Sunday, August 18, 2024



Sunday, August 18, 2024



Well here is more of the typical western crap. Germany has begun "prosecution" of the perpetrators of the Nordstream pipeline bombing two years ago. Germany has identified a bunch of individuals - including some Ukrainians - responsible for the bombing. Germany has even issued arrest warrants.

So the CIA was involved? Last I heard the CIA is still a government agency within the government of the United States. So how now, holy cow? No warrant of arrest against the CIA?

But here is the 60,000 Deutsche Mark question : So does this mean that Germany will apologise to Russia (for making false accusations against Russia) and then ask Russia to resume pumping natural gas to Germany  again? At 25% of the price of natural gas that Germany is now buying from America?

Or will Germany continue with the British-engineered, American sanctions against Russia  and continue buying American natural gas, at FOUR TIMES the price of Russian gas? The Germans are no good in maths? They cannot count or calculate?

German industry is almost dead. Made in Germany is going to disappear from the world that we live in.

But this warrant of arrest issued by Germany against the Ukrainian plotters behind the Nordstream bombing attack is serious. It is a Court issued warrant of arrest. 

Proper procedures and evidence must have been presented to the German Courts.

  • Rishi Sunak has been kicked out in the UK. (His replacement is no better),
  • Joe Biden has been kicked out in the USA.
  • Right winger Geert Wilders has won the biggest bloc in the Dutch Parliament.
  • In France, right wing Marine Le Pen has soundly defeated Macron's government.
  • In the EU Parliament, the right wing parties from all over Europe have won. The EU Parliament is now solidly right wing.
  • Right winger Viktor Orban is the undisputed strong man in Hungary.
  • "Right wing" prime minister Gorgiosa Meloni is setting her own path for Italy.
  • The latest announcement is the American puppy, prime minister Kishida of Japan's sudden resignation from office. Good riddance. His popularity went down to just below 20%. The Japanese people are saying 'get lost'.

Let us all give thanks to Allah swt for all these resignations and getting kicked out. 

The German traitor the Chancellor Olaf Schulz too must not only be kicked out but he must be arrested and tried for treason by the German people.  A real Quisling by any measure. He knew about that Nordstream attack before it happened. 

The ordinary people around the world are getting tired of the globalist agendas, preceded by the neo-con agenda, this agenda and that agenda which has done nothing but create poverty, war and misery around the world. 

The past 10 to 15 years we have seen the rise of really stupid, bungling, fumbling, thieving and quite insane leaders and governments all over the world. 

And very often the 'superpower', the "leaders" of the free world, the west are behind all the shit that has been going on. Especially these "never ending" wars. To profit the few and the rich globalists among them. The speculators, the currency traders, the military industrial complex who do have an oversized influence on the west.

The western people really need to wake up now. 


  1. Putin must be arrested , tried and executed for crimes against humanity.

    Whoever the Ukrainian was , he was just performing a legitimate act of war against an invader.

    1. Walau-eh!

      Ain't u missing out yr Zionist idols?

      Sound familiar?

      Whatever Putin does, he was just performing a legitimate act of preemptive against a possible invasion!

  2. "preemptive war" is just another word for Aggression.

    1. Then what's NATO eastward expansion to surround Russia?

      Ooop… playing toy houses!

    2. NATO's eastern members are 100% countries that have been subjugated in the past by Russia.
      They have objective, fact -based reason to fear Russia, hence wanting to JOIN NATO.

    3. Wow… u only know subjugation as defined by yr know nothingness as long as they r not been exercised by yr Yankee idols!

      Those NATO eastern nations joined ex USSR to
      provide for an unified military command and the systematic ability to counteract the possible NATO aggression. They were equally fearing the subjugations by the Yankee led NATO.

      When Warsaw pact was dismembered & dissolved, the role of the NATO had rqually lost its established aim of mutual military assistance amongst member states.

      Yet the Yank is still 'subjugating' the other NATO member states to be its cannon fodders with Russia, an enemy that is no longer the equal of Soviet Union!!
