Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The ruthless cadre of violent men who control the State of Israel


Outgoing envoy to UN says body’s building ‘should be closed and wiped off the face of the earth’

Outgoing Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan says the United Nations building in New York is “unnecessary” and “should be closed and wiped off the face of the earth.”

In a snippet from an upcoming interview in Hebrew with i24News, Erdan also says: “I’m coming out with a feeling of satisfaction on one hand, of my battle and work here, but on the other hand with great distress and frustration with the fact that this building, which may look nice from the outside, is actually twisted and distorted.” — Times of Israel

Our Take: Perfection.

This is what 5D Chess looks like.

When I first started writing about the UN's International Criminal Court (ICC) and International Court of Justice (ICJ) targeting the Israeli government and its officials, there was backlash and confusion among some of you, believing that I was unwittingly endorsing global government by celebrating its institutions.

Quite the opposite, actually.

As I have written before, the modern State of Israel is a creation of the UN, born out of the 1947 Partition of Palestine document. Since then, the UN has taken dramatic steps to protect Israel from all forms of accountability, denying any lawfare filed against them up until South Africa's complaint that was filed last November, and brought to trial this past February. This was a major indicator that something had shifted within the UN—outside forces had likely infiltrated it, or were otherwise influencing it in ways that had never before occurred.

Ultimately, I knew that these developments would not go unanswered by the ruthless cadre of violent men who control the State of Israel; Men who do not embrace the teachings of Jesus (mercy, forgiveness, and peace) and are quickly consumed by feelings of vengeance and scorn. That is the culture of the Israeli ruling elite, because that group came out of the Eastern European ghettos where the pressures of hardship, famine, and extreme poverty throughout the 18th and 19th centuries forged a wicked subculture that metastasized into violent organized crime, and that syndicate grew its power, belching forth such factions as the Bolsheviks of 1917, and later the Banderites—the Ukrainian Nazi organization led by Stepan Bandera, whose taste for unprovoked violence against civilians was too extreme for the German Third Reich. (The Banderites are now known as the Azov Battalion; they are the exact same group.)

This extreme violence was exported to Palestine in the 1930's, where it reigned for decades. And while the subculture did seem to subside over the decades, it did succeed in fomenting a counterpart on the Arab side (Islamic terrorism), and was rejuvenated in 1989, when the Soviet Union began to collapse, and the [Jewish] Ukrainian Mafia began emigrating into Israel—known as the "Refuseniks"—leading to a gangland war with the Israeli authorities, as the Mafia exerted its influence onto Israeli society.

That influence campaign seemed to achieve its major objective with the merger of the Refusenik's political party with the Likud Party in 2003, aided by American-Israeli Ron Dermer's close relationship with Bibi Netanyahu. (Dermer had helped the Refuseniks first form their political party and run for office in 1995.)

So now you have a cartel-controlled government with a history of violence, operating with complete geopolitical impunity thanks to its longstanding relationship with UN leadership, as well as its significant political leverage over Congress, thanks to its extensive network of lobbying groups such as AIPAC.

My guess is the plan was to use UN Peacekeeping Troops (along with NATO) in the Middle East, in the forthcoming World War against Iran and her eastern allies.

White hats have taken the vengeful nature of the Eastern European gangsters who rule Tel Aviv, and weaponized it against their globalist brethren in New York and Geneva. Israel can't start WW3 without an army, and now the IDF has been depleted thanks to the Gaza adventure, NATO is tied up in Ukraine, UN/EU troops have been getting routed across Africa by the Wagner Group, and national governments across the world have soured on the idea of helping Israel in any way at all.

Simply put, the globalists have no army they can field in the Middle East. World War 3 will be postponed, indefinitely. And the UN may soon be a failed relic of the past, as the globalist oligarchy directs the remainder of its vengeful fury inward at its own corrupt institutions.

5D Chess like you read about. — GhostofBasedPatrickHenry


  1. It is very annoying, now, to read writers using 5D chess as a shorthand for laziness. Used to be enamoured by all these strange and supposedly grandiose terminology in the hope the world become better at the snap of a finger, but have come to understand, world affairs has its own elephantine pace and dynamics, although not without "hands that shape its outcome", both short and long term.

  2. Meanwhile, in megalomaniaville...


    The World Economic Forum is warning that there will be destabilizing shock events between now and the November elections.

    The three warnings include:

    1. A cyber pandemic, which is intentional.

    2. The emergence of a new global extremist group.

    3. Fast-tracked climate change disasters, including a sudden sea-level rise that will submerge an island nation.

    There are 77 days left until election day.
