Thursday, August 29, 2024

LETTER | MAS should be technically audited

LETTER | MAS should be technically audited

Published: Aug 29, 2024 1:17 PM

LETTER | The recent spate of MAS airplanes turning back soon after take-off and forced landing is of grave concern to air travellers.

Instead of showing off with China-bound fresh durians, the transport minister should focus on investigating the reasons for this sudden deluge of technical hitches and find ways to tackle them without delay.

Any delay represents gambling with people’s lives.

Travellers have the right to travel safely. We wish to know why this sudden spate of technical problems is happening. We want to know the truth as we do not wish to believe what is being circulated on social media.

Whatever underlying reason is causing these technical hitches must be rectified immediately to arrest a whole load of ensuing repercussions.

Any mishap is indeed disastrous. Safeguarding human lives is of prime importance. Already, MAS has reduced its number of flights, thus reducing its revenue. Adverse news such as these inadvertently reduces people’s confidence in travelling with MAS.

This image-damaging publicity will drive MAS further into the red, and being already in the red for umpteen years, the financial loss will be colossal.

An in-depth audit of this problem must be carried out so that the problem can be addressed immediately. No stones must be left unturned.

And the transport minister owes the public the truth.

On the surface, we can only conclude logically that poor technical maintenance is responsible for MAS’ current woes. Our question is, “Why is this suddenly happening?”

We await a satisfactory answer from our YB.

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