Monday, June 12, 2023

Netizens berate Tun M as he rants about Malays losing their land

Netizens berate Tun M as he rants about Malays losing their land

WHILE some netizens have praised Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad for his eye-opening revelation of the fact that Malays no longer own much land in the country, others have chastised him for insinuating that the Malays had sold their land at low prices to foreign immigrants (i.e., the Chinese and Indians).

“In (the then) Malaya, there are no restrictions on anyone in land ownership. After becoming rich, a lot of land was bought by the immigrant tribes and their descendants,” penned the two-time former premier in his latest Facebook post.

“Selling land is a source of income for Malays. Land, if not sold will remain forever. But if sold, the money found does not last. Money will run out when spent. So when the land is sold and the money found is spent, the seller of the land will be poorer. Then there is nothing else to be sold apart from the body strength.”

When this happens, Dr Mahathir reckoned that one has two options – either to sell one’s energy as a labourer or to become a beggar. “There is no need to explain the fate of beggars. It is too late to return the land that was once owned by the Malays.”

One would expect the country’s longest serving PM of 22 years and 22 months to attract many sympathisers with his above deduction but only for netizen Abdul Rahim Hilmi Zakariya to ridicule him:

“The smallest Malay reserve land was during Tun’s time as PM4 (fourth PM). Only 9.83% of land in the Peninsula was Malay reserve land in 1983,” shared Abdul Rahim.

“The highest percentage of Malay reserve land after independence was in 2017 during the era of (Datuk Seri) Najib Razak at 33.3%. What troubled the Malays is actually Tun.”

Netizen Keadilan Harapan Malaysia chided Dr Mahathir for needing “to hide his failure towards the Malay race after having reigned as PM for 22 years amd 22 months” while Ron Neser Misell likened the world’s oldest PM as having “awaken from a deep slumber of 22 years and 22 months”.

Oldman Tan wondered why when Dr Mahathir was in power, he “failed to help the Malays the way PM AI (Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim) is doing now”. “So you are responsible for the failure of the Malay race as define by you,” deduced Oldman Tan.

Soon Yew Liow stressed on the need to move forward and “make a big change with the future instead of always referring back to history” while Muing Kajan described Dr Mahathir as “very desperate”.

“His sentiment of race/immigrants is endless. Neighbouring countries are far ahead, of us and we are still busy harping on race and stories of our ancestors,” lamented the netizen.

Sohaimi King opined that it would have been better for Dr Mahathnir to raise such big issue when he was in power for 22 years.

“With the power as the country’s No. 1 at that time, Tun would be able to outline the directions, strategies and actions to raise the dignity of the Malay race,” justified Sohaimi. “Now Tun has become an ordinary citizen just like us. The opportunity to be in power that God has bestowed to Tun for such a long period of time has apparently been wasted.”

Zakaria Zack took a jibe at Dr Mahathir by reminding him that a lot of land in Langkawi have been developed for hotels and resorts “until one candidate lost his deposit in the last general election”. “The land of Malay origin is also lost,” he chided.

Finally, Goh Ling Yueh proposed a short and sweet conclusion by asking Dr Mahathir when he would be publishing “a Malaysian historical text book?” – June 12, 2023

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