Sunday, March 14, 2021

Nga-Ngeh team makes clean sweep in Perak DAP polls


Nga-Ngeh team makes clean sweep in Perak DAP polls

Perak DAP cousins Nga Kor Ming and Ngeh Koo Ham's faction made a clean sweep in the state party elections today - which were marred by allegations of "phantom voters".

The Nga-Ngeh team won all of the 15 state committee posts up for grabs.

Nga and Batu Gajah MP V Sivakumar tied in first place with 1,228 votes each, while Taiping MP Teh Kok Lim came in at 15th spot with 1,102 votes.

Ngeh came in sixth with 1,216 votes. Another notable winner was Tebing Tinggi assemblyperson Abdul Aziz Bari, who came in third with 1,224 votes.

A total of 1,735 ballots were issued today.

The leaders challenging the Nga-Ngeh camp, DAP vice-chairperson M Kulasegaran and his running-mate Thomas Su Keong Siong, received 540 and 550 votes respectively.

Earlier, the Kula-Su camp accused the committee handling the election of still calling for delegates to attend the convention, even after registration had closed.

They pointed out that some delegates were seen wearing handwritten name tags, as opposed to the computer-generated identification.

At 1pm, Malaysiakini learnt that DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng had a meeting with Kulasegaran and Su to discuss their dispute on the election process.

Lim called the duo into a VIP room at the convention centre for discussion at 12.35pm after the commotion occurred.

The talk lasted about 15 minutes. However, Kulasegaran did not comment to the media while Su only said he believed the party election will be held in a fair and transparent manner.

When contacted by Malaysiakini, Su declined to give further details.


  1. Perhaps because of Phantom Voters ?

  2. dap shd promote n encourage more contest among party leader to understand what democracy is about, simply by naming itself democracy with strong tendency making use of spreadsheet to preserve order n rank would make them no diff with ccp.

    1. So what so specially 'democratic' about two party demoNcracy?

      Ain't making use of spreadsheet to preserve order & rank the key fundamental criteria of demoNcracy?

      Or katak have a very different interpretation, as in everything else!

    2. nothing special, but when given choice, most choose to live under a democracy. how often u see people move to one under authoritarian regime?

    3. Bcoz u haven't seen the waves of returnees back to CCP China, using all sorts of reasons!

  3. Now ROS may have an opening to kacau DAP , maybe even get it deregister.
