Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Anwar has already won against Muhyiddin - All he needs to do now is nothing

From Nehru Sathiamoorthy:

Sheikh Hasina of Bangladesh was a brave woman, who comes from a family that has made great sacrifices for the sake of their country. 

She herself had survived multiple assassination attempts in her quest to lead Bangladesh. During her reign, she had also succeeded in improving Bangladesh’s economy. However, pride got into her head, and made her believe that her struggles, sacrifices and successes entitled her to go against the truth.

As a result, she made a mistake, which she then reinforced with many other mistakes due to her pride, and the next thing she knew, she was fleeing from the country while an angry mob was breaking the statue of her father, who is also the independence leader of Bangladesh, despite the fact that her father had sacrificed his life in the service to his country.

If we become so puffed up with pride, that we assume that we can even contest the truth and come out victorious, we will snatch defeat even from the jaws of victory.

The best way to deal with a truth that does not favour us is with silence. Anwar does not have to do or say anything against Muhyiddin for speaking out a truth that does not favour him. If Anwar were to just be silent and let Muhyiddin let things out of his chest, Muhyiddin will tire himself out after a while, and Anwar will win even without needing to fight. As Sun Tzu remarked, to win without fighting is the best form of victory of them all.

After all, the truth can hardly be expected to come to Muhyiddin’s aid at this point in time.

If Muhyiddin wanted the truth to come to his aid, he should have stood with the truth in the aftermath of GE 15 itself. Had he spoken the truth then, he would likely be the Prime Minister of the country today.

Muhyiddin however, had too little faith in the truth when it mattered. That is why he conceded defeat to Anwar although he had won – he did it, because he was too afraid to fight, even when Truth was on his side.

Muhyiddin can tell himself whatever he wants – he can tell himself that he conceded his rights because he was just being gentlemanly or how he was just following the law, but in the heart of his heart, he also probably knows that he made his peace and resigned himself to an undeserving defeat simply because he was too afraid to fight. That is why although he was on the side of the Truth, all he asked for was peace, not victory.

Since he had chosen peace then, it is unlikely that truth will come to his aid and deliver him victory now, just because he has changed his mind.

In the state of things as they are, whatever dispute that Muhyiddin has with Anwar at the end of GE 15, the truth is more likely to let it rest in peace, unless Anwar himself disturbs the peace by striking against the truth without a cause.

If Anwar wants to strike against Muhyiddin, there are other ways that he can do it. Muhyiddin already has corruption cases in his name. If Anwar goes after Muhyiddin using the corruption cases, he can do it without needing to stand against the truth.

Even if Anwar chooses to do nothing against Muhyiddin, Muhyiddin will probably drown under the weight of his failures on his own. At the state that Muhyiddin is in, his own allies and crews are probably convinced that they can’t catch any fish for so long as Muhyiddin is their captain. It is only a matter of time before they decide that either they are going to need a new captain, or they will have to abandon the ship if Muhyiddin continues to insist on being the captain.

If Anwar takes action against Muhyiddin now, he might inadvertently give the sinking Muhyiddin a lifeline. Muhyiddin is already halfway adrift into the sea of oblivion. The only thing that can pull him back into relevance is Anwar’s mistake.

Anwar has already won against Muhyiddin. All he needs to do now to seal his victory against Muhyiddin is nothing.

Only pride can make us not able to do something as simple as nothing.

Let us see how the cookies crumble.

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