Monday, July 10, 2023

Varsity quota misconstrued by MCA, says Zahid


Varsity quota misconstrued by MCA, says Zahid

The deputy prime minister said the existence of the quota does not mean other students would be barred from enrolling into public universities.

The government has stated that the Bumiputera quota on university admissions would be maintained, prompting criticism from Nicole Wong of MCA Youth.

KUALA LUMPUR: Deputy prime minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi believes that MCA Youth chief Nicole Wong has misinterpreted the government’s stand on quotas for Bumiputeras in higher learning institutions.

Zahid, who is also Barisan Nasional chairman, said maintaining the Bumiputera quota does not mean that other students would be barred from enrolling into public universities.

“Of course, there will be a quota for the Bumiputeras, as it’s stated in the Federal Constitution. But that does not mean we are denying (students) of other ethnicities from enrolling.

“I think it is a misunderstanding that can be corrected,” Zahid told reporters at a press conference at Dataran Merdeka here.

Yesterday, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said quotas for Bumiputeras in institutions of higher learning should be maintained though slots should also be given to high-achievers from other communities.

Wong was quoted by Malaysiakini earlier today as disagreeing with Anwar on the matter, saying it made it seem like Malaysia had regressed to the 1960s and 1970s.

She claimed that the quota was one of the reasons why local public varsities have failed to rise in global university rankings.

1 comment:

  1. Quota given to over-medium tongkat mark is tolerable. At least out from this group some deadwoods would miraculously appear.

    But given chances to burred & under par mediocres just to make up the score is definitely a no no.

    It destroys the sole purpose of uplifting & bootstrapping the tongkat race via egoistic models & visible affirmative inductions.

    Yet when the very wrong group of the people r been given those preferential treatments w/o a silver of true effort & talent, one gets the sopo status quo of the current bolihland - greedy invertebrates & opulent-seeking hp6, with kabel connections, take charge of the future of the nation!

    Who is going to suffer?

    The Nons with years of surviving under unfair affirmative & arduous discriminative environment can get through - via those forced incubated trainings.

    The tongkat race WOULDN'T!

    They have lost that surviving instinct via years of cozy meme-ed superficial ketuanan superiority!
