Sunday, March 14, 2021

Ex-MP Tawfik Ismail: Reject leaders who use religion to divide


Reject leaders who use religion to divide, says ex-MP

Maju adviser Tawfik Ismail says the use of the word ‘Allah’ by non-Muslims is not an issue in other Islamic countries.

PETALING JAYA: An electoral action group has urged Malays and Muslims to reject leaders who position themselves as gatekeepers of the religion and who use religion to divide communities.

Former MP Tawfik Ismail said the “Allah” controversy, about the use of the word by non-Muslims, was a product of some leaders propping themselves up as champions of the religion.

In a statement by the group Gerak Independent, Tawfik said the use of the word “Allah” among non-Muslims was not an issue in other Islamic countries and appeared to be a problem that was unique to Malaysia.

However, he said: “Islam is a universal religion. It cannot be inherited and owned by people of any race.”

He said the actions, behaviour and rhetoric of Malay leaders who claim to be defenders of Islam showed that “they want us to consider ourselves superior to other human beings, to hate others so that they themselves are admired as defenders of race and religion”.

He said this was a way for them to gain power and influence, as well as the positions and money that come with it. Muslims and the Malays should refuse all “leaders” who use religion to distinguish the community from other communities in Malaysia.

“These leaders don’t want Malays to think for themselves, but to follow what they are told without thinking rationally and critically,” he said.

“The leaders describe themselves as the saviour of the ummah by forcing narrow ideologies and doctrines on Muslims in this country. If the attitudes and views of this group are allowed to spread more widely then Islam will be buried in Malaysia.”

Tawfik, a former Umno member, is adviser to the Maju group, part of the Gerak Independent movement with other non-governmental organisations to push for independent candidates to become MPs at the next general election.

The statement comes in the wake of a landmark decision by the High Court this week which declared as unconstitutional a home ministry order to ban the use of the words “Allah”, “Baituallah”, “Solat” and “Kaabah” by non-Muslims.

The court allowed an application by a Sarawakian Christian, Jill Ireland, for a judicial review of the order and to uphold her right to use the word “Allah” in her religious education.


  1. Finally, a man of reason. A Muslim who is confident in his belief that he does not fear Muslims being misled if nons allowed to use "Allah".

  2. He is in a Very small minority who holds such views.
    Majority the Race and Religion Supremacist Zombies are chanting Allah Only for Muslims.

  3. to them, this is god gift.

  4. He ain't no seed of his father!
