Wednesday, July 05, 2023

YouTuber accuses PAS leader of pirating, misrepresenting video

YouTuber accuses PAS leader of pirating, misrepresenting video

A content creator on YouTube has lodged a police report accusing PAS Youth chief Ahmad Fadhli Shaari of pirating and misrepresenting one of his videos.

Tang Qi Yau, who runs the “Ah Yau Talks Politics” YouTube channel, also expressed concern that it could cause others to mistake him as a Perikatan Nasional (PN) supporter.

Tang (above) uploaded a video on July 1 where he conducted a series of vox pop interviews asking Malays in Rembau, Negeri Sembilan, regarding Umno’s chances in the upcoming state election.

In his police report, he said he learned at about 2pm on Monday that Fadhli had republished his video without his permission.

“He used my videos alongside captions that appear to promote (PN) and raises concern that some individuals would misunderstand the video.

“The purpose of this report is to emphasise that the videos were published without my permission and for the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission’s reference,” he said in the police report sighted by Malaysiakini.

The report was lodged at the Kajang police station yesterday.

After lodging the police report, Tang also posted a short video urging Fadhli to take down the allegedly infringing videos that he had posted on TikTok and Facebook.

“I don’t want this to cause more issues later. It has been ongoing for a while and it’s very tiring for me.

“I do not rule out taking further legal action; it all depends on whether this YB (Fadhli) would take down those videos,” he said.

He added that Fadhli had not only infringed on his copyright as a content creator, but his behaviour was also disrespectful to creators.

He explained that while Fadhli had posted the full 15-minute video on Facebook including a link to the original video, only the first 10 minutes was shown on Tiktok.

“This creates a risk if people only watch the first 10 minutes […] They might think I’m working for PN. This is the main reason I wanted to lodge a report and protect myself,” he said.

In the original video, some interviewees were seen criticising Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, while at least two identified as PN supporters.

However, the final interviewee featured in the video opined that the constituency is an Umno area and its supporters’ votes will go to Umno and its new allies in Pakatan Harapan.

The video Fadhli posted on Tiktok omits the last five minutes of the video, including the final interview.

Fadhli also wrote on Facebook: “Praise be to God, more and more people are opening their eyes. God willing the people of Negeri Sembilan will choose PN.

“Thank you for conducting this Chinese-language coverage.”

As of 12am this morning, the video on Tiktok has been removed but the one posted on Facebook is still viewable.

1 comment:

  1. We all know that PAS is composed of people with little or no integrity.

    Lies and hypocrital statements are their SOP. The talk so much of their allah but actually behave contrary to their supposedly great religion.

    Tang should explore if he can sue the PAS idiot
