Wednesday, January 18, 2023


OutSyed The Box

Wednesday, January 18, 2023


The war in Ukraine is turning into a mass suicide for Ukrainian soldiers which now includes teenagers being forced to carry weapons to the battle front. So far Ukraine has lost 150,000 dead in under 12 months. The wounded number 300,000 or more. This is a huge catastrophe for Ukraine.

This is a proxy war being conducted by the US, Britain and their NATO poodles against Russia. The US, UK and NATO countries want to supply infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs), troop carriers and battle tanks to Ukraine.

But after 11 months of war Russia holds more than 100,000 square kilometres of territory, is running over Ukrainian positions at will and is only now ramping up its deployment of troops and equipment in the conflict. The Russians have destroyed thousands of Ukrainian military vehicles and tanks.

The Russian strategy in Ukraine is unique for a land based war in Europe. The Russians want to destroy as much of the enemy's war machinery as possible. They are achieving this by luring the Ukrainians into a few "kill zones" and then destroying them in set piece engagements.(Set piece meaning the Russians hold the ground, they know the terrain, their artillery is well placed, their logistics and supply lines are almost set in concrete, with uninterrupted links to supply bases in Russia).

One example is the city of Bakhmut which has now been 'attacked' by the Russians for EIGHT months. The city has little or no strategic value yet the fighting around Bakhmut has been intense for the past EIGHT months.

It is obvious Bakhmut has little strategic value because if it did the Russians could have easily overrun Bakhmut in a few days. But instead they have set up Bakhmut as a 'kill zone' FOR THE PAST EIGHT MONTHS to suck in thousands of Ukrainian troops with weapons and equipment to be destroyed there. The Russians have still not attempted to fully capture Bakhmut.

NATO countries Hungary and Croatia are disagreeing with the British/American scheming in Ukraine. Germany has refused permission for fellow NATO member Poland to supply German made Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine. The fault lies squarely on the US, Britain and to a lesser extent on other NATO countries.

By Syed Akbar Ali at January 18, 2023


  1. Syed Kotak has been smoking Syabu and Ganja for hours while watching RT non-stop before writing this piece of Bullshit.

    Ukraine had no thousands of military vehicles and tanks to start with , let alone be destroyed..
    Syed Kotak is exactly like his buddy Russia military spokesman Igor Konashenkov who last week claimed Russia had destroyed US-supplied M2 Bradley , when there are still zero in Ukraine.
    Same guy who has claimed Russia destroyed more than 100 Himars, more than the total number that US has supplied to Ukraine.

    1. Wakakaka…

      Yank isn't the only country supplying Yankee military HW to Dumbo Ukraine!

      Many within NATO also supply Yankee made military HW.

      Well… yr know-nothing is truly no bound!

  2. Germany is and has always been behind the curve on supporting Ukraine compared to the Wankees and the Brits, and other NATO countries.
    When Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022, Germany announced sending a few thousand kevlar helmets and body armour to Ukraine...that is as far as their mental make up went.

    They have come a long way since then, sending to Ukraine Panzerfaust anti tank rockets, Gepard armored high-volume anti-aircraft platforms (very effective against Iranian drones) and Marder AFV.... but still a lot of angst about sending Main Battle tanks.

    Not to forget, Germany is the single largest cash supporter to Ukraine, it is keeping much of Ukraine's government afloat, to pay government servant's salaries and pensions.

    So...Germany's reluctance to provide Main Battle Tanks to Ukraine is not a sign of NATO breaking up.

    1. Wakakaka…

      Another one of those know-nothing impromptu fart of inconsequential!

      Polish up yr geopolitical readings before u keep others laughing no end with yr 2 cents!
