Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Donald Trump's Chances of Winning Election Soar After Shooting


Donald Trump's Chances of Winning Election Soar After Shooting

Donald Trump is significantly more likely to win the 2024 presidential election after an apparent attempt to assassinate him on Saturday left him injured, according to a leading bookmaker.

gunman opened fire on a Trump rally near Butler, in Pennsylvania, on Saturday, killing one attendee and leaving two others seriously wounded, according to a Secret Service spokesperson.

Broadcast footage from the event showed Trump was struck on his right ear, leaving it bleeding, before he was surrounded by Secret Service agents and led from the stage after defiantly raising his hand in a clenched fist. The suspected attacker, who the FBI identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, was shot and killed by return fire.

On Saturday, prior to the assassination attempt, Trump's odds of winning the 2024 presidential election were 8/15 (65.2 percent) according to William Hill, a U.K. based betting company. However, after the shooting, this was slashed to a 4/11 (73.3 percent) chance of Trump achieving victory. — Newsweek

Our Take: There are only two ways to look at the assassination attempt against Trump:

Either the event was "staged"—somehow controlled by white hats—or...

... it was real, and God intervened to protect Donald Trump.

I saw a meme yesterday that was made in jest, that made me simultaneously happy and sad.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was perhaps President Trump's original geopolitical sidekick. He was assassinated by a gunman on July 8, 2022, almost two years to the day before the attempt on Trump's life this past weekend. Abe was the world leader who always had Trump's back, and the two appeared to have a genuine friendship that transcended their roles as the leaders of their respective countries. So the idea of Abe's spirit somehow saving Trump's life made me smile, while the memory of his murder made me sad.

(Love these guys. Bad boys for life.)

Who could forget these epic memetic moments from the G7 Summit on June 9, 2018, when Trump, Abe, and the bros stared down Angela Merkel (Germany), Theresa May (Britain), and Emmanuel Macron (France), as Trump demanded that Europe pay their fair share into NATO—in which they were very delinquent—or he would withdraw the United States from the organization.

But there was more context to this photo than just the NATO payments. According to Politico, Trump was demanding that the G7 allow Russia to rejoin the organization, after it was ousted in 2014, following its lawful annexation of Crimea.

President Trump is always looking out for the bros.

Now he is calling for unity, and the time feels right to revisit my Horseshoe Theory article from last summer, and perhaps write a follow-up.

There are deeper, darker implications of the assassination attempt being real— that it was likely an inside job—but we will examine those developments another day. For now, let us thank God that Donald Trump is alive, and recognize the very real impact this event is having on the world.

According to geopolitical journalist Pepe Escobar, the assassination attempt has made Trump a viral sensation on Chinese social media.

Over there, Trump is known as Comrade Jianguo (建国同志) which means "Comrade Build-Country." Escobar says that the nickname has been in effect for years. Another common saying is Chuān Jiànguó (川建国) which literally means “Build the Country Trump,” but usually translates to "Making China Great Again," because the Chinese people see everything that Donald Trump does as ultimately benefitting the Chinese working class. (The background text in the image above reads, "Workers of the world, unite!")

Escobar says that everybody on Chinese social media is wishing Comrade Jianguo a speedy recovery, and praying for his safety. The memetic nature of Trump's return to power is nothing short of legendary.

Much like the truth, President Trump has become a force of nature, and Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming. Nothing. — GhostofBasedPatrickHenry

Another Take: In the immediate aftermath of the attempt, I said the following:

Somewhat lost in the engineered noise here is the welcome fact that the Overton Window has shifted so far that virtually nobody is questioning the fact that Trump was targeted due to the ideological, political and existential threat he poses to the System.

Except, of course, for the MSM charlatans who tried to discredit the significance of the event as it was happening.

The story in the lead-up to this attempt has been too linear to imply anything other than coordination and control, from the Trump Mug shot to the ongoing Witch Hunt to Convictions galore ... capped off by the very public, very obvious Deep State Panic Pattern in the wake of the Biden Debate and NATO address disasters.

The establishment is caught in a series of lose-lose propositions and narrative implications. Either they radicalized their base, or they're complicit in a direct cover-up.

Questions surrounding a cascade of security "failures" are answers to those paying attention.

And EVERYONE is paying attention.

One of the oldest truisms in the movement is the refrain that they're not after him, they're after you ... he's just in the way.

After this inflection point, that's been inverted.

The machine blinked, because the machine is afraid.

They're don't fear Trump. They fear you. — Burning Bright


  1. Either the Don is the president or there is no election.

    Meanwhile, in MY, life carry on with the sawah padi politics from the 1950s...is ok, we'll survive this pi mai pi mai tang tu tcss

  2. It is a reminder to self that the registered address is MY, not CONUS.

    But Ian Miles Cheong disagree, there is no barrier in the internet age...



    Just chilling ya... ;-)

    1. alas, TOI doesn't permit copy & paste of

    2. You can ruminaging one of the local English daily website for IMC. Don't remember exactly when, but not too long. It was his passionate support for all things of the promise people post Oct 7 and his spill over in real life terra firma that got significant pushback from the "Ultras of Malaya" type...Quite a surprise he is still in one piece.

      Don't know the man personally, not followed him as an internet avatar, but even Elon Musk retweet him. And his x kinda regularly quoted by many, fas and haters, stateside. For a moment thought he was MB ;-D but cannot be since MB proudly put out his Penang lang heritage and IMC been doxxed to Ipoh.

      Anyway, it has its fun...

  3. Some latest comments. Learning to look at it critically...not just a wide eye fawn...



    The Hells Angels have arrived to Milwaukee to PROTECT TRUMP AT ALL COSTS

    Finally some real security! The best in the business


    Globalist Peter Thiel's business partner J. D. Vance is Trump's running mate. What a few days for Trump: The shooting, financial and promotional support from Elon Musk and other billionaires, the dropping of criminal charges over classified documents today, and the Republican nomination convention, two days after the shooting, at which he has made J. D. Vance his potential vice-president.
    Vance is the business associate of billionaire Peter Thiel who serves on the Steering Committee of the globalist Bilderberg Group and is the founder of Palantir which provides surveillance and other tech for the Pentagon and intelligence networks. Thiel and Vance also invest in Rumble and fund the Roman Catholic Hallow 'prayer app' promoted by people like Russell Brand. Thiel was on Trump's Transition team after he won the election in 2016. Quite an anti-globalist, anti-Deep State, line-up then. nbcnews.com/politics/2024-…


    JD Vance having biracial children and an Indian BIPOC wife just took out 80% of the left’s ammunition.


    This was the celebration performance at the RNC after JD Vance was announced as VP pick

  4. ~~~~~


    RFK Jr will get Secret Service now

  5. His transcript at military academy for high school years were sealed. Rumour had it, he study Russian language.

    The counterpoint, BO birth cert was sealed and his law degree years was opaque, uncertain.

    For info only...

    A thread series.



    Donald Trump is one of the most notorious presidents of all time. Around the world, many people admire him just as much as others criticize him.

    His bold approach in politics is widely recognized, yet very few knows about his past life beyond that.

    Let's know about the man who grabbed the attention of millions worldwide.(Read no. 8th)

  6. ~~~~~


    Quick take on JD Vance:

    - Good for Europe. In the sense that he's anything but an Atlantist and wants the US to disengage from Europe, NATO, Ukraine, etc. Many in Europe will see this as bad news because they suffer from an acute case of geopolitical Stockholm syndrome and can't bear the idea of not being vassalized anymore, but for folks who care about sovereignty it would be a step in the right direction, if Europe can seize the opportunity (a big if!).

    - Horrible for Palestinians. In this regard he's your typical AIPAC-funded genocide-endorsing Republican.

    - Horrible for China. Vance is a creature of Peter Thiel (who launched Vance's career and reconciled him with Trump) who is undoubtedly the most hawkish US businessman on China (literally maniacally obsessed with containing China). In fact Vance is on the record saying he wants to disengage from Europe precisely because he wants to focus on containing China... That being said the possibility that Vance, much like Trump, might be transactional and not ideological (unlike Democrats with their "we protect values" hypocritical rhetoric) cannot be dismissed so there's some degree of chance we could see some surprises instead of the pure ideologically-driven hostility we've been used to lately with the Biden administration.

    Lastly, unless Trump gets actually assassinated and unless the Democrats nominate another candidate who manages to turn the tide (unlikely), with a pick like Vance as VP it's now a virtual certainty that Trump will be president once more.

    So there you go: in balance it's bad news for the world, all the more since - as we've seen during the first Trump administration - it's highly doubtful that the "blob" will allow any US administration to change America's direction much anyhow if they disagree with it 🤷‍♂️

  7. Would that be an interesting month to come or a nothingburger? RU did put out incriminating stuffs at the UN on what's on the ground in Ukraine after the SMO was in full progress...

    We'll find out...




    Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova joined him as they arrived to take up Russia’s 1-month presidency of the UN Security Council.


  8. ~~~~~


    39 Things To Know About JD Vance, Trump's Running Mate
    Tyler Durden's Photo
    TUESDAY, JUL 16, 2024 - 08:52 PM
    Authored by Joseph Lord and Jackson Richman via The Epoch Times,

    On July 15, former President Donald Trump announced that Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) was his vice presidential pick, ending months of speculation.

    “After lengthy deliberation and thought, and considering the tremendous talents of many others, I have decided that the person best suited to assume the position of Vice President of the United States is Senator J.D. Vance,” former President Trump said in a Truth Social post.

    1. Soundbite to consider...



      “The Chinese have a foreign policy of building roads and bridges, and feeding the poor!”

      — Republican Vice President candidate J.D. Vance
