Thursday, July 25, 2024

Netanyahu called for US to war with Iran


Netanyahu dismisses critics, scolds protesters in defiant speech to Congress

A defiant Benjamin Netanyahu, in an address to a joint meeting of Congress on Wednesday, dismissed as “utter nonsense” criticisms by the United Nations, human rights groups and the International Criminal Court that Israel’s government has committed war crimes in Gaza, and he derided pro-Palestinian protesters as “idiots” and tools of Iran.

The Israeli prime minister told U.S. lawmakers that Israel will settle for “nothing less” than total victory over Hamas, and described a vision for postwar Gaza seemingly at odds with the terms of a peace deal advocated by the Biden administration. The fate of Israel and the United States are inextricably linked, he asserted, arguing that U.S. investment in Israel’s war aims also serves to defend the United States and “all democracies.”

“We help keep Americans’ boots off the ground,” Netanyahu thundered, imploring Congress to expedite the transfer to Israel of billions of dollars in U.S. weapons. “Give us the tools faster, and we’ll finish the job faster,” he said. — WAPO

Our Take: Before we get into the meat and potatoes of this speech, allow me to set the stage:

Bibi Netanyahu spoke for 52 minutes, and received 58 standing ovations, which is a record for any speech of any length ever given in Congress. What makes it even more unique is that the standing ovations were bipartisan. For those 52 minutes, Congress was completely united on an issue, which must be some other kind of record, as well.

For context, the existing record was a speech given in 2015, which lasted 48 minutes and received 28 standing ovations, which were also bipartisan.

That speech was given by Bibi Netanyahu.

Rounding out #3 is a speech given in 2022: 21 standing ovations in 23 minutes— all bipartisan—and the speech was given by... Volodymyr Zelensky.

So by now, it should be pretty evident to everybody that our government—particularly, Congress—is bought and paid for by foreign interests. Who, exactly, those interests are is a matter of debate—I'm sure we would all have overlapping ideas—but incidents like these are hard to ignore, as a red-pilled American.

As expected, Netanyahu basically called for war with Iran, plainly stating that Iran would attack American soil, if they weren't stopped in the Middle East. To be honest, it sounded more like a threat than a warning.

Much of the speech involved surrogates—hostage victims, hostage families, wounded veterans—telling about life during wartime. No doubt, the conditions of war create compelling human drama. Leveraging those tragedies to inspire, or justify, cultivating more tragedies in the future seems a little backwards and immoral.

War is not something you should aspire toward, nor is it something that should require justification, or persuasion. You shouldn't need to convince others of the need to go to war. It should be self-evident, if it is truly necessary. But none of this is necessary, and peace is absolutely an option.

Netanyahu invoked many lies into his sales pitch, many of which have long been debunked. The most obvious being the "40 beheaded babies" narrative. As reported by Israeli outlet Haaretz back in December, according to life insurance companies, and police reports, the only baby that was killed on October 7th was ten-month-old Mila Cohen. It's absolutely tragic, and I feel gross that I have to cite it as a bullet point, but I am merely calling out the lies of a seasoned politician who is eager to send our friends and families off to die in yet another pointless war. (The beheaded babies narrative—as well as the "cooked-in-an-oven" narrative—has been debunked by a number of investigative organizations from across the political spectrum.)

Netanyahu should not get a free pass simply because the subject matter is tragic. I actually think the fact that he is lying about something so obscene, on an issue so important, speaks to darkness surrounding these events. There is something spiritual about what is playing out right now.

If you would like to hear my full commentary, I hosted the Badlands special coverage of Netayanu's address, and gave a post-game analysis. — GhostofBasedPatrickHenry

WATCH: Badlands Media Special Coverage - Netanyahu Congressional Address

U.S. flag set ablaze, 23 arrested as thousands protest Netanyahu’s D.C. visit

Thousands of Palestinian supporters and critics of the ongoing Israel-Gaza war descended on Washington on Wednesday in opposition to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu before and during his address to a joint meeting of Congress, drawing a massive police response as they marched around the city.

Though most demonstrators walked and chanted peacefully, there were some clashes with law enforcement, and D.C. police and Capitol Police said they arrested 15 people in total. The U.S. Park Police arrested eight people.

Outside Union Station, pro-Palestinian protesters set an American flag ablaze, along with an effigy of Netanyahu, and spray-painted the Christopher Columbus fountain and adjacent Liberty Bell reproduction with messages like “Free Gaza,” “All zionists are bastards,” and “Free Palestine.” Police appeared to hit some demonstrators with a chemical irritant at multiple points during the day. — WAPO

Our Take: I missed all of this because I was hosting Breaking History, then hosting the livestream of the Netanyahu special coverage. And frankly, I'm a little grateful for that, based on what little I saw of it on X.

Keep in mind that there are powerful and dark forces who want to capitalize on this moment—or any moment—to not just foment division, but psyop the public into supporting another foreign war. The best way to do that is to convince people that Netanyahu was right in his speech when he said that Hamas would come and get us in our beds here in America, if we didn't go and get them first.

My advice is to observe and distill, but refrain from reacting. Hopefully, most of you have already had your emotions tried over the past few weeks, and don't have the emotional capital at the moment to invest much in this nonsense.

Be discerning, and remember that just about every population on earth is having psyops run against them right now. Have faith in humanity, and do not turn on one another. Division (civil war) is the enemy's only remaining play. Don't give them the win. — GhostofBasedPatrickHenry


  1. A hunch say BB and gang will be ensnared by a trap of their own making sometimes down the line...

  2. ~~~~~

    Yesterday, while hosting the livestream of the Netanyahu speech on Badlands, somebody in the chat asked what sparked my interest in the politics and history of the Middle East. (I never got a chance to respond.)

    My passion for history started around the age of 18, cultivated mainly from an interest in music and architecture-- studying it in an attempt to better understand it. I realized everything was connected.

    As my appetite for learning things about the past grew, I actively avoided the Middle East, as I had suffered psychological fatigue from being inundated with corporate propaganda (from both ends of the political spectrum) on the region, throughout my youth. For the most-part, I fell for the Fox News bullshit regarding Islam. (I grew up attending Sunday School, etc., and knew the ancient Biblical history.)

    When I started looking into the region about twelve years ago--when I was redpilled-- I asserted that Islam (which I still did not understand, at that point) needed a leader that could reform it from within. I now understand that it had been externally influenced by nefarious entities (western intelligence agencies), and really needed a leader that could lead it out from that self-destructive dynamic.

    So when Mohammed bin Salman emerged as the unlikely Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, rounded up all of his corrupt/evil cousins, and appeared to be working with Donald Trump, I naturally became very enthused and intrigued by his persona.

    When I realized that MBS was dismantling the Wahhabi (radical Islam) infrastructure, attending Catholic mass in Egypt (as a gesture of good faith), and effectively calling for a cultural revolution (of sorts) in Arabia, I knew that he was the leader we in the west had been waiting for. That is why so much of my research has focused on him and better understanding his story, his ambitions, and his obstacles/adversaries.

    The Jewish People need a similar figure (or figures) to lead a similar reformation from within. At the very least, they need somebody to divorce their religion from politics. (There are plenty of valid criticisms of the institutions of Christianity, but the religion is neither homogenous nor is it explicitly infused into any government outside the Vatican.)

    If Israel is to be saved, its people must find the moral courage and conviction to expel the parasitic oligarchs who are leading it into hell-- the same perilous situation America now faces.

    It is insane to assert that we are not allowed to criticize a leader of a foreign country, simply because he happens to be Jewish, or the government that he represents happens to claim that it speaks for all Jewish people worldwide-- which is an equally insane assertion. There are plenty of Jewish people who do not identify as Israeli-- which is a political designation, being a nationality.

    I take deep offense to the idea that I am not allowed to criticize a foreign government or its leader, especially one who comes into my Capitol Building and demands in a public spectacle that I go fight and die in a war on his behalf-- or at least demands that I pay for it.

    This is the hill where I plant my flag, and on which I am prepared to perish. Because this is America. Call me whatever you want. I don't care.

    If you want to reverse the growing sentiments of antisemitism, stop using the religion as a shield in the political/information battlespace. Or keep doing it, and stop being a snowflake. There are no spaces here.

  3. ~~~~~

    He may have been an illegitimate president but he was OUR illegitimate president.

    Thank you for the red pills Joe.

    H/T @GreenStar_17 for the edit
