Wednesday, March 10, 2021

My type of Malaysians - those who never give up

MM Online:

Malaysian pilot sisters step up as family breadwinners by doing barista, delivery work

(From left) Safia Amira Abu Bakar and her sister Safia Anisa have been taking on alternative jobs to support their family as their father is set to retire soon. — Picture courtesy of AirAsia

PETALING JAYA, Mar 2 — Malaysian pilot sisters Safia Anisa Abu Bakar and Safia Amira Abu Bakar are not letting the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic stop them from supporting their family.

Anisa, 24, has been working as a barista while her sister Amira, 29, has taken up delivery jobs to make ends meet.

In conjunction with International Women’s Day on March 8, Malay Mail spoke with the sisters to find out what fuels their drive to step up as the family breadwinners during this tough period.

The two women, who are both senior first officers with AirAsia, were at the height of their careers when the first movement control order (MCO) kicked in last March, leading to the closure of Malaysia’s borders and the grounding of flights.

Anisa recalled feeling “terrified” when the first wave of the pandemic swept across the globe and had no way of envisioning the massive impact it would have on her career.

“The cases were spiking around the world and things were happening at such a rapid pace that we barely had time to comprehend what was going on, let alone what it meant for the travel industry,” said Anisa.

With nowhere to fly, the sisters began searching for other means to support their parents and their younger siblings.

Anisa now brews cups of joe part-time at a coffee chain and confessed that it was a big transition to go from working inside a cockpit to handling espresso machines behind the counter.

“I decided to get a job as a part-time barista because I’ve always had an interest in it, though it was definitely challenging at first.

“I was used to sitting down in the cockpit for eight hours so changing to a job scope that entails standing up while cleaning, attending to customers, and making food and beverages for the same duration meant it took time for me to adapt, especially since it was my first experience working in the F&B industry.”


  1. You keep condoning the Tabung Haji $45 Billion SCAM and SHAM and the RACIST Agenda of UMNO pAS BERSATU PEJUANG PBB GPS BN PN Bangsat Negara Malay Supremacist Agenda and Policy....You will keep doing more useless Task to Survive....Its a Tabung Haji Ponzi SHAM AND SCAM as that $45 Billion Bail Out can give Each of you Belivers of your FRAUD and Fake Religion 3-5 trips to UMRAH to wash away your SINS After You Rob, murdered, killed and "ZALIMI" someone.....LEAVE ISLAM, withdraw your Tabung Haji $$$, Leave malu SIAL and End the Ah Long and SUe Tan Ponzi Rulers Sham is the ONLY HOPE left for the Curse Country of Maruah rendah Malu SIAL!

    1. Majority of Malays are OK with Grand Larceny, as long as Orang Kita.

      Look at Najib's continuing support and popularity.

  2. Virtually all business and jobs related to travel have been badly impacted by Covid-19.

    And there are many, many , some types of jobs and businesses.
    Prior to this , the economic multiplier effect of tourism and travel was such that it may surprise you that some jobs are indirectly dependent on travel.

    No choice, people have to find ways to survive. An airline captain was seen delivering for FoodPanda, A tour manager has been selling cookies on-line.

  3. yes, we are suppose to feel proud, filipino is also proud to work as maid.

    1. Liken to highly qualified HK废青 squaring at pommieland to stare at that elusive milk&honey capitalistic freedom drean while squandering away their hard-earned savings!

      Meanwhile, the Formosa katak r eating excessive pineapple tarts to try jerking up the island economy!

  4. Korek, korek korek, never give up for a non-Malay DPM....but for many on this blog, already gave up before the race even started, racist against their own race and Boh Lam Phar....
