Monday, July 01, 2024

Why Iranian President Raisi & his Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian had to die


Iran warns Israel of ‘obliterating war’ if it attacks Lebanon

Iran has warned Israel against “full-scale military aggression” in Lebanon and said it would lead to an “obliterating war”, the Islamic republic’s United Nations mission said.

“All options, [including] the full involvement of all Resistance Fronts, are on the table,” the mission wrote in a post on X late on Friday, referring to Iran-aligned armed groups across the region.

It called Israel’s threats to attack Hezbollah in Lebanon “psychological warfare” and “propaganda”.

The border between the two countries has witnessed daily exchanges of fire between Israeli forces and Hezbollah since the current conflict in Gaza broke out on October 7. Fears of a full-blown war grew this month after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel was preparing for “a very tense operation” on the border with Lebanon.

Israeli forces conducted a series of attacks on Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon, an Israeli army spokesperson said early on Saturday. — Al Jazeera

And …

FM Katz responds to Iranian threat: ‘⁠Regime that threatens destruction deserves to be destroyed’

Foreign Minister Israel Katz responds to Iran’s threat of an “obliterating war” if Israel launches a full-scale offensive in Lebanon against Hezbollah.

“My response to Iran is clear: 1. If Hezbollah does not cease its fire and withdraw from southern Lebanon, we will act against it with full force until security is restored and residents can return to their homes,” Katz writes on X. “2. ⁠A regime that threatens destruction deserves to be destroyed.” — Times of Israel

Our Take: Boy, that escalated quickly.

We went from the cusp of a historic peace deal between Saudi Arabia and Israel last September to Israel and Iran vowing to destroy one another in less than nine short months. If this situation was a gestating baby, the Democrats would be preparing to kill it. (No need, this baby looks ready to nuke itself.)

I've been cautious to take sides in the Iran presidential election situation—they had an election this past weekend, by the way; it's going to a run-off election this weekend between the top two contenders—because it's such an enigma of a country, it's hard to make heads or tails of anything there. But now the picture is beginning to come into focus.

Are there any "good guys" in Iran's ruling regime? A regime established by the CIA in 1979, where they overthrew their own puppet—the Shah—after he got a little too mouthy about Zionism and criticizing Israel in the wake of the 1973 Oil Crisis. Oddly enough, We are seeing a similar situation play out right now in Bolivia, where the ruling regime has been accused of staging a military coup against itself in order to psyop the Bolivian people into sympathizing with them, to build support.

Optics are important, and nobody understands that better than the CIA.

It seems to me that the late Iranian President Raisi—whatever character flaws and past sins he may possess—was not assuming the role that Iran was likely expected to assume after Israel bombed an Iranian embassy in Syria several months back. Seems like Raisi had been wooed by President Putin and President Xi to defect from the Unipolar Hegemony, perhaps offering him an alternative path in the form of BRICS and the Multipolar [Sovereign] Alliance.

Perhaps that's the reason that Raisi had to die, along with his Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, who had established positive relationships with the Saudi Foreign Ministry, in spite of the two countries being long-time enemies. In fact, Amir-Abdollahian was calling Riyadh regularly, especially during that odd missile exchange between Iran and Israel, where neither side appeared that eager to escalate the situation. (Those regular phone calls are still occurring, by the way.)

So are we actually going to do this, guys? The Battle of Armageddon? At the very least, please get Kim Jong Un and the NorKs involved. Love those guys. — GhostofBasedPatrickHenry


  1. "Seems like Raisi had been wooed by President Putin and President Xi to defect from the Unipolar Hegemony"

    Whoever wrote this has been smoking some a little stronger than Ganja.
    Iran had already been strongly anti-US for the last 44 years..since Khomeini took over.

  2. Wakakakaka…

    U know "Unipolar Hegemony"?

    Obviously NO!
