Sunday, March 14, 2021

Commotion erupts as Kula-Su camp claims 'phantom voters' at Perak DAP polls


Commotion erupts as Kula-Su camp claims 'phantom voters' at Perak DAP polls

A commotion broke out at the Ipoh Convention Centre where the Perak DAP is holding its state-level party convention today.

This came as the camp of DAP vice-chairperson M Kulasegaran and his running-mate Thomas Su Keong Siong claimed there may be "phantom voters" at the state party election, which will choose a new Perak DAP leadership.

For the record, the Kula-Su faction is challenging the team of DAP cousins Nga Kor Ming-Ngeh Koo Ham. Nga is the incumbent Perak DAP chairperson.

According to a Facebook live report by Sin Chew Daily, the Kula-Su camp accused the committee handling the election of still calling for delegates to attend the convention, even after registration had closed.

They pointed out that some delegates were seen wearing handwritten name tags, as opposed to the computer-generated identification.

Speaking to reporters at about 12.15pm, Kulasegaran's political secretary Cheong Chee Khing said that they wanted to access the attendance list, but party staff members rejected their request.

"Delegates' (card) should be computer printed. But we found that at the eleventh hour, they started (issuing cards) that were handwritten," Cheong said, while holding a photo of the alleged handwritten card on his cellphone.

Su told reporters that the registration was supposed to only be until 10am, but this had allegedly been pushed back.

"They have access to the attendance list, and they know which branches have yet to be done with registration. So, they called them and allowed them to register.

"My people went there (registration counter) and asked them to either stop it or allow us to call our people too.

"The election has to be fair. If you want to let everyone call (more delegates to register), then I have no problem with that. I can call, you can call, fair play," he said.

According to other videos available on social media, it is learned that several other arguments broke out between supporters of both camps over the issue.

Perak Bernama chief Faizal Hassan tweeted about the incident and said police were also called to the venue.

Perak DAP chairperson Nga Kor Ming

Meanwhile, in an immediate response, Nga issued a statement clarifying that the party election officer in charge was appointed by DAP headquarters.

He also called for the party to take disciplinary action against those who created the chaos at the congress.

"All processes are professional, transparent, independent and fair. I am extremely sorry that a small group of people deliberately disturbed (the process) because of the fear of losing.

"I hope the central disciplinary committee will take action against the troubled black sheep to maintain party discipline.

"In any case, this does not affect the successful holding of the party congress," Nga said.

At 1pm, Malaysiakini learned that DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng had a meeting with Kulasegaran and Su to discuss their dispute on the election process.

Lim called the duo into a VIP room at the convention centre for discussion at 12.35pm after the commotion occurred.

The talk lasted about 15 minutes. However, Kulasegaran did not comment to the media while Su only said he believed the party election will be held in a fair and transparent manner.

When contacted by Malaysiakini, Su declined to give further details.


kt notes:

Very sia suoi (disgraceful) for a party like the DAP. Once such rambunctious antics were only seen at MIC congregations, wakakaka, where chairs and tables would even assume aerodynamic properties. But such (mis)behaviour would be a function of power-craze amongst the leaders. And for eff-ing sake, 'phantom votes'? I thought that only occurs in PKR, wakakaka

No wonder a Perak DAP supporter even threw eggs at a DAP politician.

Tiu ... Niamah ... Wakakaka