Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Claims my son took RM2mil into S’pore fake news, Guan Eng tells court



Claims my son took

RM2mil into S’pore fake

news, Guan Eng tells court


He tells High Court that blogger Wan Azri Wan Deris also wrongfully claimed Clint Lim had sexually harassed a classmate.

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Free Malaysia Today
Lim Guan Eng and his son Clint are seeking RM3 million in damages from blogger Wan Azri Wan Deris for defamation.

Former finance minister Lim Guan Eng told the High Court that a former inspector-general of police (IGP) had dispelled rumours that his son, Clint, had been arrested in Singapore, allegedly for smuggling RM2 million in cash.

Guan Eng said then-IGP Abdul Hamid Bador had announced that claims implicating Clint in the crime were fake news.

“A local Chinese newspaper (Nanyang Siang Pau) picked up this information but did not name Clint or me.

However, they later apologised for publishing unverified information and retracted (the report),
 Guan Eng said in testimony given against controversial blogger Wan Azri Wan Deris, a former Umno Youth exco member.

Guan Eng and Clint jointly filed their lawsuit against Wan Azri in 2021, after the blogger spread false accusations that Clint had been detained while trying to smuggle RM2 million in cash into Singapore.

Wan Azri also alleged that Guan Eng had flown to the island on Feb 29, 2020 to 

save his son

The father and son are seeking damages from Wan Azri.

Guan Eng said this was not the first time Wan Azri had made defamatory remarks against Clint.

The defendant (Wan Azri) accused my son of sexual harassment against a classmate,
 he said, adding that the alleged victim, Clint’s school and the Penang education department all came out to deny the allegation.

Guan Eng also told the court that they were seeking RM3 million in damages from Wan Azri to 

prevent him from repeating defamatory remarks against us

He said Wan Azri had previously been ordered to pay Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim more than RM800,000 in damages, also for defamation.

Under cross-examination by Wan Azri’s lawyer, Logen Eskander Abdullah, Guan Eng said he could not remember if he had lodged a police report against the blogger.

My client was called up by the Putrajaya police to record a statement because a police report was lodged (over this matter),
 the lawyer said.

Guan Eng also said he could not recall if a complaint was lodged with the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission.

Asked to produce his passport to prove his whereabouts on Feb 29, 2020, Guan Eng said it was impounded by the sessions court after he was charged for corruption.

And during that time, it was well known that the Sheraton Move took place and I was in Malaysia to handle the crisis,
 Guan Eng added.

Clint is expected to testify when the hearing before Judicial Commissioner Eddie Yeo resumes on Wednesday.

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