Friday, January 20, 2023

2 Umno members file complaint with RoS over no-contest motion

Free Malaysia Today

2 Umno members file complaint with RoS over no-contest motion

The report was filed by Terengganu Umno member Aizat Fikri Nasir (right) and Negeri Sembilan Umno member Fiqri Firdaus.

PUTRAJAYA: Two Umno members lodged a report with the Registrar of Societies (RoS) today asking for an investigation into a possible breach of the party’s constitution regarding the no-contest motion for its top two posts.

Terengganu Umno member Aizat Fikri Nasir and Negeri Sembilan Umno member Fiqri Firdaus claimed that the tabling of the motion at the recent Umno general assembly had breached Article 10 of the party’s constitution.

“By right, the motion has to be tabled 14 days before the assembly, or seven days if it’s tabled by the Supreme Council.

“It could be tabled on the day of the assembly itself if the Supreme Council explains it as an urgent matter and related to public interest,” the letter sighted by FMT read.

Aizat told reporters after filing the complaint that there had been no discussion about the motion with the grassroots members, and no explanation made by the Supreme Council.

He said the motion had nothing to do with public interest.

“The motion didn’t represent the grassroots. It was ‘hijacked’ by an Umno Negeri Sembilan member,” he said.

“It didn’t reflect the public’s interest and only benefited the president and the deputy president.”

During the assembly on Jan 14, Negeri Sembilan delegate Shukri Shamsudin proposed a motion to exclude the posts of president and deputy president from being contested during the party elections, which must be held by May.

The motion was unanimously passed.

Umno was reported to have been split over whether the top two posts should be contested, with some saying it risked dividing the party, and others arguing it would allow party president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and his deputy, Mohamad Hasan, to prove that they had the support of the grassroots.

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