousands.

Response from the Western world: All is forgotten.


Right now Iran is suffering from the most brutal sanctions suffered by any nation in history (even worse than the ones applied to apartheid South Africa). Several Western countries have cut off diplomatic relations. Iran can't sell its oil, its currency is now worthless, it's cut off from the global financial system, it couldn't even access a World Bank loan to help it deal with coronavirus, and even international children's charities in it aren't allowed to hand out cash donations anymore, only food packages. You can't even send a letter to Iran right now. This is based on accusations of an illegal nuclear weapons program, accusations which are not supported by any evidence (remember Iraq?).

Response from the Western world: Totally ignored.

NATO bombed and destroyed the Libyan state of Muammar Al-Gaddafi based on accusations that he, among other things, was using a mercenary African army and even jet bombing against peaceful protesters. These accusations turned out to be false and now Libya has been at civil war for 10 years.

Response from the Western world: All is forgotten.

US airstrike in Libya

The Communist government of Afghanistan enlisted Soviet help against armed Islamic extremists. The US happily swooped in and turned those Taleban extremists into a proper army with funding, weapons, and political backing. 15,000 Soviets died, the Soviets pulled out, the Afghan government collapsed, a civil war happened, the Taleban seized power and ruled for a decade and turned the country back to the Stone Age.

Response from the Western world: All is forgotten.

US armed Taliban now against US

Nobody in the Western world ever bore responsibility for these atrocities. No one was tried for war crimes, no politician even lost his office, not a penny was sent to these countries as compensation. Hell, until now there hasn't even been an official acknowledgement of wrongdoing. In fact the West has the nerve to complain about these countries producing refugees after it destroyed them.

Now the main point:

There's supposedly an anti-Muslim genocide going on in China's Xinjiang. Despite the allegation of millions of Muslims being imprisoned, beaten, raped and tortured, there is no objective evidence of even one concentration camp or one death.

But here the Western world (US, Canada, Australia, Britain, EU) is suddenly extremely involved. It's denouncing and even insulting China every day. Every politician and every news organization is doing it. It's recognized the matter as genocide, it's giving money and political backing to Muslim separatist groups, it's shutting down Chinese institutions and sanctioning Chinese corporations, and it's trying to isolate China economically and diplomatically.

Muslim nations talked to China and sent observers to Xinjiang. They decided nothing was going on. But the Western world is being extra vigilant. Its conscience just can't rest. Suddenly it loves Muslims so much that even when Muslims say they're not being oppressed, the West still says they're being oppressed.

Huh? Why's the response so different this time? Why does the West suddenly care so much about Muslim suffering? The West really loves oppressed Uyghurs, but shows no such concern for Libyans, Syrians, Palestinians, Afghans, Iraqis or Iranians.

You might have a very poor image of Muslims, you might think they're all idiots. But I assure you they're not too stupid to see that the West is trying to enlist Muslim allies in a smear campaign and economic war against its #1 rival and only non-Western rising superpower, based on bogus horror-claims and a pretence of humanitarianism.

And what better way to weaken both China and Muslims?

The West is turning for help to the very same Muslim countries it wrecked, and whose problems it otherwise totally ignores. But the Muslim world will never turn its back on a great power that has always shown it respect and friendship, to prostitute itself to a Western world which offers only arrogance, violence, neocolonialism, chaos and death.

It's just not gonna happen, the Muslims aren't buying it. They may not be the most educated, enlightened, logical population (you might even call them barbarians), but they are just not that dumb. They know true friends from lying backstabbers.

On Eid al-Fitr, some devotees may travel to Sayyid ‘Ajjal‘s grave after their communal prayers. There, they will conduct readings from the Quran and clean the tomb, reminiscent of the historic annual Chinese Qingming festival, in which people go to their ancestors’ graves, sweep and clean the area and make food offerings.


  1. This could be bordering of "fake news"......ha ha ha.....

    Huge numbers of Syrian refugees have been re-settled in the west, Germany alone accepted more than 1 million and Canada more than 50,000.

    Why mention only the western sanctions against Iran? Many Middle Eastern countries have no or strained ties with Iran, including Iraq and Saudi Arabia.

    Has the "western inclined" International Court of Justice ICC taken Bullyland to justice over the persecution of Uighurs like it has with Israel over the "plight" of the Palestinians? Answer below.

    I.C.C. Won’t Investigate China’s Detention of Muslims

    The International Criminal Court’s decision angered rights activists, who had lobbied it to investigate Beijing’s repressive policies against Uighurs.
    Javier C. Hernández

    Published Dec. 15, 2020
    Updated Jan. 2021

    The International Criminal Court has decided not to pursue an investigation into China’s mass detention of Muslims, a setback for activists eager to hold Beijing accountable for persecution of ethnic and religious minorities.

    ICC opens investigation into war crimes in Palestinian territories
    Inquiry expected to investigate alleged crimes committed by both Israelis and Palestinians

    Peter Beaumont
    Wed 3 Mar 2021

    The international criminal court has launched an investigation into alleged war crimes in the Palestinian territories, including the period covered by the 2014 Gaza war, potentially placing hundreds of Israelis – including soldiers and senior political figures – at risk of prosecution.

    The long-awaited inquiry, which has been fiercely resisted by Israel, follows years of deliberations over whether the ICC has jurisdiction to investigate and is expected to investigate alleged crimes committed by both Israelis and Palestinians.

    1. Yanks doesn't recognise International Criminal Court (ICC) nor ICJ or Rome Statute - takut lah its soldiers would be tried

    2. In fact, the US had threatened to put sanctions on the judges of the ICC if any attempt were made to investigate the war crimes committed by the American soldiers in Afghanistan. Not only sanctions on the judges, but their family members too. That's the real BULLY for you.

      And just yesterday, 64 countries voice support for China's policies in Xinjiang at UNHRC.

    3. The fundamental difference, & the most ignored FACT, that ICC couldn't take any action is the alleged Xinjiang 'genocide' has NO substantiated proofs except those 'reports&researches' based on dubious sources. In fact most r just linked to one single adrian zenz, who is a known eastern Turkistan promoter.

      Mfers, using yr demoNcratic dogma of solid proofs before confirmed accusation, ain't u guys very selective?

      But then, katak dwelling under the fart filled well have ONLY one view - that faked corona shining above that well as their only true light source!

      Pariah…… ptui!!!

    4. Bensouda made no effort to prosecute Syrian and Russian War Crimes in the Syrian Civil War.

      That is obvious REAL bias.

    5. "Huge numbers of Syrian refugees have been re-settled in the west, Germany alone accepted more than 1 million and Canada more than 50,000."

      What else can they do? Chase them out and throw them into the high seas like Malaysia treated those Vietnamese boat refugees at one time? And contradict their self proclamation as human right advocates?

      "The International Criminal Court has decided not to pursue an investigation into China’s mass detention of Muslims"

      That's because that was hearsay, concocted lies without credible proof. This is something for you to judge and not jump to conclusion :

  2. The truth is in the pudding, not roast pork.....ha ha ha....

    How many Muslims have chosen to seek refuge or become economic migrants to China vs USA, Scandinavia, Britain, Canada, Germany etc?

    1. TipuTS the yellow-outside-white-inside OCBC is such an ignoramus that's almost hilarious. Did China cause any of the 50 million refugees of the past 40 years ? After 1945, the US dropped 176,000 bombs in countries, mostly Islamic ones and the Southern Americas, killing 15 to 20 millions of the civilian populations, including children. Why should China accept these refugees when China hadn't shot even a single bullet in foreign lands the past 40 years and or create this wave of 50 millions refugees ? Why should China accept immigrants to their land when it was trying to curb its over population, hence the draconian one-child policy to the majority Han population but the minorities are given great leeway to have 3 and more children per household (most minorities have on average 5-6 births per family ), such that the Uyghurs' population now has more than doubled its population size from 5 millions to 12.6 millions today ( so much for 'genocide' claims by the West lol ). It was only recently that China revised its one-child to 2 per family for ALL but the minorities are still allowed 3 children in rural areas.

    2. Why don't u ask those refugees WHY r they only moving northwest towards that demoNcratic land of milk&honey?

      Ooop… don't sit in front of the computer. Move yr ass to southern Italy & join those tired rescuers in trying all out to save lives from captured boats/dinghies. Don't forget to ask those refugees that farted question u just uttered!

    3. And despite all the above, Muslims don’t seek refuge in Bullyland. Why? They prefer White Man Land and Whiite Man Law.

      That’s the cold hard truth nobody can deny.

      No Bully, No Tipu, No Rampas....ha ha ha...

    4. So easy to fart!

      How could those muslim refugees seek sanctuary in China?

      Their choice!

      No China's. Definitely not yrs!

      Blurred mfer looks at the route of their escape lah. Unless they have wings of eagle & gills of tuna, China is so so far away from their place of misery.

      Besides, there is also the point of irony! White men initiate their sufferings, white men SHOULD look after them!

      If u prepare to forget that as yr (il)logical fart then be prepared to have shits sticking your face!

      No bully, no tipu, no rampas… just pure karma of the bitch kind.

      But can a blurred mfer sees that?

      Definitely NO.

    5. dun mention the muslim la, since when u see chinese msian move to ccpland?

    6. 犬养mfer, just some historical facts to debunk yr fart.

      Dr Wu Lien-teh, a Chinese Malayan moved back to China to help resolve the Manchurian plague of 1910–11. That's 142yrs ago!

      Closer in time, there were the Nanqiao ji gong (南侨机工)helping to fight the invading Japanese army in Yunnan in WWII.

      So u know 马来亚华侨 history?

      Maybe be those ketuanan-ised versions with yr nonchinese inputs!

  3. "there is no objective evidence of even one concentration camp or one death" - eyewitness accounts of Uyghur individuals , including those who made it to Australia don't count.

    You matey is drunk on Global Times.

  4. Before 2017, the USA was the world's largest contributor to the UNRWA, the UN agency set up specifically for aid to Palestinians..90% of them are Muslims. An eye-watering USD 400 million annual US contribution. Much of the rest of UNRWAs budget was provided by other Western countries , NOT Muslim countries or CCP.

    Trump had his own reason for cutting of the UNRWA budget. But one key reason UNRWA in the end had few friends in the US is because the contribution aid to Palestine , over decades , is seen as completely unrecognised and completely unappreciated.

    Ktemoc's buddy attitude just proves the case.

  5. i think more evidence is needed to claim there is genocide, but try to assimilate to make uighurs a patriot is definitely happen.

    if chinese msian dont agree we deserve the same, we shd at least speak up. to call out the west hypocrisy doesnt mean uighur is not oppressed by ccp.

    1. UMNO and now PN will similarly say "There is no objective evidence of discrimination by the Malaysian government against Chinese Malaysians.."

      Chinese Malaysians blindly swallow propaganda of authoritarian states deserve to be Fucked.

    2. would you agree that the Uighurs (the ones in China) are the MOST and ONLY loved Muslims among the Western nations of USA and her allies, wakakaka

    3. Batty : "i think more evidence is needed to claim there is genocide, but try to assimilate to make uighurs a patriot is definitely happen.

      if chinese msian dont agree we deserve the same, we shd at least speak up. to call out the west hypocrisy doesnt mean uighur is not oppressed by ccp."

      Have you been to Xinjiang ? Have you any evidence that the Uyghurs were 'oppressed' and suffering from being forcibly 'assimilated' into the dominant Han culture, aside from reading propaganda from the West and Formosa ?

      Unlike the situations in Bolehland where issues about the houses of prayers for the minorities are contentious, there are 25,000 mosques in Xinjiang alone, more than the number of mosques in the whole of the US. Some of the beautiful, century-old mosques ( including churches and temples too ) were carefully preserved with government funding. Any mosques worn down in disrepair were demolished and rebuilt into larger ones to accommodate to the increasing Muslim population throughout China. By the by, the Western propaganda media had used pictures of these demolition of the mosques to proclaim that these are "proofs" that Muslims are being "bullied" and their houses of prayers were destroyed. That's the level these Western "journalists" have gone down to, blatantly ignoring calls to correct its false claims.

      Were the Uyghurs made to eat like the Han Chinese with pork in the menu and only allowed to use chopsticks, speak like the Han Chinese, dress like the Han Chinese ? Forced to celebrate all Han holidays and cultures ? Uyghurs are allowed to learn in their language in schools but for better employment prospects, they are encouraged to learn Mandarin. What's wrong about learning their own National language ? Do we accuse the American government of 'assimilation' when its minority citizens like the Native Americans, the blacks, the latinos, and the Asian Americans speak and learn in English language in schools ?

      The Uyghurs are not forced to change their native names into Han names like in Indonesia or Thailand. The Uyghurs had not stopped using their own language at home and in schools and their shop fronts have display boards in their language. The Uyghurs never stopped practicing all aspects of their cultural heritage...eating haram foods, prayers at the mosques, dancing in the streets during festivals, and all other spiritual and religious customs.

    4. Wakakakakaka…

      "Chinese Malaysians blindly swallow propaganda of authoritarian states deserve to be Fucked."


      Ooop… all those katak under that fart filled well that treat western demoNcratic propagandas as gospel!

    5. And additionally, affirmative action is the norm for the Uyghurs in Xinjiang...these Muslims, like the rest of the other Muslims like the Hui, etc, get special leg up in education funding, university entrance, jobs in government employment, special funding for rebuilding houses of prayers and refurbishment, special funding for shoring up old cultural traditional activities that would otherwise die out/disappear in modern times...and a hosts of other 'goodies' like health care to improve mortality rates for mothers and babies,etc...all these are not available to the majority Han Chinese.

    6. KTemoc : "would you agree that the Uighurs (the ones in China) are the MOST and ONLY loved Muslims among the Western nations of USA and her allies, wakakaka "

      Popularly ascribed to Fat Slug Pompeo : " We killed Muslims in Afghanistan. We killed Muslims in Iraq. We killed Muslims in Syria. But we are very concerned about the human rights of Muslims in Xinjiang, China"


    7. i wont go into a lengthy debate, i used more or less the same argument to refute the west worldview in the past, but fact demonstrate that china is a history of sinicization, or assimilation. the multiracial theme is merely a trendy slogan to replace the barbarian concept, n to justify the rule of various race from diff territory.

      my view is that when china is weak, ccp will talk multiracial n peaceful rise, but would revert to han chauvinism when the tide turn. chairman xi exhibit such inclination n intention clearly n thoroughly.

      btw usa / west anytime love saudi muslim more. ccp is one that compel the west to draw into a conflict they wish not to involve.

    8. "UMNO and now PN will similarly say "There is no objective evidence of discrimination by the Malaysian government against Chinese Malaysians.."

      Don't just write something for the sake of argument lah! You yourself can easily quote a hundred evidences of discrimination by the Malaysian government against Chinese Malaysians compare to that claim of one million in concentration camps which only lead back to that same one source from a guy who never been to Xinjiang.

    9. What I have seen and read of testimony by ordinary Uyghurs , there is definitely objective evidence there are concentration camps in Xinjiang, and mass incarceration of ordinary Uyghurs for nothing more than their Race and Religion.

    10. Your so called ordinary Uyghurs who run to the West and claimed her father was tortured to death who were oppressed for practicing her own religion, forced labour and all the "crab" were lie disputed by her own brother and mother who are still in Xinjiang. Just be fair and watch through the video and not dismiss it with your prejudice :

    11. What a f*cked kind of his-storical insight on

      "but fact demonstrate that china is a history of sinicization, or assimilation. the multiracial theme is merely a trendy slogan to replace the barbarian concept, n to justify the rule of various race from diff territory."

      The mongols of 元朝 officialdom willingly chose sinicization or assimilation by themselves, despite the earlier resistance to all things Han's. Similarly the Manchurian of the 清朝 did the same w/o any pressure from the majority Han race!

      So if the Steppes nomads willingly adapting the Han's cultures after invading the China proper who the f*ck r u to declare their history of sinicization, or assimilation?

      Besides, yr farted sinicization, or assimilation ain't no complete as u insidiously hinted. Multiculturalism isn't dead in the WHOLE of China right till now!

      The multiracial theme is a natural adaptation to replace their nomadic concepts by bootstrapping & uplifting from their ancient & cruel customs of various races/tribes from diffeent territories.

      Obviously u know FART, as usual. Thus that initial self declaration of "wont go into a lengthy debate"!

      Thus, yr view of inconsequential katak-ised fart of "when china is weak, ccp will talk multiracial n peaceful rise, but would revert to han chauvinism when the tide turn"!

      When China was weak, it was the mfering West that exercised spurioys multiculturalism to divide as in the planned rebels in Tibet & Xinjiang by the pommies!

      Now China is developing & growing stronger, trade & military-wise, it is the same mfering West, AGAIN, to play their spuriousvmulticulturalism theme to try destabilize 中华民族伟大复兴.

      BTW 中华民族 ain't NO consist of Han only!


      "chairman xi exhibit such inclination n intention clearly n thoroughly."

      !!?!! Where? How? Any policies?

      U r just PURE jealous - in the same mold of yr f*cked demoNcratic vultures - in driving those Jingos of hypocritical humanistic values.

      Mfer, can u substantiate yr fart of "ccp is one that compel the west to draw into a conflict they wish not to involve"?

      In what way?

      Just bcoz China is on her way to achieve her 中华民族伟大复兴. Simply that thought of it that scares the shit out of u & yr demoNcratic West!

      What a moron. U r truly living under a fart filled well. Keep yr mfering views to yrself lah.

    12. China Daily pooh... worse than Utusan Malaysia.

    13. we also hv hundreds if not thousands of chinese school, temple, association, the top 10 or top 40 riches is at least 80% chinese, almost all big town occupied by chinese, newspaper, magazine, broadcasting in chinese language is everywhere, so where is the discrimination?

    14. So trying hard to promote yr ketuanan agenda?

      To yr f*cjed question - simple!

      Those chinese heirloom/fortunes were/r gained with blood sweat & tear. Sometimes spreading over a few generations.

      Not yr ketuanan manna handouts!

      U know discrimination?

      Ooop… katak have abnormal interpretations of human norms. Especially with terms connecting with race!

    15. u know nothing much abt china history, yr understanding of china history is similar to how umno interpret malaya history, intentionally or unintentionally i dun know.

      i hv no complaint abt assimilation, to a certain extent n in some cases, i believe this could be one of the better way to avoid genocide, or whatever one call it.

      that said, i still find it ironical many here hv issue with tuan msia while not the tuan china, when both do more or less the thing.

      take hk for eg, dismantle the britain govt structure, more mainlander move over to change the demographic, impose pro ccp curriculum, restrict media freedom, shut up n down the pro democracy faction via security law, how is that diff with umno n now pn modus operandi?

      yr support of ccp is fully justified if 4 of u tell umno/pn did the right thing for sake to revive the malay/muslim dream.

    16. chinese move to usa few generation back, y no jeff yap, bill wong, elon hee, warren lee in their top billionaire list? no sweat no blood? tibetan xinjianger not dozen of generation before wolf come so no blood n sweat kah?

    17. China history!

      Who knows more about CCP/China/Chinese history ain't for a malevolent 犬养mfer to say. The eyes/minds of the readers can determine that. Of course, well dwelling katak excluded in total!

      "hv no complaint abt assimilation"??!!

      Mfer, haven't u forgotten yr minute earlier fart of

      "but fact demonstrate that china is a history of sinicization, or assimilation. the multiracial theme is merely a trendy slogan to replace the barbarian concept, n to justify the rule of various race from diff territory"

      This is NOT a fair & open-minded criticism from a learnt source? But definitely from fart permeates from that famed katak well.

      BTW when & where have I not been critical of the ketuanan agenda in bolihland?

      Unlike yr oft frogleaping farts of 'humanistic' values to&pro yr dangdut pals, I'm consistent.

      I can't be critical of the CURRENT CCP/China policies bcoz the present administration policies benefit China/Chinese as a whole after decades of trial&error in forming the socialism with Chinese characteristics!

      What can I said about the f*cked ketuanan narratives, as promoted by u & yr masters, in benefiting M'SIANS as a whole?

      Pathetically elite & scammering on the feudalistic/zombieic/blurred-sotongness of their kindred! With inputs from nonchinese, who r awarded with crumbs, to aid their bloodsucking!

      Mfer, 40+yrs ago bolihland was way way ahead of China in almost every fields of endeavours. Yet, with a larger population, landmass, racial groupings, religious practices & almost worldwide economic/developmental sanctions, China has overtaken bolihland in AGAIN every conceivable endeavours in just 40+yrs!

      So whose the fart is yr taking issues with tuan China & not tuan m'sia?

      HK is always a part of China proper. One country two system of 50yr duration was formulated to slowly ease the hkies back to the Chinese way, after been meme-ed as pommie serfs for hundred of yrs.

      By right, from the very beginning, HK should be completely governed with Chinese rules & laws. Why should hkies having a different administrative procedure from the rest of the China?

      "more mainlander move over to change the demographic, impose pro ccp curriculum, restrict media freedom, shut up n down the pro democracy faction via security law"


      Populace movement within a country IS a natural phenomenon. If HK can claimed metropolitan in accepting migrants (economic or otherwise) from all over the world, why can't the mainlanders, who have more rights than those outsiders?

      Is it bcoz of that meme-ed pommie hierarchical mentality that those HK废青, would thought of demographic alter egoism to showcase their supposedly western demoNcratic superiority?

      The rest of yr f*cked rants r just yr own lopsided demoNcratic twists of illogicalities.

      U can keep quiet about the biasness & unfairness happened in yr altarised West in press freedom (!?),education curriculum, rule of laws. Yet u question the same in China?

      Mfer, look at HK NOW compares with one & a half yr ago where those HK废青 ran riots. The national security law has put order & peace, most demanded items of the hkies, than those chanted farts put forward by u & HK废青!

      So where is that similarity in modus operandi with yr ketuanan-ised dickheads?

      Mfer, it's NOT us to tell umno/on to do the right thing. We r irrelevant in their political calculations bcoz of doggies around & numeric. It's for the ordinary melayu to voice, strongly too, if they truly want to revive the Malay/Muslim dream san mfering inputs from their scammering elites & nonchinese 犬养mfer sidekicks.

      But, that's a long dream with early night. These current bunch of jellied melayu r too deep into that free & preferential manna entitlements. Sacrifices & sopo pains would be too much for them - perhaps another two generations down would see some sense of true race enlightenment emerging from their lots!

    18. The 'One country two system of 50yr duration' was more for Taiwanese' eyes than for HK per se. China wanted Taiwan to feel reassured enough to return to Motherland

    19. Why no Chinese billionaires in the US top billionaire list despite the long history of Chinese Americand?


      There r low keys Chinese American billionaires. eg The Foremost Group, a privately held shipping company founded in 1964 by Chinese-American immigrant James Si-Cheng Chao and his wife Ruth Mulan Chu Chao. Its chair and CEO since 2008 is Angela Chao, the sixth daughter of the company's founders. Elaine Chao (赵小兰) the transport secretary under trump presidency is one of the illustrate daughter!

      So, yr Chinese American his-story is also hp6 & pure fart.

      Tibetans before the CCP liberation lived despicable life of 农奴! Their blood, sweat & tear were been fully exploited by the elite lama class.

      Xinjianger(?!) were always nomadic throughout that region. Uyghurs were only concentrating in the southern terrain, living a hand to mouth existence. Blood, sweat & tear were none issues as intertribal bloodletting were the norms before the Manchurian moved in to restore orders & peace.

      So yr Tibet & Xinjiang his-stories t equally crappy to the nth.

      Mmmm… maybe all katak-ised his-stories r just pure manufactured katak shits!

    20. my remark on china assimilation is a fact. not a judgement. yr comprehension, as usual, need improvement.

      the current ccp tuan policy does not benefit the minority, similar to msia tuan policy. however like i said, msia top rich is still mostly the minotity, n u buat tak tahu.

      ccp cant rule hk as they wish in the beginning bec they cant, as simple as it is. just like they cant invade taiwan now not bec they love taiwanese,
      the answer is they yet have the military strength to do it, n they concern usa reaction.

      hk demographic is no diff with spore that keep import federal chinese n mainland chinese, its of course natural.

      look at msia before the emergency rule n now, yr conclusion is now better right?

      of course its up to the ccp zombie to tell their govt what is right, but malay can at least vote, what ccp zombie can do? r they not worst than the melayu that u always condemn?

      kt, its what ccp want everyone to see when they lack the power n might to do what they want. if usa is as weak as russia today n close both eyes off this region, no way ccp talk 1 county 2 system, no way ccp talk joint development in south sea, ccp is a bully cum liar, of course u dun mind, yr only pride living in a whitemanland is a strong china, its perfectly understandable sentiment among most overseas chinese.

    21. Yr remark on china assimilation is a fact. More likely a twisted fa(r)t!

      Assimilation can be a natural or forced process.

      Yr f*cked judgement(that's what it's!) is it was a forced process! Whereas 元清 dynasties sopo changes indicating the assimilations were natural!

      The current CCP China rules benefit ALL the citizens of China as in the absolute poverty elimination programs & the fights to protect ALL Chinese citizens against covid-19 pandemic in 应收尽收原则.

      "the current ccp tuan policy does not benefit the minority, similar to msia tuan policy"

      !!! ???

      What a fart of the irrationality in the face of the above mentioned examples!

      CCP China has not exercise absolute military control of Taiwan now, not bcoz she can't. China has to think about the warring consequences for those Taiwanese who r Chinese citizen. Of course definitely not those 台毒 katak whom most likely would run like yr 蔡妹妹 to the nearest US warship when invasion starts.

      Similarly bcoz of Deng's promise, CCP China has kept to that 50yrs duration until those HK废青 overplayed their f*cked colour revolution!

      CCP China has the necessary military strength to interfere any time if those concerns were not there. Yet restrains after restrains despite glowing Chinese citizenry unhappiness in concluding these abominations completely & quickly.

      犬养mfering katak, always thinking that uncle Sam would fight their war to uphold that spurious demoNcratic dogma! Keep this in mind - US consideration is irrelevant when unification of China proper is the theme.

      Ooop… what that confused fart about HK demographic r u trying to project? Or u just want to mumble through that foul mist u created?

      CCP zombies! Mfer haven't u mentioned something as only against CCP party & not the people? R u trying but Formosa sophism of 反共不反中 fart?

      Again, no voting under CCP China!

      Wow!!! Don't u think u have recycled that f*cked illusive fart for far too long? The Chinese people have voting rights that mfers, like u, can't recognise & understand - simple as that.

      The reality is yr uncle Sam is on the way down - military & economically. Yet, China has not expanded anywhere with force or territories that's not historically her heirloons despite these FACTS?

      1 county 2 system was declared by Deng right in front of that Thatcher bitch. So what has that got to do with US might?

      Marshal Peng has proclaimed this after signing the Korean armistice treaty.


      A weak & 百废待兴 China was winning an aggressive US invasion using 大米加小枪!

      打你就打你 还怕你?

      Anything to do with yr presumed US military might?

      Throughout the Asia history, China has NEVER been an aggressor to invade any territories that r not hers! & neither will it be in the future even though there r mfers, who like to term B&R initiative as invasive.

      Simply, these mfers just can stand the idea of prosper thy neighbours which the ancient silk roads had proven so effectively in promoting cultural exchange & trades.

      These mfers r just been indoctrinated with a meme-ed fear of an awakening dragon - same as their altarised demoNcratic masters.

    22. Batty : "my remark on china assimilation is a fact. not a judgement. yr comprehension, as usual, need improvement."

      Ya, we heard that before, from one MonstrousBigot ...he used to say This IS A FACT KNOWN THROUGHOUT THE WORLD, lol when in fact his 'fact' is the alternative kind of fact, the fake kind, wa ka ka ka. Batty has taken now taken to mimicking his useless fake mentor, hehe

      Batty : "...the current ccp tuan policy does not benefit the minority, similar to msia tuan policy. however like i said, msia top rich is still mostly the minority, n u buat tak tahu."

      First off, you have drunk too much of the Ketuanan Dangdut kool aid that you even now have this delusion that the Chinese and the Indians are 'the top rich' as you put it. Haha haha. Obviously you know nothing of the few handful of the rich Chinese Towkays and the likes of Ananda who are the useful and convenient proxies to the Big Bumi Sharks who literally owned 70% of the country's wealth, to the extent one of them are able to cruise round the world to open his very own banks in several foreign lands so that his stash of loot is 100% safe and secure, including his buddies' loot also get safe haven in these banks...what could be safer than having your own banks in willing countries who gave out special licence to open your own banks ? Billions, maybe even reaching Trillion, are in those private vaults belonging to the elite bumiputeras. These are the super obscene rich which the local Cina Towkays and the local Ah Nene Towkays could only drool over, wa ka ka ka. Wakey wakey up, Bat Brain

      Batty : " ccp cant rule hk as they wish in the beginning bec they cant, as simple as it is. just like they cant invade taiwan now not bec they love taiwanese,
      the answer is they yet have the military strength to do it, n they concern usa reaction."

      During Deng's time, he never in his dream envisaged that in a mere 40 years after his death, that China will be the largest economy in the world in the next decade or even earlier. In his era, HK was the ONLY gateway to the outside world in commerce interactions and more, with much of economic power still held in the hands of the Brits and some of the local tycoons. Of course in your batshit hindsight, you can spew any conclusion as much as your bias will take you, with a good measure of malice thrown in.

      As for Taiwan, I have already given my opinion here before. Time is on China's side, while the economy of Taiwan will continue to nosedive. Let's be clear, NO American leader will allow EVEN a single American soldier to die for the Taiwanese. The US is only willing to sell their outdated war weaponry to Taiwan at exorbitant prices and make some fake noise in the media that they will fight to the death for this bunch of yellow race in an island called Taiwan. China has already left a challenge to the DPP...declare Independence and we will take it from there ! To date, not a peep out of that Shit tSai woman. LOL


    23. Batty : "  of course it's up to the ccp zombie to tell their govt what is right, but malay can at least vote, what ccp zombie can do? r they not worst than the melayu that u always condemn?"

      You can't see even beyond the end of your nose, judging from all the nonsense you had been spewing, much less to weigh into all these profound issues now coming ahead.

      Democracy comes in many forms. The Western ballot box type democracy is only one of the forms.

      The end point of democracy is to make sure the people's concerns are HEARD and ACTED ON. In the US for example, their people's concern are never sincerely heard and never acted on...only the rich 1% who had the monetary clout using the corrupt lobby system and the buying off of the politicians in huge campaign donations had their interest protected, hence we see the OWS, Occupy Wall Street (OWS) which was a protest movement against economic inequality that began in Zuccotti Park, located in New York City's Wall Street financial sector.

      Ballot box democracy is being practiced in China on the local level. The Chinese had a habit of getting rid of corrupt, useless, non-working governments via the Bastille style, it's been happening centuries of years back even before Christianity was established in Europe.

      Watch this short video by Mario Covolo and comment on it if you have the sensibilities to rebutt :
      Batty : "..if usa is as weak as russia today n close both eyes off this region, no way ccp talk 1 county 2 system, no way ccp talk joint development in south sea, ccp is a bully cum liar, "

      You are obviously making presumptions here...and based on your narrow small-hearted point of view, after years of imbibing those corrupt propaganda, you would make projections of your own fear and suspicions onto China's motivations, as this Chinese saying has in a nutshell - "to gauge the heart of a gentleman with one's own mean measure." Put that in your batshit pipe and digest it, wa ka ka ka.

    24. An open-eyed declaration of

      Presumptions upon presumption based on fabricated farts by twisting blacken white & stated with one-liner statements to hide their inadequacies of know-nothing!

      From these forked tongue katak.

  6. Wakakakakakaka…

    Truly a blurred old moneyed mfer on the Yankee ass licker!

    "Before 2017, the USA was the world's largest contributor to the UNRWA"

    If u care to read the annual financial reports of UN, u would have realized that yr USofA only contributed in current numbers & no in time physical cash to ABY of the agencies under UN.

    In fact since 2008 US financial crisis, caused by the subprime mortgage, US has been slow, very slow, in paying up the agreed financial contributions. Yr Yankee uncle is a lousy paymaster - nama nak, tapi payah tunggu lamax2!

    US has still not paid its outstanding dues to the general budget of the UN. She is the largest debtor among the 55 countries that have not paid up as of November 2020! Catherine Pollard, the head of the UN’s Department of Management Strategy, Policy and Compliance, said the US was responsible for the largest portion of the unpaid regular budget — $1.05 billion as of October, compared with $842 million during the same period last year.

    Old moneyed mfer, still question why the contribution aid to Palestine , over decades, is seen as completely unrecognised and completely unappreciated. Bcoz the number is just on paper. No physical cash!

  7. Now Hear This....No Bullyshit....

    The world's second largest economy, some say already the richest, depending on how you measure, with the world's largest standing army and whose navy has more ships than anyone else, already a superpower with nuclear capability, can send spaceship to Mars (but only flyby like drone, not land and ronda ronda on the surface like Perseverence ha ha ha), can tame nature by building gigantic Three Gorges Dam, can fund Belt You Down My Road projects all round the world, can (suspiciously) develop multiple Covid vaccines so quickly, can build 5G networks like nobody else, can Bully and Tipu the Tibetians, Honkies etc that they are better off under Bullylaw, draw Dash Lines and build military facilities in far-flung seas with impunity (Rampas ha ha ha) and the neighbours can do nothing....

    So Great and Powerful this Bully-Kok.....

    But Muslim refugees don't want to settle there and neither does Bullyland welcome them.

    1. many chinese commentator ask why draw only 9 dash and not 18 dash. if ccp follow 18 dash, we now become the master race, wee can become our province governor.

    2. Blurred mfer, read carefully of yrvOWN farts of (il)logical & inconsequential farts lah!

      Do u actually know what u r trying to fart?

      Or u just fart as that urge demands?

      Maybe deep down it's just pure hatred of the f*cked kind!

    3. 9 dash!

      Ask yr uncle Sam for an answer.

      Those lines were drawn with Yankee inputs using kmt's hand!

    4. TipuTS has that certain bee in his bonnet that simply refuses to buzz away no matter how many times it was explained. Okay, one LAST attempt to chase that bee away, OK ? LOL

      TipuTS : "...draw Dash Lines and build military facilities in far-flung seas with impunity (Rampas ha ha ha) and the neighbours can do nothing...."

      Still mewing away with your RAMPAS tune, eh ?

      There is NO rampas in the South China Sea by China. Immediately after the end of WW2, those islands which previously belonged to China were returned by Imperialist Japan who lost the war. All the victor countries, especially America, recognized and accepted this clause in the Treaty of Surrender. There was even a formal re-naming of the returned islands, with the assistance of the US.

      As for the so-called claims by other Asean countries like Malaya (then), Vietnam, the Philippines, Indonesia, etc...none of them have any legal rights to do so. All these countries were under colonial rule at that time and have yet received their independence in 1945. So these countries CANNOT and did NOT make any claims to the now-disputed islands, and the islands were indeed formally and legally returned to its rightful owner, China. Fait accompli.

      AND even after they had become independent subsequently, these newly independent countries pay scant interest in these small pieces of islands, rock outcrops and sandbars for the next 2 decades. It was only later, in the 70s, that when there were some reports of vast amount of gas and oil suspected to be around these bits of rocks that all these countries suddenly made a mad scramble for fervent claims of these islands, all fighting each other. China would prefer that they work together and share the bounty if ever the rumours are indeed true about the presence of the precious resource under the sea. The US, as usual, being the perpetual shit stirrer, came all the way from 9000 miles away to meddle and instigated the Filipinos to make "legal" claims by providing funding. Vietnam is the most date, they had claim 20 islands, more than 4 times of China.

      To complicate matter, because of Obama's Pivot to the East having encircled China with 400 military bases, China's only defence is to quickly build up these islands for their own military bases and claim the nine dash line ( its rightful claim anyway ), to stop the foreign aggressions at its very doorstep - at least 5 countries now crowding the seas in the name of freedom of navigation...Australia, Canada, UK, Japan and of course the mastermind, the US - all have sent their warships into the waters in SCS. Nato allies are rushing naval assets to patrol half the world away.

      Now we know the reason why the Chinese Navy is launching hulls in record time, faster than the US during WW2.

    5. that was a deal by bully in the past so y sea country need to abide by? moreover now usa change mind, 9 dash is just a drawing like monalisa fake smile.

    6. US changes mind?

      Who the f*ck is Yankee to determine the territory rights of China now?

      Uncle Sam worked with kmt to drawn up the 9 Dash lines with his own maritime motives. Kmt was just a puppeteering tool which could be easily control.

      Besides, that Yankee plan must have substantiable fact - the historical founding maritime rights of the Chinese fishing fleets as recorded!

      Thus 9 dash line deal was the convergence of Yankee political conveniences with Chinese historical facts.

      Even w/o Yankee input, territories coveted under the 9 dash line r still indisputably Chinese territories.

      Yr fart is just as real as the PhD paper of our 蔡妹妹!

    7. ccp give a fuck, if not y they follow usa/kmt drawing like a dog.

    8. Reread mfer,

      "Even w/o Yankee input, territories coveted under the 9 dash line r still indisputably Chinese territories."

      Keyword - china territories even w/o Yankee input.

      So what fart r u talking about?

      Oooop… 南魔萬 England on parade!

  8. There is NO genocide in Xinjiang. 

    It is a falsehood created by the US with the aim to derail China's Belt & Road Initiative. The US would be bombing the Uyghurs now if China did not have nuclear weapons. 

    Since a direct war attack in Xinjiang is not feasible, the US embarks on another strategy of attack.... the US is now encouraging ETIM to do their dirty work for them.

    First  - The US state department has removed the ETIM ( Turkestan Islamic Movement ) from its list of terrorist organization which Washington had designated as a foreign terrorist  organisation in 2002 in the wake of the Sept 11 (911) attacks in the US.

    Second - the US made a hasty "peace deal"  with the Taliban/ISIS in order to create a tie-in for the ETIM terrorists to work together with the Taliban and ISIS for the launch to infiltrate into Xinjiang. The US is the master hand bringing all the terrorist forces together in this latest attempt to contain China's rise. 

    Xinjiang is the gateway for the BRI. Once China lose control of Xinjiang, then China will be severely hobbled in its economic rise. To add to the urgency, the US is further incensed that recently, a massive gas reservoir with expected reserves of over 100 billion cubic meters was found in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. The oil reserve is one of the biggest oil fields in the world. It is expected to be capable of producing 610,000 cubic meters of natural gas and 106.3 cubic meters of crude oil per day.

    "The discovery marks a major breakthrough in gas exploration in the southern rim of the Junggar Basin, which will further guarantee the gas supply of our company and contribute to the prosperity of the region," said an official of PetrolChina. 

    There you have is as clear as day why the US, in cohorts with its 5 Eyes allies, have gone out of their way to paint China as a human rights abuser, that China genocide ONLY the Uyghurs but NOT the other Muslims in China who together in fact has a larger Muslim population than the Uyghurs. US, the green-eyed monstrous hegemon is now on a rampage to prevent the rise of China at all cost.
