Thursday, July 11, 2024

Biden's incredible shrinking path to victory


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Badlands News Brief

Trump's Plan, Biden's Path & Israel's Dilemma


Behind the Curtain: Trump's new 2024 plan

Former President Trump is adjusting his agenda, the GOP platform, his vice-presidential plans — even his debate style — to win over more than a half-dozen persuadable voter groups in seven states, advisers tell us.

Why it matters: Starting with the debate, every Trump move — from personally editing the Republican platform to lying low while President Biden's debate debacle sucked up attention — has been designed to nudge double-haters and truly undecided voters.

State of play: The Trump campaign sees a clearer map emerging, with these swing states being hardest to easiest to win, in this order: Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, North Carolina, Nevada and Arizona. (You could flip the first two, but the campaign puts Pennsylvania first because it's the biggest swing state, and because Biden desperately needs it.)

Job 1 for the V.P. nominee, besides raising money, will be to park in Pennsylvania to try to deny Biden the biggest of his Blue Wall states. The Rust Belt appeal of Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) helped rocket him to one of the finalist slots to be Trump's running mate.

The Trump-orchestrated platform adopted this week by the Republican National Committee targets very specific groups in these states — most notably Rust Belt, working-class, white voters ... plus security-focused moms who are skeptical of Trump's style but care about the border and crime ... Hispanic, working-class men ... and Nevada bartenders angered by high taxes on tips. — Axios

And …

Biden's incredible shrinking path to victory

President Biden appears, for now, to have stalled the Democratic coup triggered by his disastrous debate performance — but at a potentially massive cost.

Why it matters: If Biden remains the nominee and loses to former President Trump in November, as many Democrats privately and publicly believe he will, the failed rebellion will haunt the party for years.

Driving the news: Cook Political Report moved six states toward Trump in its Electoral College ratings Tuesday, citing Biden's decline in national and private battleground polls shared by both Democratic and GOP sources.

The big picture: Heading into the debate, Biden was already a historically unpopular incumbent with a narrow path to winning 270 electoral votes.

It was the Biden campaign that requested the debate in June — the earliest in U.S. history — in a strategic bid to reset the race and draw national attention to Trump's flaws.

The gamble backfired in spectacular fashion, redirecting scrutiny to Biden's biggest vulnerability — his age — and setting off widespread calls for him to drop out for the first time all campaign.

Zoom in: Two weeks into the post-debate meltdown, Democrats have found themselves in arguably the worst of all scenarios. — Axios

Our Take: The legacy media relies on their audience’s gullibility and institutional trust, but as people awaken to the deception by their trusted sources, the power of those outlets diminishes, audiences dwindle.

Take Axios, for example. Since Biden’s debate disaster, the outlet appeared to be firmly on Team Replacement, publishing borderline disparagement that relied solely on ‘anonymous sources close to the matter.’

It seems that now they realize Biden isn’t going anywhere.

In the two articles before us here, we see Axios being critical of both candidates, but not in equal ways. While the outlet’s Biden critiques focus on his age and feebleness, their approach to Trump is to repeat the ‘convicted felon’ lines and screech about abortion. This tactic is directly in line with the Democrat Politicians and NGOs, who have spent the last couple weeks declaring that Heritage’s Project 2025 is the much anticipated sequel to the Handmaid’s Tale.

Like I said, their audiences aren’t that bright.

Taking these articles together, the outlet will say, ‘Look at us being so balanced, being so critical of both sides.’

But they’re not actually.

In each of these articles, when you cut through the nonsense and noise, you get to Axios’ key takeaway, where the outlet confidently, and repeatedly, asserts that, despite all these ‘new’ and ‘urgent’ revelations about the President having dementia, the candidates are still ‘neck and neck.’

They have to protect the 50/50 country lie with everything they have. It’s one of their biggest lies of all, responsible for perceived national division and solidified through ceremonial and theatrical ‘elections.’ As long as we are a 50/50 country, they can claim a tiny majority and do whatever they want.

When our countrymen figure that out — that we are not a 50/50 country, and they only believed that we were because outlets like Axios abused their trust — everything will change. — Ashe in America


  1. Sleepy Joe would be disastrous.
    Moscow Donald would be tragic.

  2. Is that a MAGA threat?


    So, if Joe Biden stays, the Narrative Whiplash continues … and if he goes, it accelerates.

    As for what exactly Narrative Whiplash entails, it describes a mass psychological process through which Cognitive Dissonance is pushed until its natural breaking point, resulting in both the dissolution of the False Reality—the story they’ve been programmed with—as well as resolution with the stories we’ve been telling in the interim—stories most synonymous with truth.


  3. ~~~~~

    DERANGED Joy Reid defends Joe Biden’s gaffes, and praises his “big boy” press conference performance.

    Reid claims that Joe mixing up names is “just normal Biden”.

    These people actually believe all of us are stupid.

  4. ~~~~~

    Peace talks with Trump at Mar a Lago.
    Warmongering at Biden’s press conference.

    Peace mission 5.0
    It was an honour to visit President @realDonaldTrump at Mar-a-Lago today. We discussed ways to make #peace. The good news of the day: he’s going to solve it!

  5. Lot's of "pick-me-up" viral along the way... enough popcorn stock to last?


    "“If any of these guys think I shouldn’t run, run against me — go ahead, announce for president,” he said. “Challenge me at the convention.”

    The message coming from the White House is clear: Biden isn’t going anywhere, and if you come after him you’ll be the one who gets blamed for undermining the party’s general election chances.

    We weren’t the only ones to notice the parallels. “It very much reminded me of Trump,” said one Democratic strategist after Biden’s call-in to Morning Joe (once a favorite Trump venue, by the way). “Tactically, Biden’s phoner was stealing a page out of the Trump playbook,” a Republican strategist said."

  6. ~~~~~

    "Trump advisers have told allied countries the reduced intel sharing would be part of a broader plan to scale back U.S. support and cooperation with the 32-nation alliance, according to three European officials and a senior NATO official, who were granted anonymity to discuss internal discussions.

    The officials said they learned about the proposal to curb intelligence-sharing during discussions with Trump advisers about broader plans to reduce U.S. involvement with NATO. The former president repeatedly questioned and sought to undercut the alliance during his first term in office."
    "The U.S. has always shared certain information with its allies to, for example, help them prepare for a potential terror attack or to help the alliance bolster itself against an immediate military threat.

    During Trump’s first term, his intelligence officials toed the line, sharing intelligence with its closest security partners, including those in the Five Eyes alliance. It did not go above and beyond what was required or custom."


  7. Freudian slip or puppet telling the truth?


    BIDEN: "I'm following the advice of my commander-in-chief" 😳


  8. Is it?

    Meronta monster nanti kalu betul...


    They're telling you out loud.

    And by them, I'm not referring to the Deep State. I'm referring to patriots in the Sovereign Alliance, Ghosts in the Media Machine using the reanimated corpse of the memory of Joe Biden, currently living out the #OurBoyBlue narrative deployment.

    Every so often, patriots decide to throw a cross straight down the middle, right into the Collective Mind's eye, to see if it shatters any cognitive dissonance walls that might have been just about ready to crack, once the laughter and the slow-mounting dread of witnessing the dissolution of the false reality subsides.

    Joe Biden is not the president of the United States. Donald Trump is.

    Volodymyr Zelenskyy is not the president of Ukraine. Vladimir Putin is.

    The rest, as I always say, is a matter of timing, and awakening.

    We're in a War of Stories, and stories are defined and powered by the characters that make them up.

    You've been told the choice to know will be yours. Always has been.

    Wakey wakey, Anon.
