Thursday, August 17, 2023

Ex-head of PN cybertroopers shares 5 reasons why Malays are anti-DAP

Ex-head of PN cybertroopers shares 5 reasons why Malays are anti-DAP

A NETIZEN who claimed to be a former Perikatan Nasional (PN) cybertrooper leader has come forward ‘to spill the beans’ as to why Malays are not fond of DAP – a sentiment that has soured further ever since the component party of Pakatan Harapan (PH) became part of the unity government in the aftermath of the 15th General Election (GE15).

“Many people are wondering what is so nasty about DAP until Malays dislike them … As the former PN cybertrooper head, I’m probably the most qualified person to answer the question. Let me share with you five reasons,” the youthful looking netizen explained in a northern Malay dialect.

Reason 1

DAP won many parliamentary seats, the most within the coalition government (40 seats) yet they are content with having only four cabinet ministers. Their rationale is that they want to ensure that the stability of the country is guaranteed.

“Malays don’t like this kind of behaviour. If we are able to win more seats, then we should deserve even more ministerial positions,” quipped the netizen.

Reason 2

Again in Perak, DAP won the most number of state seats (18) during the state election which was held in tandem with the GE15 on Nov 19 last year.

“But they can humbly surrender the Menteri Besar (MB) post to the Malays,” lamented the netizen. “MB Datuk Seri Saarani Mohamad is from UMNO. How can you simply surrender your right to someone else? By right, if you win big, you deserve to be the MB.”

Reason 3

Although DAP is known to be a Chinese majority party, it has been fielding Malay candidates for both the parliamentary and state-level elections. And they have no problem winning.

“Young Syefura (Othman) who used to be a Ketari state assemblywoman is now a Bentong MP. For Bangi, they (DAP) go looking for a constitutional expert, a lawyer who is still young yet has won big (Syahredzan Johan). Among the Malays in DAP, the Bangi constituency raked in the highest number of votes,” revealed the netizen.

“The other person from Penang was just an ordinary state assemblywoman, but when upgraded to be a parliamentary candidate, she won and became the Bukit Bandera MP (Syerleena Abdul Rashid).

“When they (DAP) do this, the Malays have a headache. They couldn’t believe their eyes that DAP truly fielded Malay candidates … not any candidate but those with charisma and qualifications. So in short, they (DAP) won in Chinese area and won again in Malay area. This is why the Malays dislike DAP.”

Reason 4

Malays cannot accept the fact that while DAP does have many ministers, their ministers always render outstanding performances.

“They enjoy wide media coverage with their faces always fill up newspapers. The Malays always wonder what is behind their ideas of helping the people,” shared the netizen.

“A good example is (Transport Minister) Anthony Loke who is the No. 1 performer whether it comes to LRT (Light Rail Transit) or buses—two modes of transportation in which the Malays (both adults and children) are the biggest users.

(Housing and Local Development Minister) Ngar Kor Ming has no qualms about repairing houses in the Malay area. Aside from ensuring the fire brigade service gets better facilities, he also fought for the allowances of the fire brigade staff to be increased.”

Reason 5

This is the reason most disliked by the Malays. Penang is deemed a DAP state, yet a big allocation of close to RM1 bil is set aside for the Muslim community.

“The hufaz (people who are able to memorise the Quran) are given priority, KAFA (Quran and Fardu Ain) teachers get a raise in their allowance while mosques are being upgraded, religious functions can take place smoothly without disturbances and even the azan (call for prayers) can be heard up to twice at dawn,” explained the netizen.

“By right, DAP should focus only on caring only for the welfare of non-Muslims instead of messing up with the welfare for the Muslims. Such virtuous acts have caused headaches among Muslims who reckon that it would be better for them to vote for DAP who is able to look after their welfare instead of voting for states with so-called Islamic administration like in Kedah yet water supply is scarce or Kelantan when the water is murky.”

He added: “Likewise, allocations for Islamic matters are not as high (in PN states), mosques encounter leakages here and there with their wood infested by termites while teachers at religious schools of the KAFA teachers not given proper attention.

“By right, the Malays should consider choosing Gerakan even though they were caught up in events like May 13 or opposed the implementation of hudud until the matter became a court case. But since Gerakan became an ally of PAS, the party has suddenly appeared purified and seemingly sacred”. – Aug 16, 2023


kt comments:

DAP has adopted the 'don't spook the Melayu' policy, which as our young friend commented, are actually disliked by the Malays. The more DAP ampu/bodek the Malays, the more the Malays dislike DAP - wakakaka! Serve the DAP leaders right!


  1. PN ran a VERY SUCCESSFUL propaganda campaign, not so much directly against DAP itself, but against its PH partners and UMNO by extension.

  2. by not spooking the malays dislike by the malays!? you must be demented kt, if i understood the article correctly, it is plain simple straight forward resentment of the right things the dap are doing, but i usually take self confessed 'trooper' with an overdose of suspicion

    1. i'm just as confused as you've been, wakakaka, but you've been right - it's plain simple straight forward resentment of the right things the dap have been doing
