Saturday, January 07, 2023

Chinese Supporters : That Feller Say Ah Secular, Communist, LGBT All Same

OutSyed The Box

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Chinese Supporters : That Feller Say Ah Secular, Communist, LGBT All Same

'So the big question the Chinese supporters must ask is if your hero does not recognise secularism then what will he recognise?'

Chinese people are so afraid of PAS. I am not afraid of PAS. They are clowns. But yet I too am worried if they get more power. The clowns will make a circus out of everything. Then it will be clown suits for everyone.

Chinese people are afraid of PAS because they are afraid if PAS comes to power then Malaysia will no more be a secular state.

For example here is Mr Lim Kit Siang in 2018:

  • Lim Kit Siang presented spirited declaration of a secular Malaysia
  • Malaysia is undoubtedly a secular nation by any reading of Constitution
  • 77-year-old Iskandar Puteri MP said, to thunderous applause

So that is why many Chinese people also supported Tin Kosong, hoping their hero will defend Malaysia as a secular state.

Haiyya you really think so? Unfortunately for you this is from last night:

secular state, communist ideology never recognised by unity govt
interview with RTM - matter only raised by certain parties to spread lies
politicians say secularism, communism will gain foothold, LGBT recognised
This is a delusion. Of course, it will never happen under my administration

My Comments :

Chinese supporters, your hero is now saying that he will not recognise secularism.

For him secularism is in the same category as communism and LGBT.

Fuiyyo. Karl Marx and Engels will be spinning in their graves.

So now the big question the Chinese supporters must ask is if your hero does not recognise secularism then what will he recognise?

Jihadism? Mullahism? Qardawism?

I told you so many times - a leopard cannot change its spots. If it can change its spots then it becomes a chameleon.

Now here is a prediction from 2014:

My advise is 'Do not play with fire'. Even as an experiment.

Let sleeping dogs lie and let lying dogs sleep.

By Syed Akbar Ali at January 07, 2023


  1. Fuck Syed Kotak.
    I have been following his racist blog for the last 14 years +, and he is a xenophobic demagogue.

  2. Manmanlai is sitting on an unity govt crater. Thus he has to be VERY careful with what he say.

    That unity govt holds bcoz most of the existing ketuanan freaks, zombies & blur-sotong r supporting it in situ!

    This mfering mamak is still full of shit for his been waylaid by manmanlai during his earlier political adventurism!
