Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Selangor speaker demands Azmin retract allegations



Selangor speaker demands

Azmin retract allegations


Lau Weng San says the Hulu Kelang rep’s comments about his decisions in the state assembly were unfounded and unprofessional.

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Selangor speaker Lau Weng San said state opposition leader Azmin Ali’s reasons for the Selat Klang seat to be vacated did not meet the burden of proof.

Selangor speaker Lau Weng San has called on state opposition leader Azmin Ali to retract his allegations that Lau was unprofessional, unfair and biased about the status of Selat Klang assemblyman Abdul Rashid Asari in last week’s state assembly sitting.

Lau dismissed the claims by Azmin, who is also the Hulu Kelang assemblyman, that his decisions were unconstitutional and unlawful, saying the comments were incorrect and not to be taken lightly.

He said Rashid and Azmin were given ample opportunity to present statements, documents and evidence regarding the seat’s supposed vacancy before a decision was made.

“They have openly discussed this matter both inside and outside the assembly. Therefore, I made a decision during the assembly sitting before it was adjourned.

The rationale behind the decision has been explained. According to the Selangor constitution, the speaker’s role is considered functus officio (having performed his or her duty),
 he said in a Facebook post today.

During the sitting on July 11, Lau said there was no casual vacancy for the Selat Klang seat and noted insufficient evidence to confirm otherwise.

According to him, the notice from Azmin dated June 20 and received by the speaker’s office did not meet the required burden of proof.

Lau also said the initially scheduled 10-day assembly meeting beginning on July 4 was shortened due to the need for menteri besar Amirudin Shari to accompany the Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, to the Conference of Rulers meeting and Sultan Ibrahim’s installation ceremony.

He said the 266th meeting of the Conference of Rulers would be held from July 17 to 18, with the installation ceremony on July 20, adding that Azmin, having previously led the state government, understood the menteri besar’s responsibilities.

Although no legislation was tabled for this meeting, the daily sittings were extended by one to two hours, exceeding the usual weekly hours.

Based on this, he said, Azmin’s claims were unfounded and unprofessional.

The speaker cannot take lightly baseless accusations of unfairness and bias. Therefore, Azmin must acknowledge these errors, retract the incorrect statements and issue an apology,
 he said.

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