Sunday, November 06, 2022

“Good riddance, Tony Pua!” - - - [Moe Tai Moe Sai - very Boe-Kar-See un-Chinese Biadab Brat ]

“Good riddance, Tony Pua!”

Letter to Editor

IN politics, you will learn that you won’t get very far when you choose to ignore the voters who voted for you. Never think that you are “the best” MP in town.

Now, your pride has also brought you to a downfall.

I hope it is hard-hitting enough for you to feel the pain but not break your spirit; as long as you learn to be humble, we may consider giving you a second chance, but it is very unlikely that people will want you anymore.

We will see how former communications and multimedia minister Gobind Singh Deo performs on the ground to solve issues affecting constituents.

If Gobind puts in more DAP goons as councillors, and when they misbehave or fail to carry out their job he gives a deaf ear to complaints like you did, even Gobind, the son of Karpal Singh, will also be trounced.

But if he is on the ground like Charles Santiago, he will be well-received by the people.

To be fair to you, Pua, I knew that you were already told to stay out of this forthcoming 15th General Elections (GE15). The reason is that you have riled up a lot of people with, firstly, your lack of performance on the ground as an MP.

The people you have on your team are what I would call NATO (No Action, Talk Only). Their performance on the ground is also poor in comparison to others that I have seen through my six decades.

They are what I would compare with MCA goons in the past.

At least Gerakan leaders, like the late Pius Martin and Datuk Ir Lum Weng Keong, were more down to earth and served their constituents well.

Pua, you are the reason why, despite being a supporter of DAP for the past 40 years, I have now become its critic. Depending on how DAP goons like you behave, maybe a fierce critic as well.

Because of you, I have, these days, the tendency to add the word “goons” when I mention DAP (with the exception of some people in DAP whom we can still respect).

In the years to come, I will also be watching the way how the party is being led by its current team of leaders.

I will watch Loke Siew Fook and Lim Guan Eng more closely, and scrutinise every word that they speak. – Nov 5, 2022

Stephen Ng
Kuala Lumpur


Stop accusations against Foon Yew school, Najib tells Tony Pua

Tuesday, 01 Mar 2022 11:13 AM MYT

KUALA LUMPUR, March 1 ― Former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak has accused DAP lawmaker Tony Pua of “assaulting” the Foon Yew High School in Johor, calling it vengeance and a form of intimidation politics, Malaysiakini reported today.

This came after Pua’s remarks on Foon Yew that the school’s leadership should be removed for lack of integrity after it welcomed Najib, who has been convicted of criminal breach of trust, money laundering and abuse of power in relation to RM42 million belonging to SRC International Sdn Bhd, a former subsidiary of 1MDB.

“This is exactly the type of vengeance and intimidation politics of an arrogant DAP that the rakyat, including the Chinese community, are increasingly turned off by.

“Pua’s malicious need to lambast a prestigious school that has produced many top Malaysians for their choice of speakers needs to be called out as an election ploy to gain some traction.

“No matter his issue with me as his political rival, the Damansara MP’s assault on this school ― or any school ― for their choice of speakers is absolutely unbecoming of any politician of any stripe,” Najib said in a statement yesterday.

On February 24, Najib visited the school’s Seri Alam campus in Johor and delivered a speech in an attempt to woo the Chinese community to support BN.

It was Najib who approved the school’s construction in 2013 when he was the prime minister and revealed that he overruled Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin who was the education minister at the time despite the latter saying no to building the school.

Najib was also the one who approved the school’s Kulai campus when he was the education minister in 1999.

By contrast this was how the DAP treated TAR-UC, just to show his Boss how "Malay" the DAP has been

Since Najib’s visit became public knowledge, the school’s chairperson Tay Chin Hein claimed the visit was at Najib’s request, and the school was grateful for his past deeds. Therefore, it did not want to create a misunderstanding.


Moe Tai Moe Sai - very Boe-Kar-See un-Chinese Biadab Brat - Parents didn't teach him manners and etiquette

“Pua gone too far in attacking school board but he was right in condemning Najib”

DAP veteran lawmaker Lim Kit Siang said that Damansara MP Tony Pua has gone too far in attacking the Foon Yew High School board of governors although he was right in condemning former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak for using the school to exculpate his kleptocracy.

Pua previously criticised the school board for allowing Najib to give a talk at the school’s Seri Alam campus last week, saying that it had “set the worst possible example for our children” by inviting a world-renowned kleptocrat to the event.

Najib was sentenced to 12 years’ jail and fined RM210 mil after he was found guilty of all seven charges related to the misappropriation of RM42 mil of the SRC International funds.

In his statement, Pua had also demanded that the school governors be sacked for their “complete lack of integrity”.

According to Lim, the Foon Yew board of governors should not be blamed if Najib wanted to visit the school as he had approved the school campus in Seri Alam and Kulai.




  1. "“Good riddance," ..very Boe-Kar-See un-Chinese Biadab words from this Stephen Ng.

  2. Actually, Tony Pua is right for criticising the Foon Yew Board of Governors to allow the school to be used as a politicised platform to attack the Opposition.

    I don't blame Najib - a Snake does what a Snake has to do.. but Foon Yew's board has to understand it cannot afford to pick sides in Malaysia's partisan politics.
