Sunday, July 09, 2023

Hadi: DAP continuing British plans to destroy Malay supremacy aided by Malays who have forgotten their roots

Hadi: DAP continuing British plans to destroy Malay supremacy aided by Malays who have forgotten their roots

In a statement today, PAS president Tan Sri Abdul Hadi Awang said that his party is also pushing for Malay unity to fight against efforts to destroy the Malay race just like what happened to the Native Americans. — Picture by Hari Anggara

Saturday, 08 Jul 2023 3:37 PM MYT

KUALA LUMPUR, July 8 — PAS president Tan Sri Abdul Hadi Awang today said that DAP is continuing the plan started by the British colonisers to destroy Malay and Bumiputera supremacy with the support of Malays who have forgotten their roots.

In a statement today, he said that his party is also pushing for Malay unity to fight against efforts to destroy the Malay race just like what happened to the Native Americans.

“When we call for Malay unity, it does not mean that we want to destroy the Chinese and Indian races.

“What is refuted is the efforts to destroy the Malay race and its supremacy or to disable it as what was done to the ‘Red Indians’ in America,” he said, using a term often deemed offensive to Native Americans.

He said that DAP has elected Malay spokesmen who have forgotten their Malayness and are neglectful of Islam as their religion, while also labelling Malays who defend their race and religion as racist.

He added that PKR’s view that non-Malays have the right to participate in debates regarding the Shariah legal system is “wrong”.

“Unfortunately, Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah) MPs also follow DAP in these debates,” he said.

He went on to express disapproval of the amendment to the Penal Code which decriminalises attempts to commit suicide, which he said was banned for all Malaysians under Islam irrespective of religion.

He attributed this to DAP’s influence.

However, he insisted that the Shariah courts have power only over Muslims and do not involve non-Muslims.

He also accused ethnic Chinese and Indians of defending the Western influence in wearing immodest clothing.

“Their attitude defends Western culture and not their original culture from China and India,” he said.

On Monday, DAP national chairman Lim Guan Eng called for Hadi to be held accountable for extremist statements touching on race, religion and royalty (3R).

Last year, data provided by data scientist and economist Thevesh Theva showed that contrary to claims the ethnic Chinese in DAP will ruin the unity government, there are twice as more Bumiputera MPs than ethnic Chinese ones in the administration.


  1. Here he goes again, spewing his vitriol.

    The sad fact is that many believe his rubbish as if he (hadi) speaks for his allah and thus must be believed.

    1. what could a Pak Lebai with no substance say

    2. Majority of Malays respect Hadi
