Sunday, August 18, 2024

Malaysians school PMX why treating Palestinians as ‘medical tourists’ to giving them IC (if true) are shortsighted moves

Focus Malaysia:

Malaysians school PMX why treating Palestinians as ‘medical tourists’ to giving them IC (if true) are shortsighted moves

POLITICAL activist Thaqib Shaker has cautioned the Madani government against over-zealously opening its doors to grief-stricken Palestinians, drawing experience from how Malaysia’s good intention of housing Rohingya refugees since 2013 has backfired with a surge in illegal settlements and crime rate.

Commenting of rumours that the Madani government is contemplating to grant citizenship/IC (identity card) to the extent of providing Palestinians with medical/housing allocations, the pro-DAP social media influencer told the former not to go overboard with its sympathy towards inhabitants of the war-torn nation.

“We should learn from history as to how in 2013, we went on the over-drive to woo Rohingya refugees into our country to the extent of having a Selamat Malam Rohingya song composed to show our affection for them,” opined Thaqib who is also media officer to Bukit Bendera MP Syerleena Abdul Rashid in a TikTok video.

“Look at what has happened 10 years down the road; now we’re unable to chase them out after they’ve infiltrated the Selayang wholesale market and having pursued various illegal trading activities.

“If we’re unable to control the Rohingya exodus, what makes us so sure that we can manage Palestinians who are Tok Arab unlike the Rohingyas whom we can easily trample on?”

Recall that vocal human rights activist and lawyer Siti Kasim has also voiced her opposition to the hospitality extended to injured Palestinians by flying them to the country to seek treatment, alluding to the notion that charity starts at home at home given many Orang Asli in remote Sabah are themselves deprived of proper medical and healthcare.

“The Palestinians are a superior race … I can assure that there’s no need to wait for 10 years but five years are all it takes for us to cannot stand them anymore,” warned Thaqib who was formerly the former special officer (media) to Machang MP and Bersatu Youth chief Wan Ahmad Fayhsal Wan Ahmad Kamal.

“Please don’t repeat the same mistake twice by wanting to grant them IC. We’re sympathetic to their plight and sufferings but after seeking medical treatment, please send them home.

“This is not about me harbouring hatred against Arabs but we need to think carefully repercussions from our action instead of just following our heart and sentiment … as it is, what we’re doing now is something that has exceeded our ability and it’ll be too late to regret.”

Aside from Thaqib and Siti Kasim, more Malaysians are fuming over the degree of hospitality accorded to Palestinians even as Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has reportedly been saddened by the backlash against flying in injured Palestinians to seek treatment in Malaysia.

They find it hard to fathom the logic of having to engage two Royal Malaysia Air Force (RMAF) A400M aircraft which had to endure a 16-hour journey amid the risk of the planes being hit by Israeli guided missiles to transport 127 Palestinian citizens, including 41 who were injured, to Malaysia.

After all, they contended that there are better equipped hospitals in neighbouring Arab countries who could accommodate the Palestinians patients but were reluctant to do so.

The more calculative of the lot contended that such generosity is fine if Anwar had funded the mission himself from his own pocket rather than relying on taxpayers’ money.

Others contended that even Indonesia President Jokowi – head of the world’s fourth largest Muslim nation – does not even dwell into the Hamas-Gaza conflict until this level. “Jokowi focuses on bringing in more foreign investors to Indonesia,” observed one netizen. – Aug 18, 2024

Main image credit: Khaled Nordin 🇲🇾 (@KhaledNordin)/X

1 comment:

  1. Hamas won't let civilians to go. Only Hamas member and relatives can on board and treatment. So next year malaysia will be on blacklist from the West. More headache to come.
