Friday, July 12, 2024

State supported corporate gangsterism is rampant

Murray Hunter

State supported corporate gangsterism is rampant

Using the Land Acquisition Act (1960) to evict owners from their homes so a company can make bumper profits.

JUL 11, 2024

The move to evict Kampong Sungai Baru residents has been successful, so a corporate crony can undertake a commercial development and make a windfall. The land from the residents adjacent to the CBD and KLCC was able to be snapped up by force for RM 450 per square foot with the help of the Land Acquisition Act (1960). In addition, Article 13 (2) of the Malaysian Constitution clearly states “No law shall provide for the compulsory acquisition or use of property without adequate compensation.”

On hundred Malay families have been forcibly removed from their homes in the pursuit of profits for cronies. Without government assisting and abetting the developer, this project could not pay the low prices for the land, and make bumper profits.

There is no empathy and compassion in Madani. The tactics of cutting off electricity and water should be questioned.

This and other landgrabs are occurring all over Malaysia.

1 comment:

  1. If the Racist Supremacist hamas Terrorist Supporters Race and Religion are impacted like those in Gaza.....Padan Muka?? Maybe tell Isreal where those kidnap hostages are could help your Kampung Baru?? Ini Logik Agama Facist Supremacist Agama Hamas!!
