Saturday, January 14, 2023

Puad: 'Booing' part of democracy, even when it is immoral

Puad: 'Booing' part of democracy, even when it is immoral

The act of representatives "booing" the motion that the posts of Umno president and deputy president not to be contested is part of democracy even if it is immoral, said Umno Supreme Council member, Mohd Puad Zarkashi.

In a Facebook post today, Puad (above) claimed that the action was masterminded by a small number of Umno division heads who were behind the statutory declaration supporting Bersatu's Muhyiddin Yassin to become prime minister.

"I like the faction that 'booed' the proposal of no contest. There are one or two portals including Utusan Malaysia making a 'headline' of the proposal of no contest being 'booed' even though the 'boo' was heard only two or three times while nearly two-thirds of the delegates stood in support of the additional motion by the Negeri Sembilan representatives," he wrote.

Yesterday, Negeri Sembilan representatives submitted a motion that the positions of Umno president and deputy president should not be contested in the party election that will be held soon.

Mohd Shukei Samsudin from Rembau put forward the additional motion when speaking to debate the president's policy speech this afternoon.

However, the proposal received different reactions from the representatives present.

When there were a few delegates who were said to be unhappy with the motion, the majority of the other delegates stood up to support the motion.

Commenting further, Puad said the group that "booed" the motion only remained silent when other representatives debated in support of the motion.

"But when the next debater reached the evening supporting the motion of no contest, they were silent.

"No matter how you look at it, the motion will be voted on today. Don't blame it on behind-the-scenes manoeuvring or that the party is not democratic after the vote is done.

"The ‘boo’ itself is a democratic (action) even if it is immoral," he said again.

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