Wednesday, August 14, 2024

My Take On Bakri Musa's "British Bumis Rioting Against Their Pendatangs"


Tuesday, August 13, 2024

My Take On Bakri Musa's "British Bumis Rioting Against Their Pendatangs"



British Bumis Rioting Against Their Pendatangs
M. Bakri Musa

The current ghastly demonstrations in Britain eerily reminds me of Malaysia’s own May 13, 1969 riots.

However, while the Malaysian “incident” was restricted only to a small enclave of Kuala Lumpur, the current British social cancer has now metastasized. No telling how deadly or far it will escalate.

At its essence both are but manifestations of that ugly primitive “us” versus “them” dynamics, racism being its ugliest version. For Malaysia, the “them” were the pendatangs (non-Malays); with the current British conflict, dark-skinned Muslims, recent arrivals as well as native-born. 

OSTB : A late friend of mine who was once resident of Kampong Baru in KL during the May 13 troubles said that just about two to three months after the riots, the Malays were back to buying things from the Chinese shops, interacting with everyone around them like as though nothing much had happened. 

There is a simple reason for this. The Chinese have always been producers. They produce goods and services for everyone's consumption. The housewives knew this. When they needed to buy their groceries and stuff if they found a shop or market (usually run by Chinese) their family's needs would be settled. 

You may not like the Chinaman's loud voice but Chinese speak even more loudly to each other. That is largely because of the Chinese language - louder and softer intonations of the same word carry different meanings. So they sound like they are shouting (so who invented 'the Chinese whisper'? Just kidding.)

But the Chinese are producers. In any society he who produces will be appreciated. So after the May 13 riots, at the street level things returned to normal  quite quickly. This is what we have to do. Just maintain the peace at the street level. Just let people go about their business. 

Thus far Wales and Scotland are spared. That is no comfort or reassurance. Humza Yousaf, Scotland’s first pendatang and non-white First Minister, contemplated publicly about leaving the land of his birth. Rest assured it would not be to his parents’ Pakistan. His anxiety is shared by many of his kind. 

OSTB : The Muslim population in Scotland is very few, especially Arabs and Africans. The Pakistanis in Scotland (I know a few in Glasgow for a long time) go about their businesses. They do not cause trouble to their white neighbours. Many of them are shopkeepers. They provide a useful service to their neighbours. 

The Arabs and African Muslims are quite different. You can hardly find an Arab or African Muslim shop at any streetcorner in the UK - unlike the here-there-everywhere Pakistani and Indian shops. So the Arabs and Africans provide less products and services to their neighbours.

If former Tory Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and current Labor Mayor of London Sadiq Khan were now to express similar sentiments, that would play right into the hands of those fascist right-wing demonstrators. What more do these pendatangs want?

OSTB : Sunak an Indian was the prime minister of the United Kingdom of England, Scotland and Wales. Sadiq Khan another Indian, is Lord Mayor of London. Hamza Yousaf a Pakistani from Glasgow, was leader of the opposition in Scotland and First Minister for 13 months. They are certainly not pendatangs anymore.

Britain has had immigrants from Europe for centuries but they managed to be accepted as British in short order 

OSTB : There are also about 390,000 Indonesian migrants who live in Holland. Many are Muslims but they are not psychos. The Dutch people simply love their Indonesian "cousins". Amsterdam has plenty of Indonesian restaurants and "cafe warung" clubs where white people go to sing Indonesian songs. You can even get a decent 'teh tarik' at some of these Indonesian places. So 390,000 Indonesians do not have problems living in Holland. Geert Wilders does not have any problems with the Indonesian immigrants.

So why do the likes of Humza Yousuf who have scaled the pinnacle of British society still consider themselves as “others?”

OSTB : Maybe deep down, Hamza Yousaf does not understand the concept : Di mana bumi di pijak, di situ langit di junjung. 

Non-white Muslim Brits carry the double burden of having the ‘wrong’ faith and skin color. The supreme irony in the current rioting is that hitherto archenemies–Northern Ireland Catholics and Protestants–are joining forces against their new presumed enemy.

OSTB : Muslims began migrating to the UK from before World War 2. The pace picked up AFTER WW2. Most of the immigrants were peaceful Indian and Pakistani Muslims. 

Before the rise of Wahabi Salafism, before the spread of more fanatic preachers beginning in the 1980s/90s the Muslims in the United Kingdom hardly caused any problems for their white neighbours. Muslims lived peacefully in the UK.

Then the Arabs, the Salafi Wahabis and the Muslim Brotherhood from Egypt started to spread their psychotic behaviours in the UK. 

Two really nasty Salafi specimens were Abu Hamza al Masri (the Egyptian), the imam of the infamous Finsbury Park mosque (which I visited a few years back). The other nasty is Anjem Choudary - an Indian Muslim who is a hard core Salafi / Wahabi. Anjem is in jail for life in the UK, most likely with no possibility for parole. Abu Hamza too is in jail for life in Colorado (USA), also with no possibility for parole.

The biggest s@t@n of all is of course the Muslim Brotherhood from Egypt. Comments are being heard that the Muslim Brotherhood is on the ground now in the UK, fanning even more riots.  The MB has been in the UK for decades and they have built up a solid network of charities, islamic NGOs, Islamic schools and societies which are all fronts for their "one nation" ambitions. Well not really. They are money collection points to be channelled to their Egyptian bosses who usually hang out in Europe. 

 One of their logos with Egypt as the center of 'their' universe.


'One nation' is derived from 'one ummah' (ummatan wahidatan). There is no such concept in the Quran. You can refer Surah 42:8. 

The Quran calls for an ummatan wasatan or exemplary community or moderate community. It does not matter if you are a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-religious or mono-cultural, mono-religious, mono-racial community. You can still strive to be a moderate community, an exemplary community. No one is perfect but exemplary would be super productive Communist China, most accomodating United Kingdom, super polite Japan, super clean Rwanda.


  • 390,000 Indonesians live very peacefully inside Holland. 
  • Thousands of Hindu Tamil migrants live quite peacefully in Paris, France. 
  • 1.08 million Hindus live super peacefully  in the UK (over 1% of the population). 
  • There are 400,000 Chinese migrants living  super peacefully in the UK. 
  • 2.5 million Chinese migrants live peacefully in the USA.

Can anyone explain why Indonesians, Hindu Tamils, Chinese immigrants can live so peacefully in the West?  They are not white. They are also brown skinned or yellow skinned. Have you heard of Chinese rioting in the streets in the UK?  So what gives?

  • More honesty is required. 
  • More courage is required.

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