Sunday, August 06, 2023

Backlash surrounding PN’s manifesto for Selangor state polls

Backlash surrounding PN’s manifesto for Selangor state polls

PERIKATAN Nasional (PN) leader and former prime minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, has defended his coalition’s manifesto, stating that it is not a mere copy-paste job but a demonstration of their experience in governing and it will prove vital in the states that will have the 15th state polls on Aug 12.

However, netizens are skeptical of the lavish promises made by PN, with some suggesting that the manifesto resembles a vote-buying exercise and lacks substance as it gives away excessive amounts of cash for free.

Netizens are going as far as saying that the PN leadership lacks intelligence based on the content of the manifesto. Criticism is not confined to Twitter users alone; Facebook users have also expressed severe backlash towards PN’s Selangor manifesto.

Selangor is a major focus for the opposition coalition as they aim to take it away from the ruling Pakatan Harapan (PH).

Yesterday (Aug 4), PN launched its Selangor manifesto for the state polls, featuring assistance and initiatives for residents.

It includes expanding free water supply subsidy to households earning up to RM15,000 monthly. Muhyiddin also pledged an annual two-month salary allowance for state civil servants as a token of appreciation.

On the other hand, others express disappointment, claiming that the coalition’s promises lack originality and that existing programs should be continued by the current government.

Netizens had this to say:

“PH has already done that (free water etc) Muhyiddin. You do not have any new ideas eh? You want Selangor, Do you want to lay the state to waste by looting it?

User @EncikBuck said:

“Is PN ignorant or foolish? They want people to vote for them, but they keep promising things that others have already done. Isn’t that ridiculous? If they want to make promises, at least come up with something new. If they keep promising things that people in Selangor have already experienced, it’s better to stick with the current government.”

Meanwhile on Facebook, user Mizi Ismail said:

“The people of Selangor are not foolish. They don’t want Selangor to become like Kedah and Kelantan. If they are so smart, they should make Kedah and Kelantan like Selangor. Kedah and Kelantan are PN-led states, so why not make them like states governed by PH or Barisan Nasional? Is it possible?”

“I believe that if Muhyiddin announces something, he will definitely fulfil it if PN wins in Selangor. Besides, Datuk Seri Azmin Ali is indeed an effective menteri besar.” – Aug 5, 2023


  1. Regardless, the Green Tsunami is real.

  2. The stupidity is that these gullible malay/muslims do not stop to look and compare the status of the PN run states against the PH run states.

    If those gullible and ignorant rural malay/muslims had made objective comparisons, PAS would have lost Kelantan years ago and Trengganu and Kedah would not have switched to PAS control.

    So PH need to ask why, despite the obvious backwardness of these states, especially Kelantan, PAS keeps winning there.

    The use of madrasahs to breed new generations of PAS zombies is one of possible answers.

    The other is the sermons at Friday prayers. One can imagine the indoctrination going on week after week.
    And that is why PAS dares and continually ignore royalty's order for political sermons not to be conducted at mosques.
